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First time here

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    First time here

    Welcome OBF!!
    Yes - I know your story. My drinking became a daily thing after separating from my husband 6 years ago. I am in the later half of my forties, have 3 kids getting all grown up, and function well - but really had to stop the daily litre of wine. I have had some success here - not 100% AF, my goal is really moderation ODAT, but I have succeeded in abstaining on work nights and even some weekend nights - and I feel WAY better and have improved other areas of my life as a direct result. So keep posting and reading and you will win!!
    xoxo Peanut


      First time here


      I hope I can find the way back to a reply to my post... it's a bit confusing :new: yes I am the same as you guys stuck in a bad place.

      I have been to de-tox twice but fell off the wagon again, I have 3 children my elder son jamie 19, my girl bonnie 17 and my little oliver 5 years. I am 49 yrs and had a very abusive partner, he didn't really drink much, he just smoked 50 cigs a day and other stuff if he could get it!!!

      he a left year & half ago.. which was very hard at first but it is probably for the best... no more beatings..

      have any of you guys heard of "reVia" ??? I asked my doctor for something to stop the craving for drink coz I can't go back into the clinic my daughter will never forgive me..

      I am obviosly still drinkiing wine coz in the morning I can't operate without a bit.. sure you all know what I mean.. ?

      but I started to take this drug and it just knocked me out , which is no good with 3 kids does anyone know if you can saftley take this drug while trying to get off the booze??

      I am so fed up not being able to operate in the daytime coz I drink to hide & sleep and then at night can't sleep so wake up and have a drink to try and sleep.... madness isn't it ?



        First time here

        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          First time here

          Happy Sunday morning to you OBF - great to see another kiwi on here!! There are a couple of us here already (2 in Ak and me in Wgtn) and relatively new as well. And 2 of us are just committing to 30 days AF from tomorrow if you want to join us. So welcome!

          an amazingly rainy day down here ........ has been hosing down all night and all morning!
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            First time here

            Morena (good morning in Maori) to everyone! I have no desire to drink?? None at all last night and no thoughts that I will want to tonigt? I wonder if it's the excitement of finding this sight! I felt an amazing soul stirring when I found and joined MYO yesterday but am under no illusions I've been healed just be DISCOVERING A GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS FOR HEALING!! Well when I put it that way, maybe I have been 'Saved'. I would like to thank everyone for the welcomes and the inredible honesty and the stories, which I realise are all the same at the end of the day. So my message to you today is let the drug of choice be hope and faith for today at least!!!!



              First time here

              Morena OBF, and welcome to you and other newbies :welcome:

              I too had an "epiphany" when I found this site, and am now on day 25 AF (alcohol free). I would not have thought it possible before finding this place, and it really is thanks to the programme and more importantly the wonderful people here.

              A couple of other threads you might want to check out - a newbie thread on the general discussion board called "day 1-30: hello sober living" and a thread on the just starting out board called "Fireworks..." for those wanting to do the 30 days AF.

              Look forward to hearing more from you, and wishing you much strength and courage as you set out to regain your peace and joy.

              Wooflet x


                First time here

                Hi Janet H,
                Sounds hellish really at your end. You gotta decide not to drink or not to take the anti-craving drug. Take both and you could really end up in strife, or your baby could. I feel for you. Go back to your doctor and be upfront. I was once prescribed something called Antabuse but told under no circumstances could I drink if I took it. So I took it for a couple of weeks and didn't touch a drop. Then I decided my drinking was under control, so I stopped taking it and waited another week before having a drink. I still got awful side effects ... so be careful!!



                  First time here

                  For Janet H. - reVia Info.

                  REVIA (for alcoholism)

                  Revia (naltrexone) has been around for decades as a treatment for heroin addiction (see discussion below). In 1995, several excellent research studies found it to be very useful in the treatment of alcoholism as well. It is very different from Antabuse in that it does not make you sick if you drink alcohol while taking it. Rather, when compared to people who took a placebo pill, patients on Revia had less craving for alcohol, stayed in treatment longer, had better treatment outcomes, and had fewer ?slips?. Most interestingly, patients on Revia who did drink tended to stop after a few drinks while patients on the placebo pill who drank tended to do what alcoholics in recovery usually do on a ?slip? - get drunk. When asked why they stopped drinking after the first or second drink, the Revia patients said that the alcohol didn?t feel right and that after one or two drinks they decided to stop. As we all know, most alcoholics who have one or two drinks find it very difficult to stop and their power of decision in the matter is much reduced.

                  How does Revia work for alcoholics? To explain this you need to understand a little brain chemistry. You?ve probably heard of endorphins, natural chemicals in your brain that are very similar to narcotic drugs like heroin. They help to keep you calm, emotionally balanced, and motivated to do rewarding behaviors in life. Alcoholics have lower levels of endorphins compared to non-alcoholics and, when given alcohol, alcoholics respond with a surge in endorphins; non-alcoholics do not. This endorphin surge in response to the first drink is what makes alcoholics want and need to take the next drink and the next. This is what AA means by the saying, ?it?s the first drink that makes you drunk.? Revia makes alcohol feel less stimulating, less reinforcing. It will not prevent you from drinking like Antabuse usually will and you can still get drunk and experience whatever consequences that usually brings you. It does seem to help people control their drinking somewhat.

                  Here is the link to the web page I found it on. You can also read up on how Antabuse works as well. :l

                  Medications that can Help Us Avoid Relapse in Early Recovery [Patient Handout] -


                    First time here

                    How do i get there, I have looked...


