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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday


    caseaday, I am finding that my emotional triggers for drinking: depression,anger,frustration, etc. are still triggers but not as powerful. In fact I'm not sure I've 'Really' been depressed in the last 2 weeks plus. The environmental triiggers are there, I recognize them, and as such they seem to be not as powerful. Bless You All, Metolius


      ODAT - Tuesday

      retteacher;333303 wrote: I'm staying sober today anticipating a fully AF June. Mary

      Ripple: I have a poodle we adopted last year from a shelter. He had 2 homes before us. He is definitely high strung, but very teachable & lovable. Poodles want to please. Keep at it. As far as house-training: He'll learn if you take him out & praise him enough. We're in the middle of his advanced behavior class & it has helped. Our poodle (Buddy) was kept crated a lot for the first 8 months of his life. Poodles really need to run around a lot. They are high energy & athletic. I hope you don't think I'm being intrusive, but I can't say enough about the breed.

      M are right on about POODLES..not intrusive...OLIVE added to my slip, no sleep, waking me...hubby cannot hold her all the time! She ate cat sh*it yesterday, sticks, dirt and bird droppings, and was sick..runs away from me and does not listen. She likes underwear and socks and has been messing behind furniture, chewed a box of papers, corner woodwork in bathroom, just TROUBLE..OBEDIENCE is the next option..before i go back to work. She is bold and barks like a large watch dog, only weighs 2.5 lbs.. i do love her and need to get sleep tonite..thanks for your input on this terror.:H


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Rippy!!! You have MY doggie! I must add that she eats the wooden siding off the house.

        So I go to the dentist in another town after they call me and I literally throw off bathrobe and throw jeans and shirt and run out the door. They have toothbrushess there so I didn't bother at home. I indeed was in denial about my appt. time. Something is scritching and making squeal or chirp noises from the glove box area. Call hubby on cell phone and as it gets louder I begin screaming. He is feeling a bit uncomfortable at this point and wants me to pull over. Well, something is not quite right with the car transmission wise and it is rush hour on the interstate with the majority being huge trucks. I cannot pull over on the shoulder as I will never be able to merge and I am late as it is so I continue screaming. Finally get to an exit and see these two big construction workers at gas station and convince them to open the glove box and see what the hell it is. Well that was hilarity. You would have thought that handle was red hot! Nothing in there so they say fan or something squeaking. Back in car - on to dentist with noise. No radio to drown it out because hubby took cover off and I can't figure it out so I keep glancing at my feet wondering if a rodent is going to come out and gnaw on my bare toes at 80 miles an hour. I get there and only 5 min. late and immediately say in a high state of anxiety, "We are talking crank up the gas". And you know.... that stuff does make you want AL. I realized that and when he asked if I wanted something for pain, I thought of Med Mama and said No thanks, I'll be fine. So thank you MM. You helped me and didn't even know. Whatever that was is either dead under the hood or ran off during the appointment as there was silence on the way home. Phew! Pants! and :H
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Greenie...isn't life just a great journey! I hope your dental appointment went well once you finally got there!

