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I'm having a problem with alcohol--help!

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    I'm having a problem with alcohol--help!

    Hi Everybody,
    I'm not a stranger to the drinking problem. I'm a 39 year old female and have been drinking off and on for many years. I have not been able to kick the habit for good. Sometimes I'm able to stay off the drink for months on time, then I go straight back into the hole. Getting out of the hole is so darn hard. I have been drinking since Friday. Today is my first day off again and I feel lousy, a feeling that I had countless times before...Why do we keep doing it??? Why don't we learn from the last time??? Why do we torture ourselves?? I'm so sad and also mad at myself. This is how my drinking cycle works: I will have a large bottle of wine with my husband on Friday night. I feel guilty on Saturday and decide to buy beer. Then husband and I will down a 24-pack and three large bottles of beer. Sunday I feel even guiltier and the drinking continues. I will usually drink a total of 6 beers on Monday just to get over the guilty feeling and hangover. Tuesday I start feeling "normal" again. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I feel on top of the world again and the cycle starts over. I have yet to make it through a Friday night without touching the drink. Even when I tell my husband that I would like to stay off it, he ends up bringing drink into the house, usually a bottle of wine for dinner. I have done the same. We enable each other (he is trying to stay off it as well). We have stayed off together for months before but after feeling better, we started over again. Also, we have cut back before and it usually works for a while. What triggers us to suddenly overindulge again? I'm devastated. Worst thing is, I'm a student and I went to college drunk yesterday. I think the other students and my teachers noticed. I'm so embarrassed. I also have kids and they behave better than me! Help!

    I'm having a problem with alcohol--help!

    Hi Germangirl--it's a real rollercoaster ride, but you are not alone here! If you really want to stop the ride, IMHO you need to read "My Way Out" available at the health store here to download or buy, or I got mine at I'm trying not to sound like a commercial here--but I believe these forums are one of the many tools that go along with the program. In the book it outlines everything in detail. In the meantime, read lots of posts and keep posting yourself! I found it was really helpful to change my routine in lots of ways!
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      I'm having a problem with alcohol--help!



      The why is not easily answered. The medical community is trying to figure it out still.

      They do know it has something to do with learned feelings and chemical synapses, etc, but that's about it.

      It is tough to beat, no doubt. All of us on this site are trying to. Many have been successful, though, so take heart!!

      Have you and your husband read the MWO book? It is an inexpensive download and may give you some good ideas on how best to proceed.

      Best of luck to you both.

      We will all be here to support you in anyway we can.

      AF April 9, 2016


        I'm having a problem with alcohol--help!


        We have a lot in common. I'm 3/4 German and my hubby is my drinking partner too. We manager to go AF for 34 days and really started drinking for no good reason. Now it seems when I go AF a few days either he or me break down. And drink again. We drink the amount you quoted and doesn't it get expensive? Wow.

        We can do this but it is much harder when ones partner isn't 100% supportive. I wish you luck!:l


          I'm having a problem with alcohol--help!

          I wish the best for will find support here so visit often!!!Evie
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            I'm having a problem with alcohol--help!

            It is all good advise you have been given above. Keep reading and be honest with yourself. Do you think that you can moderate in the future or does there come a day when you have to say to yourself that you simply cannot handle alcohol in any amount.
            I am at this point and I cannot ever moderate. It seems that after 3 months of abstinence, my body wants to make up for lost time. I need to stop and for that end I have booked myself into Lenair healing centre. I have done damage to myself probably for a lot longer than you have and for me it is 5 minutes to 12. Don't let yourself get as sick as me. You can do this. I am rooting for you.
            Be well Germangirl.
            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein

