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    Hi All,
    I've been reading your messages and think this might be useful for me. I am 28 and a problem drinker. I drink 2 bottles of wine most days and I'm sick of it to be honest, can't stand the guilt.

    I haven't read the book or anything, just found the site today, what do people think?

    I've tried to stop/reduce my drinking on my own and i simply can't do it. I've recently got married andI don't want my drinking to jeopardise that, myhusband has already commented on my drinking, help!



    Hi Dazzle,

    You have come to the right place for help with your drinking and it sounds like you are serious about cutting back or quitting completely. You are at an age that is perfect for getting AL under control and are very smart for getting out in front of the problem. Many people here, myself included, have waited until their 40's, 50's or even 60's before addressing the issues. We wasted a lot of time being wasted! Also, if your new hubby has already commented on your consumption it is likely that it will eventually affect your marriage.

    I would suggest that you download the book from this site and read it over the next couple of days. It is only 80 pages and is a very quick read. It will help you understand what problem we are all dealing with. Then it is a matter of deciding what program you want to start. I read the book, went to the pharmacy to get the supplements, and ordered the cd's. I haven't decided on whether to take Topomax yet as I am doing pretty good without it.

    I have been AF (alcohol free) 32 out of 39 days since I started. I had a bad seven day bender a couple of weeks ago but pulled out of it with the help of the people here.

    Welcome to the MWO community! My advice to you is to get started! You are 28 and have a entire future in front of you!



      Hello there!

      This is the perfect spot to help you out. It has really helped me since I have started coming here, and the people are wonderful. You couldn't wish for a better support system.

      Case if right, if your new hubby has already made comments on it, it probably will become an issue in the future. But the good news is that you are young; and probably have lots of ways to fill up your time when the urge hits you.



        Hi Dazzle and welcome!
        Congratulations for making that first move.Admitting you may be in trouble,is a big step.There is lots to learn here about alcohol and its effects on life from people from all over.Read as much as you can.If possible buy the MWO book,and supplements.they will help a lot.Good luck and keep posting.xx



          Hi Dazzle! Just wanted to welcome you here. I second the motion about the book and supplements, and also the hypno CD's. It's still takes lots of effort to choose not to drink. I'm a shining example of one who keeps struggling. But the tools offered here help take the edge off when you are determined.

          I also ditto the congratulations on getting this problem under control while you are young. I just turned 50 this year and I hate to think about all the time I have wasted being wasted. Not to mention the toll excess drinking takes on your physically over time.

          I hope you will post often, and join the mission!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.



            Hi Dazzle :welcome: to MWO .........

            I'm in the UK too ........

            Yes this place is amazing ........... my advice is to download the book and read it ......... keep reading and posting and take advice from the wonderful people here who truly understand how you feel .........

            Keep us 'posted' ............

            Attached files [img]/converted_files/515176=3413-attachment.gif[/img]



              Welcome from me too - also in the UK. :welcome: You really have come to the best place. That's a lot of wine. You're young and you and your husband really do have the rest of your lives together hopefully. Try to use what you can from here. Everything seems to help different people in different ways. Downloading the book is a really good start. Then maybe order the supplements - a starter pack and see how you get on with those. The cds seem to help a lot of people. I do sometimes wonder if it would be an idea for those of us in the UK to try to put together an order of everything from the US and see if we can get it cheaper in a larger shipment. Also, I wonder if there are members out there who might be willing to loan their cds to new people so they can try before they buy? Anyway, I've gone well off topic - sorry!!

              Try what you can. What helps me a lot is using alcohol free wine when I really crave a drink. It really does satisfy a craving. And the L-Glutamine helps to take the cravings away before they start. The alcohol free wine is from a company here in the UK so you can get that by next day delivery.

              What I have forgotten to say is the BEST tool is this site and all the fabulously supportive people on it. Try and make sure you post every day if possible and then you will get to 'know' a few people and people will be looking out for you! It really does help. And chat is fun too. And the feeling you will get when you successfully go without alcohol will be another very good tool!!

              The best of luck. Look forward to seeing more of you.

              Bessie xx



                Just a little hi from me...yer im uk too...x
                Jacqui xxx
                Mwo,s worst speller....



                  Bessie where do you order your AF wine from???

                  BB xx



                    Hi Dazzle!:welcome:
                    I'm so glad you,ve found this site. The people here are really great and sooo not judgemental, but very encouraging. They know exactly what the struggle is! You are so young and I also agree it would be so good to nip this in the bud before it starts to take away from your life! You have so much to look forward to being newly married (but I can understand it is frightening too as its new and unknown) . You need all the support you can to help cut down/ stop the wine (I'm too a wine drinker- much more in control since being here)
                    The L glut does help with cravings and so does reading other posts- you are not alone!
                    Bessie- I agree we need to sort out something in the UK so that the shipment costs can be cut down - it makes sense!
                    Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
                    Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
                    For my yolk is easy and My burden is light



                      Hi Dazzle

                      I am new here also. This is a great forum of supportive people. I haven't even spent much time posting yet but I can already feel the non judgemental vibe and the support of the group.

                      I welcome you and urge you to stick with it. I am going to download the book tonite.

                      Talk anytime

                      __________________________________________________ _

                      Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.



                        Welcome dazzle & nowandzen :welcome: We try to help each other along be it a hug or a needed kick in the arse ( a loving one of course). Stick around and get to know people.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT




                          Wines from this place. Really good service, perfectly ok wines.

                          Low And No Alcohol Wines And Beer

                          Maybe after the bank holiday weekend some of the UKers can get together and see if it could work for ordering the supplements in a bulk order or something?

                          I'm waiting up to be a taxi service for my hubby and a couple of mates who have gone to a whisky tasting!! AF wine and tea have been my drinks of the evening and a couple of dvds!

                          Bessie xx



                            Hi Everyone

                            I got my supps from ebay mostly, and can give you the sellers if you want, they are all in uk and some were free postage
                            I only bought the one cd which was the main one, would be glad to make you a copy if you pm me - no charge of course!
                            I havent used the cd yet, but have so far managed to cut down dramatically, got champix from my doctor for quitting smoking and am trying to quit both at the same time
                            Only my first week on it though, but doing very well so far not AF free yet bet I honestly am getting cravings less and less




                              Thanks for all the messages, it does help I will definitely get the book asap as that seems agood place to start.

                              Do you all get the supplements from this site?

                              I know this might sound strange but there is a part of me that doesn't want to stop drinking despite the fact that I know that its destructive, it almost feels part of me. Also, it can be fun! I am certain that I need to change but I suppose I'm just scared,does that make sense?

