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    Not AF yet

    I came to this site about a month ago and I was a total wreck, day and night, beating myself up and having anxiety atacks about every aspect of my life
    I can honestly say that I would never have imagined not going a night without downing a half bottle of bacardi
    Well I have had occasional hiccups so to speak, but on the advice of my doctor have cut down gradually to less than a quarter bottle at the moment
    Switched to vodka some nights too, have been trying to do anything to get out of my 'routine'
    Now I seem to be at a stage where I cant sleep, but dont want to drink to knock myself out, I am not buzzing like I used to and feel quite calm, but still cant settle down
    My husband is getting even more impatient now, as before I used to stay up drinking now he thinks I stay up for the hell of it, but I think my sleep pattern is knocked all about and this is what I am used to
    (At least I am not tempted to call people in the middle of the night!)
    My body clock has never been the same as anyone else I know I think maybe the only peace and quiet time I get to be me is when everyone else has gone to bed
    But I need to go to bed at normal hours like normal people perhaps its just the rebel in me cos I never wanted to be the same I have allways felt different, but coming onto this site I dont feel like an outcast anymore
    Has anyone read the sacred diaries of adrian plass? well i am not a practising christian, but one thing he wrote really struck me and that was 'everyone is I'
    And how many times have I bent over backwards to help that selfish person who beleived that, but I have to fight my own beast now
    This is my battle, no one elses, no one has forced me to drink and no one but me will force me to quit, the triggers are are still here
    They allways will be if I dont learn I will never grow up and be the person I was before al numbed my senses and my soul
    More than anything I have found al numbs all senses and makes you put up with things that your usual ballsy self would flip at
    It has turned me from a tigress into a quivering heap
    At one time I couldnt even answer the phone, now I just prefer to be calm and this is my battle no one elses I wish other people wouldnt be so touchy about it because I am winning, and everyone seems to think im cutting them off to be selfish
    End of rant!

    Not AF yet

    It took me a good month of not drinking before my sleep patterns returned to normal - you'll just need to be patient. Remember too, that just as you have developed a routine that you are trying to change, the people around you have developed a routine as well - and it can be hard for them to change as well.

    Just make sure that you are communicating with the people who are a part of your life so that they know what is going on. You're right in that this must be done by you and for you, but remind yourself to give them and yourself a little slack every once and awhile as well!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      Not AF yet

      AAthlete - how long have you been AF for now?


        Not AF yet

        Hi Fairyfeet.,
        I can really relate to the numbing the senses bit and putting up with crap that we wouldn't otherwise. I think that is part of the reason some of us started drinking, 'to chill out' as such. I think in the long run its better to be the tigress, it'll piss some people off put you'll be being truer to your self.
        Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


          Not AF yet

          FF...ditto for me!


            Not AF yet

            hang in there fairy-footies, i had sleep issues for months. i still have a bad nite once in awhile..staying down works for me..water, melotonin and tryptophan..takes time..:h

