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    How long does it generally take to detox? What can I expect from my body? I don't drink everyday, I average about every 4-5 days and I assume that it is b/c my body is craving alcohol at that point. I am confused.

    Sometimes I drink beer- maybe 6. Wine- 1-1.5 bottles Rum and Coke- 1 pint

    I know this may be a stupid question b/c logically I feel that it depends on how much alcohol is consumed and type of alcohol etc.

    I am just confused and wanted some answers. I pay attention to my body more now than ever and I notice that by the 4th or 5th day I feel good. That is when the cycle begins again.

    Help. What is going on? What do I do?

    Thanks for your help
    __________________________________________________ _

    Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.


    for everyone it is defferent .but you maybe one of the lucky ones where it just might be a cuple of days . so when you start to feel the craving keep yourself busy come to the site post how you are feeling .go to chat and talk to anyone . but most of all do your best thats all you can do .remember you are not alone. it just takes one day at a time.
    and it does get better.. good luck peace and god bless
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



      I don't have any answers but I do know that I'm kinda the same...about day 4 for me and I feel great, and I know that's when I'll drink. It's almost like a reward or something so I think for me it's largely phsychological - the tapes help me out there. The physical part is probably that your body has processed all the AL that was there & THINKS it's ready to take on more...then the L-glutamine or kudzu can help.
      For the first week or 2 you may also feel a bit puffy & rundown - SUX huh - but my mate Aunty mame explained that it's your liver starting to function properly again. Have a look at the 'Check in - Friday' thread - it's very interesting & answers some of your question.



        Day 4 was always difficult for me too - you feel better and the AL monster convinces you you got away with it last time, you are ok now and can handle another's a big lie and I tell you what, day 10 feels fantastic - that's when all AL and AL influenced effects on your body have been completely eliminated. It also starts getting easier too from that point.

        When I slipped 3 1/2 weeks ago after 8 weeks AF I felt it firstly the morning after and then 4 days along, I knew however I did not want to get on that cycle again - it's a nightmare. Hey I am up to 23 days now........woo hoo.



          :welcome: Get the Kudzu from this site. I drank like you do. It sucked. Life will look very different after 30 days AF and you just might like it. Detox? Give it a week or 10 days. Melatonin or Valerian can help you sleep. sam-E is, IMHO, good too. It will get you over the blahs as you liver gets back to normal. Drink a lot of water. Come here and read posts if you think you need to drink.




            for the advice and info. Today is day 3 af and I feel better but still tired. Somewhat depressed.

            I notice that after a week of being af and the longer I go, how incredible my brain is. I have so many creative thoughts regarding my business and I am sharp. It is so cool to feel that way- to feel normal.

            Yall are such an inspiration.

            I am going to order the supps today.
            __________________________________________________ _

            Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.



              It is soooo great to be sober.Never forget how bad it feels after a drunk.I wrote myself letters to read if I am ever tempted to drink again.I was so desparate angry and sick... sick ...sick!!!! I never want to feel like that again.SOBERITY equals BLISS to me.....EVIE
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



                How do you find the Check in - friday thead? I am interested in the detox stages. I can go for about four to five days AF and then the craving starts and the drinking begins. Thanks for any help.



                  redhibiscus;334539 wrote: How do you find the Check in - friday thead? I am interested in the detox stages. I can go for about four to five days AF and then the craving starts and the drinking begins. Thanks for any help.
                  :welcome: :new: too. Try the Kudzu from this site. It worked for me. I got one bottle of L-glutamine here and them bought some in bulk. sam-E worked better than St. Johns Wort for me for the blahs/depression. My drinking pattern mirrored yours but the sups, reading posts here and realizing I was not the only one really helped. Get past the first month and you should feel a lot better mentally and physically.



                    Check-in Friday thread

                    I too am interested in this. Not only have I been depressed than usual for most of Fri. afternoons, but I can't get thru a Friday night without drinking. As far as detox, is there any way to jump start the supps? I've been taking them for almost a month now, and they don't seem to be doing much -- maybe since I have not been all AF (though have cut back and have had had about 8 or 9 AF days).



                      CS have you considered Topa or Campral?

                      I find that Kudzu and L Glut work the best and when needed I will sprinkle L Glut under my tongue
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



                        Beaches- I am on Topa, currently my 2nd week at 75 mg. Should be at 100 mg this week but trying to stretch it as I am almost out. I'm also taking Kudzu (not the MWO stuff; it's from Planetary Herbals but I don't think it's doing any good) and started L-Glut about a week or so ago; 1000 mg in the morning. I will say that I have not had the 5:00 witching hour screaming drink cravings like I usually do; where I count down from about 4:15 or 4:30 during Oprah -- how long till 5:00? I still kinda want the beer, but I have been trying to let it pass; not every day but often. So that is progress, I suppose.

                        I also meant to say that those have been 8 AF days this month. Not in a row, but the most I have had in almost 2 years, and then for a loooooong time before I got pregnant.

                        Would like to try for a 30, but don't know if I can at all, much less with hubby drinking. Haven't even brought it up with him yet.



                          So far so good

                          Today is Wednesday and I usually drink on Wed nites or really, as I leave therapy, I stop at the store to get beer or wine and a pack of cigs. (I only smoke when I drink).

                          I scheduled a massage today after therapy and it felt great. I am feeling a little wired- kind of like I do when my body starts craving alcohol. My body revs up and speeds a bit. It is like a surge of energy and I usually will make a drink and light a cigarette which of course leads to destruction. Can't just have one.

                          I would love to go make a drink but I swear I am not. I am going to organize my office and get some work done.
                          __________________________________________________ _

                          Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.



                            hanging on in there ....


                            great that you had the massage. Hang on in there and I'm with you in spirit ..... as I'm sure lots of others are.

                            I know just what you are feeling - I'm at the end of day 4 and felt physically good yesterday and today, but tonight I'm climbing the walls. Day 4 or 5 is when I usually cave in but I'm determined to get through it this time. I keep telling myself that I'm dong an experiment for myself just to see what happens. And I keep telling myself that it is not going to kill me. But am really grumpy ........ my beloved keeps looking anxiously over at me and asking whether I'm okay, and I just grump back at him.

                            Cant sit still so am going for a walk ...... even though it is f*****g freezing out there .....
                            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                            Harriet Beecher Stowe



                              Alright Aunty

                              Hang in there. I am not grumpy. As a matter of fact, I am in a good mood. I got very involved in my office, put on some nice music and ate a ham sandwich. Tomorrow may be hard but I am not going to think of it that way. I will be playing tennis everyday the rest of the week so that will help.

                              I popped in my Seindfeld DVD's and I am laughing. Going to sleep in a few minutes.

                              Just stay busy. Keep thinking of how good it feels to be sober and feel healthy.

                              I am with you in spirit also.
                              __________________________________________________ _

                              Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.

