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I think I'm in trouble.......

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    I think I'm in trouble.......

    Hi, I just found this program and am so hoping that it will help me. I have basically been drunk for the last 12 years - every day about 3:00 I start drinking and don't stop until I fall into bed drunk. Not so good for my family life.! I have tried and tried to quit but just cannot.... I am looking for help. I have downloaded the book and ordered the Topamax, but it will be at least 2 weeks to arrive. Also ordered the CD's. Do they really work? Any advice would be helpful. thanks!

    I think I'm in trouble.......

    HI CBear,
    Welcome to MWO!
    I am also new but I will tell you one thing, just belonging to this forum helps.
    I have started the program... already can feel the self respect coming back.
    Just know that there is great support here so get reading...
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      I think I'm in trouble.......

      Hi Cherbear. Welcome to the site. I found that the topamax helps with the cravings but it is still difficult trying to conquer this. As for the cd's some people have found them very useful. Stay on the site and keep posting there will be lots of help and advice. Good luck to you and I look forward to seeing you on the boards.



        I think I'm in trouble.......

        Thanks for those words of encouragement.

        It is so nice to find help in a place where I don't need to go to endless meetings and publicly declare to my very small community that I have a drinking problem. I don't have the Topamax yet, but did pick up the supplements at the drug store.

        I am going to try to make this Day 1 for me too! I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes.


          I think I'm in trouble.......

          Hi and welcome....when I first joined this site I found coming here when you feel like a drink really did help....Good luck with day 1....
          Jacqui xxx
          Mwo,s worst speller....


            I think I'm in trouble.......

            Welcome, cher. I am on Day 14 after finding this site and am confident I could not have done it without the support here. In the beginning I was on the site 3 - 4 times a day reading and posting. It helped tremendously to find a community of people who understand and care. You can probably get some supplements at the health food store while you are waiting for what you have ordered to arrive to help you through the next couple of weeks. That's what I did, anyway. The SAM-e seemed to help me some, and I already had some good quality vitamins. So glad we are all together in this!


              I think I'm in trouble.......

              i found this site last week on my start to being af I find it a great help i am now 10 days af . I have been a drinker for over 40 years and just have finnaly goten tired of all that goes with the A . Being new to this i don't give advice but can tell you that e very day is a fight. but it is getting easier.The people on this site are great
              Thank you all
              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
              AF 5-16-08


                I think I'm in trouble.......

                I am so glad to hear from all of you who have responded to me. I am sure that with the support of each other on this forum, it will make it easier. I come from a long line of drinkers, and of course have surrounded myself with friends who like to drink, so this will be hard for me. Getting sober has been something I have wanted to do for so long, and I have never been able to get through the first week without caving in to the craving. If this program works for me like it has worked for some of you, I will fall on my knees in eternal gratefulness.


                  I think I'm in trouble.......

                  Cherbear .............

                  I have been here like forever ..........

                  Yes it all works if you want it to ..........

                  I started just by downloading the book, and then dec last year I ordered all the supps .........

                  The allone is amazing, as are the supps ..........

                  You CAN do this I promise ..........

                  BB xx


                    I think I'm in trouble.......

                    Also new


                    I am also new, only found the site a couple of days ago. I also come from a long line of drinkers where A is used as a coping mechanism whether things are bad or even if they are good. Again like you I have surrounded myself with a social circle of drinkers includingmy husband so yes, I agree this isgoing to be tough! Its just that my drinking isn't controllable whereas all my friends drinkingseems to be.

                    How old are you? I'm only 28 and so feel that it really has ran away with me as I'm so young but at least age is on my side!

                    Hopefully with this support we can get through and out the other side,don't feel like I want to keep drinking2 bottles of wine a day and pretending that its manageable. I can also behave like an absolute arse when I've been drinking so it will be nice not to carry that guilt/shame around with me. Do you fel the same?

                    I've ordered the book today so onward and upward!

                    Hope to hearfrom you soonxxxx


                      I think I'm in trouble.......

                      cherbear44;332844 wrote: I am so glad to hear from all of you who have responded to me. I am sure that with the support of each other on this forum, it will make it easier. I come from a long line of drinkers, and of course have surrounded myself with friends who like to drink, so this will be hard for me. Getting sober has been something I have wanted to do for so long, and I have never been able to get through the first week without caving in to the craving. If this program works for me like it has worked for some of you, I will fall on my knees in eternal gratefulness.
                      :welcome: :new: too.

                      Friends...that do not understand your desire to stop are not friends. You may have to fib a bit...I'm on antibiotics etc. Avoiding them until you get a grip on being AF might be can tell them what you did and why later. Finding this site was what I needed to push me and it worked. Read some posts here when you feel like you need a drink. Go to chat or PM someone. Get through the first week and it will get easier.


                        I think I'm in trouble.......

                        I am 44 years old , and it was when I was 28 that I started drinking heavily. Cocktail hour seemed to get longer and longer, and became a nightly ritual. Every single night was a Friday night. Before I knew it, years had gone by, and now I am pretty much out of control. Quitting when you are 28, Dazzle, is the best thing you can do for your life, because it won't be any easier when you are my age. But I am proud to say, I have not had a drink today, Day 1. And yes, I regularly act stupid when I drink, and have hurt people many times over. How nice it will be to not have to apologize the next morning for my bad behavior the night before!!


                          I think I'm in trouble.......

                          Hi and welcome.
                          We often think our friends can cope with the drink and we can't. If you read Robertas book you'll find she had a friend in the same situation and they worked on it together. Even if you can't talk to your friends remember that you are probably not the only one in your group that needs help and you are doing a great thing in looking for it.
                          Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                            I think I'm in trouble.......

                            Yes, I know that a few of my friends and family members may be problem drinkers, but somehow still feel alone and ashamed of how I have let this get away from me. They all seem to have so much fun while drinking, and in fact, sociallizing without alcohol is NEVER done.

                            The truth is, I have not even informed my doctor. I have an appointment tomorrow to see my doctor and plan to lie to her to get the Topamax by saying I have migraines. Does anyone else feel the shame and embarrassment?? Somehow I have convinced myself that I must be weak to not be able to control this.


                              I think I'm in trouble.......

                              Cher, please don't lie to your MD. If they RX Topomax for migraines you could be likely to end up with a higher dose than you should start with (based on what I've seen on the threads).. I'm going to straight out tell my doctor on Friday that I've researched my problem, found this site and others on the web and also learned that Topomax could give me some help. I'm a complete newbie but I also DO have migraines and let me tell you... if you go in there and say it's for migraine headaches you're probably going to end up with a big initial dosage.... Even though I suffer from Migraines I'm not going to get medication for that because it's debilitating. Just a thought from one newbie to another.

                              Kindest regards,

