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Hi, I'm new!

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    Hi, I'm new!


    Hi, just been reading a few of the posts so thought I'd say hi. I am a problem drinker, usually a bottle of wine or more a night, I really want to break the habit as its taking over my life. I phoned in sick at work today because of a killer hangover! Ive known I have a problem for a long time now and have tried and failed in the past to kick the habit. Came accross this website tonight and its given me a little ray of hope. Its nice to be able to talk openly to people with the same problems, I have never disscussed my addiction with anyone other than my doctor and I'm sure the people close to me have very little Idea of the severity of my habit - I'm very good at hiding it, empty bottles of wine in the back of the wardrobe. etc.
    I'm going to download the book tonight and start reading! x

    Hi, I'm new!

    Hi lp3

    Don't know how many times I got caught out hiding empty cans and bottles of vodka in the past, too many to mention TBH!!. I always thought I was so clever in coming up with unusual places to hide them as well. My partner at the time would always find them though. I knew when I started doing this that my drinking was not 'normal' though but I still carried on for years thinking I always had one up on her and she couldn't see through the lies and deceit.

    I tried 10 years ago to give up but for all the wrong reasons i.e. they weren't mine!! did it for everyone else BUT me. Been struggling a bit recently myself and have taken myself back to AA for all the RIGHT reasons this time and I'm finally starting to let go a bit and live in the moment. I'm too fond of reminiscing and wanting the lifestyle back I once had, even though that comes at a price.

    Glad you've taken the first step anyway and made your first post and introduced yourself. This is a great site to be able to open up and share ANYTHING. Good and bad it doesn't matter and I've never once been judged on what I post here and that is what we all need I think. Judgments and resentments can be left outside!!!!lol

    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


      Hi, I'm new!

      Thanks Hippie,

      I already feel more in control just taking this small step. Its just so nice to be able to talk openly about it to people in the same situation x :thanks:


        Hi, I'm new!

        :hello2::colorwelcome: thats sounds like a great plan.. this a great site for support and to learn the best way for you ..keep reading and posting any or all of your questions.. good luck and god bless
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          Hi, I'm new!

          Hi, I thought I was re-reading my own post that I had just put on this site - also my first one.
          I can relate to the bottles of wine in the cupboard, but I have also had heaps of other clever hiding places. My husband finds them though (the empty ones) because I often forget where I left them.
          I have also spoken to my doctor, and am also off work today for the same reason . Good luck with reading the book, I really enjoyed (and cried) reading it as I could relate to so much.


            Hi, I'm new!

            Hello and welcome!!

            I was born north of Manchester, but left at 12 years old. I wish you well on your journey of recovery, because this is the best site ever.

            It is important to take the supplements, especially the Amino Acids, if you can get that in a supplement from a health food store, it will help immensely.:welcome:
            Enlightened by MWO


              Hi, I'm new!

              Hi lp3 and welcome to MWO........this is a great community, full of support and encouragement for those good days and bad. You've taken the first step coming here and posting.......its all about taking control instead of the alcohol controlling you!!

              Good luck,


              ps my daughter's in her first year at Manchester Uni......loves it!
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                Hi, I'm new!

                Hi lp3 and welcome! This is a great site full of wonderful support.

                I'm glad you are reading the book. I too recommend the supplements. In addition to what's in the starter pack, I also recommend the GABA. At least for me, it seems to lift my spirits a bit, and have a calming effect. Nothing that makes me feel like I'm "drugged" or anything - just a little bit that makes the day go along more calmly.

                I can't wait to totally get the booze beast off my back. I'll keep coming back here and working it until I get it right. I'm recently back on the wagon on Day 5 AF (Alcohol Free). You can do it too.

                Best wishes,

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Hi, I'm new!

                  Hi LP, Welcome

                  You are lucky to have found this site. It has been a huge help to me. One day I woke up destroyed by the booze and still drunk and said a prayer that something had to change , please , or I was headed to the grave. That very same day I found this site. Today I am on 13 days dry (with lots and lots of slips along the way) but for me 13 days is something of a miracle. Read lots of other peoples stories and we soon learn that we are just regular old alcoholics (not party drunks or "problem drinkers") and that there is hope, lots of it. Welcome.

                  And Dolphin, please don't beat yourself up. You asked for help and that's what we are here for. And just think, today is a new AF day, if we are blessed. Love to you, :l.


                    Hi, I'm new!

                    Thanks for all your wonderful support guys,
                    I havent had a drink tonight, only cups of tea so I'm still feeling pretty positive, the next 2 or 3 days might be more difficult though, I know I just need to keep the momentum going. I often find if I get past 9pm then I kind of stop thinking about needing/wanting a drink, does anyone else have that kind of pattern? Also I think I often mistake hunger for needing a drink because I find if I eat first then my craving goes away! does this ring any bells with anyone? Thanks again to you all:thanks:


                      Hi, I'm new!

                      lp3 - yes, it is very important to eat 'often' in the early days. Many of us found a lot of the cravings were squashed, once we ate. I also was never a breakfast person, I now eat breakfast. Eating small meals frequently will help you.

                      I also found riding it out, until late evening, my desire to drink was no longer there.

                      You can do this! You are understanding what is happening, and that is a huge part of the battle.


                        Hi, I'm new!

                        lp3;332944 wrote: Thanks for all your wonderful support guys,
                        I havent had a drink tonight, only cups of tea so I'm still feeling pretty positive, the next 2 or 3 days might be more difficult though, I know I just need to keep the momentum going. I often find if I get past 9pm then I kind of stop thinking about needing/wanting a drink, does anyone else have that kind of pattern? Also I think I often mistake hunger for needing a drink because I find if I eat first then my craving goes away! does this ring any bells with anyone?
                        Thanks again to you all:thanks:
                        :welcome: :new: too

                        I used to think I wanted a beer but was really just hungry. Order the Kudzu from this site
                        it may really help with the cravings. Once I found this site and realized I was not 'alone'
                        going AF became the only sensible option for me. If you think you need a drink just come here and read some posts.

