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    I believe that the power to prevail is within us all. There will always be times of trial in all our lives,but that shouldn't be seen as a negative thing because,without trials,we cannot progress. Attempting to give up the bottle is definitely not an easy thing to do,however,I don't believe it's as hard as people make it out to be either. I think that a large part of the problem is the whole psychology behind the word "Alcoholic". It's one thing to acknowledge the fact that you have a problem,but it's another thing to label yourself as the problem. People who are trying to quit are encouraged to think that they will always be alcoholics,which is counterproductive in my opinion. Why?? Because the battle is all in the mind. If you believe that you'll always be an alcoholic no matter what,how are you supposed to defeat the problem? You can't!! There's no way to defeat a problem that's always there.

    Basically,what I'm trying to say is that there's no reason to believe you can't completely eradicate the problem once and for all. The human mind is a powerful thing and alcohol is...well,alcohol. It doesn't control us,we control it!! We fool ourselves into thinking that we can't live without it,or that we can't do certain things without it. Think about the things we can't do with it. Am I saying that I've totally given it up myself? Hell no,that's why I'm here,but I do believe I will prevail and I believe anyone else can as well.

    I'm new,btw!!



    I LOVE your way of thinking. I completely agree with you on much of what you said. Great post! Very positive and I have no doubt that with that way of thinking, you will do just fine.

    We aren't defeated unless we allow to be. You know? We have another person who doesn't post much anymore, but has had quite some time alcohol free. AAthlete, calls himself a 'Recovered Alcoholic." Not a "Recovering Alcoholic". I LOVE that! He has the right mentality to really kick alcohol to the curb.

    Glad you found us.



      Thanx for the welcome! Yeah,I totally agree! We have the power to choose whether or not we will succeed. However,I think many people are led to believe otherwise. Thanx again!!



        Hi SBF and Welcome!

        You will find that many of us here, do not subcribe to the AA way of thinking! I am one of those!

        Enjoy reading here, take what you need and share what you care too!

        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007



          Well,that's damn good to know! I know AA may be good for some but I also know a lot of people who've relapsed after participating in it. There are a lot of flaws in it,if ya ask me! Anyway,thanx for the welcome!



            StrengthenedByFire;332543 wrote: I believe that the power to prevail is within us all. There will always be times of trial in all our lives,but that shouldn't be seen as a negative thing because,without trials,we cannot progress. Attempting to give up the bottle is definitely not an easy thing to do,however,I don't believe it's as hard as people make it out to be either. I think that a large part of the problem is the whole psychology behind the word "Alcoholic". It's one thing to acknowledge the fact that you have a problem,but it's another thing to label yourself as the problem. People who are trying to quit are encouraged to think that they will always be alcoholics,which is counterproductive in my opinion. Why?? Because the battle is all in the mind. If you believe that you'll always be an alcoholic no matter what,how are you supposed to defeat the problem? You can't!! There's no way to defeat a problem that's always there.
            Basically,what I'm trying to say is that there's no reason to believe you can't completely eradicate the problem once and for all. The human mind is a powerful thing and alcohol is...well,alcohol. It doesn't control us,we control it!! We fool ourselves into thinking that we can't live without it,or that we can't do certain things without it. Think about the things we can't do with it. Am I saying that I've totally given it up myself? Hell no,that's why I'm here,but I do believe I will prevail and I believe anyone else can as well.

            I'm new,btw!!

            :welcome: :new: too. You will find a lot of support here.

            Definitions and labels can be tricky. I have never
            been able to know when I have had 'enough' to drink. My brain has no AL off switch. I found this site and read a lot of posts and realized I was not the only one like this. I just cannot have one or two. I now accept the fact that I am "different" and that made it easy to stop drinking.



              Hi, I tend to agree with your way of thinking too. The mind is a powerful thing, but you have to know how to use it. And it takes a lot of practice! I don't think the average person is able to do that. It's a whole way of thinking and applies not only to alcohol, but to everything in life. You have to focus on who you want to be and where you want to go in life; and acknowledge the fact that you are deserving of it. Keep posting, it's good advice for everyone. Thanks, Judi.



                Hi Strengthened

                Good for you. Yes we can beat alcohol but it is tough at first, for me very tough. I do consider myself an alcoholic and by that I mean I can never take just one drink. It leads to 2, 3, 4, and getting smashed. But you are so right, I don't have to take that first drink.

                I have been to AA, shrinks, etc. for 10 years or so and kept on drinking believing I was just a doomed alcoholic. Then one day I found this site and it has helped enormously. I am on day 13 dry (after loads of slips) and that is something of a miracle. Looking forward to getting to know you. Thanks for the great thoughts.



                  way to go!

                  StrengthenedByFire;332543 wrote: ....what I'm trying to say is that there's no reason to believe you can't completely eradicate the problem once and for all. The human mind is a powerful thing and alcohol is...well,alcohol. It doesn't control us,we control it!!
                  I'm new,btw!!

                  Welcome Strengthened

                  Couldn't resist posting on reading the title and the extremely positive tone of the post.

                  I agree that sometimes labelling ourselves as alcoholics can be the reason for our downfall. When I first came here to MWO, that was what I was about to label myself as, but overtime, as I continued being sober, realised that conscious will plays a big part in staying alcohol-free. Although it takes a while unlearning the bad mental habits that we have cultivated over years, the mind can be retrained to think in beneficial ways.

                  And for proof, here I am alcohol-free for the past 87 days & thoroughly loving this newfound sense of control. I do have tough days once in a while, but this site & especially friends here have helped me in being focussed on my goal of not letting alcohol dictate the course of my life ever again.

                  Nice to meet you and keep posting for everyone's benefit.

                  *Let noble thoughts come to us in all directions...*



                    Welcome to MWO.
                    Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!



                      I have to get in on this. Oh, by the way, WELCOME! I agree with you and am inspired by your message. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes,

                      "Some people want it to happen,
                      some wish it would happen,
                      others make it happen."
                      - Michael Jordon

                      It sounds cliche, but you can make it happen, we all can! And we will!!! I am starting tomorrow! Cleaning it all out of the house today, limiting today to a couple of glasses of wine with guests over. I can do this. I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR! Reminds me of another famous quote,

                      Pain don't hurt.
                      - Patrick Swayze, Roadhouse

                      This is an occasion for genuinely tiny knickers
                      ? Bridget Jones



                        lol I love your sense of humor! Well,I'm sure you'll do fine! Just be careful because when the people gather and the glasses cling,things can get out of hand! If ya ever need to talk,let me know! Thanx and Godspeed!



                          87 days?? You freaking rock! Yeah,the longest I've gone without alcohol(in one single stretch) is about two months. I'll be doing fine and then,out of nowhere,one of my friends(previously thought to be long lost)will emerge and ask me to hang know...for old time's sake. After about an hour of guilt trips and being called a "pussy"(for not wanting to drink),I usually give in. However,I've recently split ways with a few of these "friends",so I should be fine. I never would've thought that peer pressure would be an issue in my late twenties! lol



                            87 days?? You freaking rock! Yeah,the longest I've gone without alcohol(in one single stretch) is about two months. I'll be doing fine and then,out of nowhere,one of my friends(previously thought to be long lost)will emerge and ask me to hang know...for old time's sake. After about an hour of guilt trips and being called a "pussy"(for not wanting to drink),I usually give in. However,I've recently split ways with a few of these "friends",so I'll do fine. I never would've thought that peer pressure would be an issue in my late twenties! lol



                              87 days?? You freaking rock! Yeah,the longest I've gone without alcohol(in one single stretch) is about two months. I'll be doing fine and then,out of nowhere,one of my friends(previously thought to be long lost)will emerge and ask me to hang know...for old time's sake. After about an hour of guilt trips and being called a "pussy"(for not wanting to drink),I usually give in. However,I've recently split ways with a few of these "friends",so I should be fine. I never would've thought that peer pressure would be an issue in my late twenties! lol

