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    Hi - I have felt very ashamed for so long about how much I drink and the effects it is having, then I searched the net for help and found 'My Way Out' so I sent away for the book and CD's. I almost felt like her story was my story. I felt so relieved to know I wasn't alone, and today is the first day I have tried to use this site and have discovered there are so many other people who are all going through the same battle. I am a mum, married and have a lovely family - but how many evenings have I ruined by drinking too much which has caused an argument, tears and generally ruined the occasion. I don't want to live like this any more. I have tried to 'cut down' because I don't want to stop, but I can't. One leads to two, three, more and then I have drunk 2 bottles of wine! I have spent a terrible weekend, my husband went to work on Sunday because he didn't want to be here - then came home today (I am off work) to see if I was OK. What am I doing to this lovely family of mine? Can anyone give me some support?
    Thanks from Nicky


    Hi there Nicky,

    I cant recall how many evenings that I have ruined or left the party (and partner) early to go home and drink on my own. The guilt the next day can be so overwhelming! Chin up, your in the right place. :welcome:
    Good job!:goodjob:


      JUST DO IT!

      Hi Finkle - thanks for replying - how amazing that someone, somewhere out in this big world sent me a message! I felt like I was all alone at home with the horrible feeling we all know so well but when I got a reply I felt immediately happier. I have enjoyed reading the other posts and the positive shared feelings, all supporting each other. I shall keep tuned in.


        JUST DO IT!

        Hi Nicky
        Welcome. There are lots of us here who can identify with you and your situation. All over the world in fact - its a great place with plenty of support and in time you will get to know us like as if we are real people! Well we are real people you just cant see us!
        I am coming up to 2 months AL free and I couldnt have done it without this site. 2 months might sound like a long time to you just starting out but it has just flown by and it has been fantastic quality time and I am looking forward to plenty more of it. Hope to see you posting and getting stuck in to the programme (or your own programme).


          JUST DO IT!

          Hello, welcome and yes, there is hope. The support of this site is wonderful, but it was started by RJewell and her book reading is a must along with the supplements and cd's that have helped many. If you are in a hurry, please go to a health food store and get amino acids and vit b's, then order from this site for kudzu, etc. Your investment will be worth it.

          Good luck.
          Enlightened by MWO


            JUST DO IT!

            Welcome, Nicky. I am now 14 days AF and would have caved in many times without this site and the wonderful support. I know exactly what you mean about ruining occasions and then promising myself to cut down, but that never seemed to last. It feels so good not to wake up ashamed each morning.


              JUST DO IT!

              Hi Nicky,

              You are definitely not alone! So many of us could've written your post. It's good that you recognize what the alcohol is doing and are taking positive steps to address it. Get the book, the vitamins and the supps - they do to help. This is a great site with lots of support and encouragement. Keep reading the posts and you will be inspired. Good luck and stay strong. Judi


                JUST DO IT!

                JLMDetermined;332717 wrote: Hi Nicky,

                You are definitely not alone! So many of us could've written your post. It's good that you recognize what the alcohol is doing and are taking positive steps to address it. Get the book, the vitamins and the supps - they do to help. This is a great site with lots of support and encouragement. Keep reading the posts and you will be inspired. Good luck and stay strong. Judi
                Hi Judi, thanks for your words of encouragement! Thanks to logging on to the site yesterday I have now done 1 day free of alcohol! I think I might have found an alternate addiction. My husband had a look at the site, I showed him what I had written and the replies - he logs onto a Woodworking site which has the same software - so he showed me how to find my way around. It was 11pm and I still wasn't ready for bed. I missed the effects of the wine when I lay in bed until 1am, still unable to sleep, but guess that will get better with time.
                So, here I am on day 2 - I will log on to the site this evening instead of logging into my bottle!
                Thanks for the encouragement - and especially as we are in different continents - I am in Australia.


                  JUST DO IT!

                  Maisie;332614 wrote: Welcome, Nicky. I am now 14 days AF and would have caved in many times without this site and the wonderful support. I know exactly what you mean about ruining occasions and then promising myself to cut down, but that never seemed to last. It feels so good not to wake up ashamed each morning.
                  Hi Judi, thanks for your words of encouragement! Thanks to logging on to the site yesterday I have now done 1 day free of alcohol! I think I might have found an alternate addiction. My husband had a look at the site, I showed him what I had written and the replies - he logs onto a Woodworking site which has the same software - so he showed me how to find my way around. It was 11pm and I still wasn't ready for bed. I missed the effects of the wine when I lay in bed until 1am, still unable to sleep, but guess that will get better with time.
                  So, here I am on day 2 - I will log on to the site this evening instead of logging into my bottle!
                  Thanks for the encouragement - and especially as we are in different continents - I am in Australia.


                    JUST DO IT!

                    Maisie;332614 wrote: Welcome, Nicky. I am now 14 days AF and would have caved in many times without this site and the wonderful support. I know exactly what you mean about ruining occasions and then promising myself to cut down, but that never seemed to last. It feels so good not to wake up ashamed each morning.
                    Hi Maisie, Yes it is good to feel OK with yourself in the morning. Last night we had a lovely lamb roast with my husband and our two oldest boys - it was a fun evening, no snappy little comments from me, no getting upset over nothing - and I remember everything about the whole evening - and going to bed happy. Thanks for the greeting. Nicky


                      JUST DO IT!

                      SKendall;332605 wrote: Hello, welcome and yes, there is hope. The support of this site is wonderful, but it was started by RJewell and her book reading is a must along with the supplements and cd's that have helped many. If you are in a hurry, please go to a health food store and get amino acids and vit b's, then order from this site for kudzu, etc. Your investment will be worth it.

                      Good luck.
                      Hi and thanks - I have read the book a couple of times but am having trouble finding the herbs and amino acids so will probably buy online as you suggested. Today is my 2nd day and I am determined to stay strong. Last night, instead of the usual feeling of 'missing something' I substituted the bottle for this site and must say, despite all the talk about alcohol, I didn't think about getting a drink all night.
                      Hope we talk again soon


                        JUST DO IT!

                        boozehag;332601 wrote: Hi Nicky
                        Welcome. There are lots of us here who can identify with you and your situation. All over the world in fact - its a great place with plenty of support and in time you will get to know us like as if we are real people! Well we are real people you just cant see us!
                        I am coming up to 2 months AL free and I couldnt have done it without this site. 2 months might sound like a long time to you just starting out but it has just flown by and it has been fantastic quality time and I am looking forward to plenty more of it. Hope to see you posting and getting stuck in to the programme (or your own programme).
                        Hi BH - yes, 2 months seems like a long time - especially as I have an overseas trip during that time - on holiday. At least I can log onto this site wherever I am so will make sure I take my laptop. I enjoyed the friendship last night which saved me from missing the wine. Its great to make friends in an open and honest way - something I can't do at home even with my closest friends.
                        Thanks Nicky

