I started as a teenager at 16. Drinking was all we could find to do and it was fun most of the time. Through Uni it was social, bonding and yep fun again. I married a drinker who also still drinks heavily today. It became our way of life. We were drunk when we got engaged! So now most days I drink one to two bottles of wine every evening. I have had one tonight. When will I stop? Do I want to? Yes. I want to not look forward to my first drink. I want to not think about it, not open it, drink it, regret it. I am my own worst enemy. My kids, all 3 have turned out great in spite of it all. Do they want me to stop? Yes definitely. We ALL know it is not good for my health. We all wonder why I can't stop..it should be simple shouldn't it? What a waste of money! No wonder I'm scrapping for change all the time. Where is this going to end? I am weak because surely if I really meant it I would try really hard and succeed.
