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    Hi D!
    87 days?? You freaking rock! Yeah,the longest I've gone without alcohol(in one single stretch) is about two months. I'll be doing fine and then,out of nowhere,one of my friends(previously thought to be long lost)will emerge and ask me to hang know...for old time's sake. After about an hour of guilt trips and being called a "pussy"(for not wanting to drink),I usually give in. However,I've recently split ways with a few of these "friends",so I should be fine. I never would've thought that peer pressure would be an issue in my late twenties! lol



      Hi SBF ........ welcome .......... I completely agree with your line of thiking and have myself also just begun my journey AF .........thank you for sharing such a positive post ........ keep posting and good luck




        Thanks for the words

        Hi SBF and Welcome!!:welcome:
        Thank you i can rest now - i have had the same thoughts going on in my head about the whole label thing and you put it down in writing for me just the way i would think it, but never had the complete clarity to write it. Hope that makes sense. I get confused and the confusion can cause more dramas then what the problem actually is - LOL i know messed up eh??
        Look forward to getting to know you and welcome again.
        I am the author of my life.



          Hey Strengthened - may you be strengthened to know I believe what you say is FACT!! I am 148 days AF and it was when I stopped putting that label on myself that I felt the ability to take control of it!! I am now a NON DRINKER - I am not an alcoholic. I do believe it is a choice to drink or not to drink. With that said - I also believe we have to be wise enough to know that some of us here have crossed the line as to what our BODIES and BRAINS now do with the Alcohol and WE CAN NOT DRINK IT EVER AGAIN. It's like developing an allergy to it. I myself have developed an "allergy" to alcohol because I abused it for to long. Like any problematic condition - I will stay away from it forever. By my choice. And why wouldn't I?? I feel awesome without it!! I only crave it when my emotions get out of control - so now I am working on my emotions rather than the alcohol!!

          Love to you!

          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

          (from the Movie "Once")




            In regard to peer pressure...I don't believe that it ever goes away. Especially when it comes to friends that know how to push your buttons and guilt/shame/lure/etc us into drinking with them. I am in my forties and after an hour or two of "friends and family" pestering you to drink it is nearly impossible to resist unless you either leave the environment, tell them to BACKOFF or develop a sneaky plan. On Sunday I was at a family gathering and found the easiest plan was to put my AF Becks beer bottle in a zip up cooler sleeve. It kept my AF beer cold and kept people off my back!

            Seems like a lot of work to be AF, but everyone in my family drinks and they like it when I drink too. I guess its a bonding thing...



              caseaday;333435 wrote: Strengthenedbyfire...

              In regard to peer pressure...I don't believe that it ever goes away. Especially when it comes to friends that know how to push your buttons and guilt/shame/lure/etc us into drinking with them. I am in my forties and after an hour or two of "friends and family" pestering you to drink it is nearly impossible to resist unless you either leave the environment, tell them to BACKOFF or develop a sneaky plan. On Sunday I was at a family gathering and found the easiest plan was to put my AF Becks beer bottle in a zip up cooler sleeve. It kept my AF beer cold and kept people off my back!

              Seems like a lot of work to be AF, but everyone in my family drinks and they like it when I drink too. I guess its a bonding thing.

              Think about beer ads. They seem to say that you are required to drink to be social.



                StrengthenedByFire;333189 wrote: I never would've thought that peer pressure would be an issue in my late twenties! lol
                My mother was complaining about peer pressure the other day. She's 84!
                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                Harriet Beecher Stowe

