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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Hi all - hope everyone survived the holiday weekend. I certainly could have done better (now where have I seen that before?? school I think! :H:H) but didn't let it turn into a drink fest. But I'm going to look at upping my efforts - I want more AF days. I have a few, then drink. I'm going to try taking L-glut every day, not just when I think I need it. And revisit some of the other supplements too. And carry on taking it ODAT.

    We've got the shittiest of weather here now with lots more to come. What a shame, we were really getting into the swing of sunny, dry days. Never mind. It means that hubby will just HAVE to do those indoor jobs (like fixing the toilet and restoring half my cooking equipment!) rather than the outside jobs! And at least our rainwater harvester will fill up and the ground and plants will benefit. Let's look on the bright side.

    So, what's everyone up to today? Back to work? Back to the routine? Whatever you're doing, do it ODAT!.

    Bessie xx

    PS Matthen, little orphan chick is doing well, thanks for asking. Might have to get it some company though. And it's all gone quiet in the pig yard!!

    ODAT - Tuesday


    I am doing my middle of the night ramblings and then will return to bed for a bit. Have to go out of town to dentist for a tooth crown replacement. I go out of town because I am so darn picky. Unfortunately I don't know what time my appointment is having cleverly forgotten to write it down. If I miss it I will be charged, so I will leave before rush hour traffic and probably sleep on their couch. PANTS!!! Then onward to the hole!! I think that covers it. I know all are secretly jealous and just don't want to admit it. I do sort of like the gas at the dentist's office :H

    Have a fine day with or without gas.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Tuesday

      Hi Bessie and Green and everyone to come,
      Sounds like you off to a busy start for the week. My AF days have been good although i did have some wine on Friday night. Bessie i need to also go and get some more LGut didnt realised it helped so much until i stopped. Went to see my counsellor tonight after 4 months of not seeing her due to a heart attack (thats my counsellor not me). She puts everything back into perceptive for me (how does she have the ability to do that?) - so on that note and i will leave and say have a great AF morning/afternoon or evening.
      I am the author of my life.


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Hi everyone

        Horrible weather here too Bessie. Did manage to get in short walk but came back dripping!! Good luck with your dentist appt. Greenie. I have to write everything down or I forget, it could be an age thing, perimenopausal, thats me anyways. Well done with going back to your counsellor Looking. I had to cancel my last appt because of the funeral, now there is exams, then vacation. Hope to go back sometime in the future, it was making me very uncomfortable but I guess thats a good thing. Everyone else big hello.



          ODAT - Tuesday

          Its ME!

          I don't know wot to doo! (temp services are calling and i am not ready).. The weather is good, poodle is out of control...more cage-time, plan to remain on the wagon. Much better being a RIDER than a patient! :H


            ODAT - Tuesday

            Hi Everyone!

            I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend and met their goals for mod/af! I have to admit that I fought the beast nearly every second of the weekend and didn't really have much fun. As I wrote before the weekend, my brain was telling me it was party weekend and that is what it wanted. I pounded a lot of l-glut and kudzo to help but as you know I had the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other. It was quite stressful. However, I did prevail in the end and felt the pressure subside last night when we returned to the city.

            I wish I could share some funny or interesting stories of the weekend but I really don't have anything! The only thing that happened was the three legged dog scared the hell out of me on Sunday night. It was around 4:00 am and my Goldens were barking like crazy in my bedroom. I turned on the lights and the three legged dog was sitting on my deck and wanting to get into the house. Maybe he is AL in disguise!

            Take care everyone...


              ODAT - Tuesday

              I'm staying sober today anticipating a fully AF June. Mary

              Ripple: I have a poodle we adopted last year from a shelter. He had 2 homes before us. He is definitely high strung, but very teachable & lovable. Poodles want to please. Keep at it. As far as house-training: He'll learn if you take him out & praise him enough. We're in the middle of his advanced behavior class & it has helped. Our poodle (Buddy) was kept crated a lot for the first 8 months of his life. Poodles really need to run around a lot. They are high energy & athletic. I hope you don't think I'm being intrusive, but I can't say enough about the breed.

