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What is it going to take?

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    What is it going to take?

    Hi everyone,

    I've been hanging out a bit just reading everyone's posts and gaining insight into everyone's personal stories. I read my own thoughts and experiences. "Functional" alcoholic, I guess, drink wine daily, a bottle or a little more, hold a job as a professional, active social life (although becoming less so due to AL), blah, blah, blah....... mother, wife. All looks great from the outside but I am absolutely miserable. Guilt-ridden, depressed, no energy, becoming more and more reclusive, gained about 15 lbs over the past 10 years due to AL, inactivity. Just want to come home after a 10 hour day at work and drink. I hang out on my laptop and DRINK. Lately, I've been hanging out on this site and drinking. Somehow, I feel less guilty if I'm drinking and reading about not drinking. I have read the book, have the supplements, started the topa, haven't started the CD's, just need the kick in my "large knickers" to set a start date and DO IT! Trlg is my hero. He says you just have to do it. All the other "stuff" can't help you if you don't say no.

    My goal is to start on Tuesday, clean out the liquor cabinet tomorrow, start the CD's tomorrow, and get the fat arse moving (and shortly into some tiny knickers) so even if I had a boss he would WANT to shag me.

    Sorry for rambling. This place will be my refuge and strength. Thanks for listening.

    This is an occasion for genuinely tiny knickers
    ? Bridget Jones

    What is it going to take?

    I cant resist this bridget jones.... put on your big girl pants! :H:H:H

    If AL is in my house, I am on it. That's all there is to it. I am wore out by falling down and getting back up. I don't seem to have the comitted level I had when younger. I have some other family issues that are going on but can't seem to rise above my triggers. But I WILL beat this. It is kick arse hard work. I thought I could just walk away. That person I used to be is asleep and needs to be awakened. I will throw a bucket of cold water on her to wake her up. I refuse to continue this path. So... I'm going to Lenair as I can't seem to do it alone. You do whatever it takes. You are off to a good start.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      What is it going to take?

      Hi Bridget! It seems pretty quiet here with the US holiday weekend and all. Welcome! I can relate to how you feel. My story is a lot like yours - functional drunk (my term for me - not you!) for many years. I became more and more reclusive over the last 10 years and finally got sick of it last year. I've struggled to stay on the wagon, but I'm determined!

      The MWO tools really help IMO. BUT...Mr. T is right - you have to want to quit. Nothing can stop me from drinking if I am determined to drink. The tools help take the edge off and IMO make it easier when married with fierce determination.

      I'm on Day 4 AF, hopefully for the last time. So...I hope you will join the AF bandwagon!

      LOL - my "boss" is my husband (we have our own business) so he wants to shag me no matter what shape I'm in. But I'd sure like to be VERY much more shaggable too!

      Have a good day and we'll be here to help you celebrate when you dump out the booze. There is no time like the present.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        What is it going to take?

        Bridge ..........

        I cant have it in the house either ........ so clear it out, start those supps (they really do help) and go for it .......

        There will be lots of us here to help you .........

        Doggygirl ............ great to see you back ........

        BTW my boss is my dad ...... you guys have just put a picture in my mind that really shouldn't be there LOL ........


          What is it going to take?

          Just want to say hi and welcome to MWO Bridget!!!! Looking forward to seeing you around the boards!! Janicexxx
          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            What is it going to take?

            Thanks all for the support.

            Greeneyes, good luck at lanair. I googled it. It sounds like a great place. Please keep us posted. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. This beast is a bastard!

            Congrats Doggygirl on day4! That's awesome! I hope to be writing that next Friday.... but ODAT!

            Betty and Janice, thanks for the support!

            See you on the boards. Trying to resist "blowing it out" tomorrow on the holiday..... Don't want a major hangover on my first day AF.

            This is an occasion for genuinely tiny knickers
            ? Bridget Jones