              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                ODAT - Tuesday


                AF today, didn't do too well over the weekend, though not too bad either! I am going to AA tonight and surrendering by picking up the "dreaded white chip", but I really need to make some kind of commitment, my sponsor deserves an honest and sober sponsie.................I really think that AA is the only thing (along w/ this site) that has worked forme and I am desparate now, husband or no husband, we have our counseling tonight too, so that ought to be interesting since we did NON of the suggestions she gave us.................duh, and our relationship is NOT one bit better!!!

                Oh well, another day here at work, a busy one at that, so off to see my patients, that is what they pay me for anyway, right!!??:H:H:H

                love you guys!!!!:h

                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Hi guys!

                  I have to say, it is so great to wake up feeling good and not hungover.......the more AF days I have the more I want. I have had more than ever since joining this site, even though I do still have the occasional dog day this place is the best!

                  Tonight I have baseball so it will be easy to be AF (late game so no beers afterward, no time and we all have kids). My plan is to make this an AF week but I'm taking it ODAT.

                  Have a great day everyone!
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    Hello everyone!

                    Another dreary day here again also. I hope it rains, put back some of that moisture the wind blew away. Hate waking up each day to hear about the devastating storms! Iowa again!

                    Spent yesterday cleaning, again today I suppose, then back to the garden/weeds when the weather gets better. Am also going to get my bike out and dust it off. Have so much to do before we go to Texas next week.

                    Will be af week for me!

                    Have a great day everyone!
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      Hi everyone,

                      My weekend was busy so today is a down day - well more b/c it is rainy and I have a sick kiddo.
                      Glad to see we all made it through the weekend with our goals more or less intact.

                      Bess, sorry the weather is lousy. But getting husband to fix up the inside of your cottage sounds like a great plan. Good luck meeting your goals.

                      Case, I have to tell you that I sailed through two AF days of this weekend and absolutely struggled on Monday. I have been AF nearly 4 months and I still occasionally struggle. If I had access to vodka on Monday, I would have caved - no doubt (something about spending time with my extended family). Good for you for sticking to your goals even when it is difficult.

                      Ripple, you sound positive again.

                      Cowgal, time to pick up the chip! I think it is more difficult to straddle the fence.

                      Have a good day all,

                      Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


                        ODAT - Tuesday


                        A busy day ahead for me - sounds like everybody is getting on with the new week with excellent plans! I think I will have to start taking the L-Glut again too - see if that helps - as I am slipping a bit. Had 2 glasses last night too. I had been so tired, I fell asleep after work, and then couldn't fall asleep during the night and was hoping a bit of wine might help but no!!! What an excuse!! Phooey!! Just dozing all night and now sleepy again! I do need a holiday me thinks!!

                        Talking about 3 legged dogs. Anybody read Alexander McCall Smith, the adventures of that crazy german professor (can't remember his name!) - one story about weiner dogs, where he actually ended up with Ithink a 1 legged dog, with a wheeled contraption for him to get around on. It was a little too silly actually - I gave up on that particular series!!!

                        Have a tantalizing tuesday!!


                          ODAT - Tuesday


                          Hello all. D-34 and it feels like it. Sounds like everyone is doing OK, whether it be mod or AF. I don't think I am ready to try to mod, not sure if I ever will be. I do know this, If I drink I definitely want to get drunk and feel no pain of any kind. At this point in time Staying AF is more important. Reality still sucks at times but I'm dealing with it better, at least internally.
                          I find that I'm not getting depressed by things that would have normally made me depressed. Hmmm? Here's To . . . You. Metolius


                            ODAT - Tuesday

                            Beck...that is exactly what I was going through as well. I actually went to the liquor store last night to get some AF beer and had to force myself not to pick up a six pack. I kept thinking if I quickly slammed them down I would get a nice buzz and then be able to go to sleep. How I managed not to pick up any beer is unbelievable. Damn mind games!

                            Met...I also get depressed from time to time about life in general and also came to the same conclusion today. If I was hung over I would be making a major issue out of some minor things that are happening today!


                              ODAT - Tuesday


                              I was bitchy and edgy on Monday but glad I didn't make a bad situation worse by drinking my way through it. I was disconcerted that I could still have strong urges to drink after all that time - but truth be told - 4 mos is nothing on this road. I'll be more guarded next time. And no way I am going near those people on July 4th or labor day Planning trips with my husb and kids...


                              Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter

