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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Bessie you dally! We are starting to wait each other out.

    I got some chores done. My tooth didn't cause pain problems so I am good to go. And need to go. The hole awaits. Visited my daddy on way home yesterday. Sad to see his decline, but it is his life. How we choose to live our life is our own. We own it, we live it. Every day is full of choices.

    May you choose good ones today. :h
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    ODAT - Wednesday


    Thanks for starting us out Greeneyes, sorry about your dad, mine made his choices (pretty poor ones at that, and he is no longer w/ us because of that).................cherish the time you have w/ him, love him, you are fortunate to have him still. I would KILL to give mine a hug and tell him I love him, no matter his choises, actions etc...........:l

    Today is day 2 AF, wow, what a counseling session (I say that with pain, as it was yet another TOTALLY non-productive one!) I am the wrong one, I am the one w/ problems, "no problem here" from Mike, as he sits there w/ his arms crossed with a cold, unyeilding, unfeeling look on his face.................

    then at AA I picked up the white chip after I chaired the meeting and brought up the topic of dealing w/ family members, loved ones etc who drink and are non-supportive while we are trying to get and stay sober.............WOW, what advice I got!! Everything from, "Leave him", to "you can't make anyone quit til they are ready" alot of good advice, glad it is over though................many members told me they thought I was really brave for doing what I did.............(I also made a cake cuz it was supposed to be the "birthday night" when everyone w/ years or more in May get up and tell their story and we all celebrate) much for that!! There were no celebrants, so my topic was the "party"??

    Everyone have a WONDERFUL Wednesday, whatever your goals, thank you so much for listening!!!:thanks:


    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


      ODAT - Wednesday

      Cowgal!!! You chaired!!! WOWEE! I am SO impressed! you ROCK! and everybody deserved cake anyway just for being there. :l
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT - Wednesday

        Good morning ODATers,

        Greenie, thanks for starting the thread. I like the idea of stopping and considering our choices daily. That is ODAT, isn't it? Not just for our drinking but for our living. I have always been very impulsive, which is not good for an alcoholic, or maybe why I am one??

        My resolve for today is to consider my choices carefully.

        Mary Anne, Your marriage has been such a source of pain and anger for you. I am so sorry. It is hard to break up after so many years, and there is love there, even if it is buried deep amongst the hurt. I won't begin to advise you on what to do except to remind you, like I have my daughter, that no matter what, NO MATTER WHAT, your sobriety must come first. Period. Bear used to tell me that without his sobriety, he had nothing anyway, I heard it in AA yesterday, and I truly believe it for myself.

        Do whatever it takes to keep yourself sober and do not let him or anyone else derail you with anger issues or hurt. I know, much easier said than done. Sending hugs anyways. :l:l

        Everyone else to come. Let's try to follow Greenie's advice and make good choices today!!

        AF April 9, 2016


          ODAT - Wednesday

          Hi Greenie and Cowgal and Everyone Else,

          Parents...what are we to do with them? I was with my parents over the Memorial Weekend and really wanted to spend time with them but they are in their 70's and on such a different agenda. Their entire focus is having fun in retirement and mine is just trying to survive this AL problem, pay the bills, and maintain some level in sanity! I was actually sort of jealous of them! I guess it is going to be my job to try to fill in the gap and find something in common.

          Today I have a meeting with a potential new client. It feel that it is going to go pretty good because I am really prepared. It is actually a pretty big deal because a few weeks ago I couldn't meet with anyone due to the AL problem. I would get paranoid, have panic attacks, and start sweating so bad the it would run down my face. Not a good thing for a consultants business. I started having all of my meetings over the phone because I didn't want to see anyone. However today I feel really confident and feel like I did many years ago before AL took his toll!

          I am on day 19 AF today and heading towards 30 AF. Still having nasty cravings everyday but forcing my way through ODAT.

          Take care everyone...


            ODAT - Wednesday

            Cindi: I love your philosophy of taking sobriety one day at a time, & the bottom line being NOT DRINKING TODAY. Pretty simple (but not easy). Today, I have a day planned that does not include drinking. I don't feel any kind of temptation, craving, or urge, but that could change in the drop of a hat. I won't let anything interfere w/my sobriety today.

            Cowgirl or anyone who has a drinking spouse: Alanon is a great option. I've been going for years & years. (You'd think I wouldn't drink as a result, but alas that isn't the case.) The philosophy of Alanon is basically "Live & Let Live." The drinker will change as we change. Alanon views all nagging, reminding, & harrassing as enabling behaviors. I won't go into any more, but it has helped me deal w/my alcoholic, drug-addicted son throughout the years.

            Take care of your sobriety everyone.

            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              ODAT - Wednesday

              Hi everyone

              Just a quick check in as rushing around the place as usual. Having a spouse who drinks albeit normally is a challenge and makes it harder but Al is always going to be around so I guess we just have to learn to cope with it and nurture and protect our sobriety.

              Have a great day.



                ODAT - Wednesday

                Everyone sounds so positive this morning!! Thant's wonderful! I had to laugh case--sounds like a parent-child role reversal going on there! They're having fun, while you're dealing with life's problems!! Good for them--and you! My parents never really got to enjoy their retirement--they worked hard for it too!

                Had big plans to work outside this morning--woke up to dreary drizzle--forecast of a high temp of 67 degrees! The boys and I got the house cleaned yesterday though--they will be really disappointed if they can't go swimming today.

                Some friends showed up right after supper last night ready to drink beer. Hubby nor I joined them. We sat and visited quite awhile. So many times in the past I would join in even if I didn't feel like it. Small victories--I will take them.

                Today is Yoga day--Yippee!

                Have a good one all!:h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  ODAT - Wednesday

                  Its ME!

                  RIPPLE is HERE! morning to ALL..NOT AL..COWIE they been on me 2 chair and I always say NO..GOOD girl to do AA leadership! I am into it HEAVY lately..

                  Mary: i responded about OLIVE in yesterdays ODAT...I LOVE MY OLIVES...:sausages:
                  GREEN: You will :ear: from RIPPLES..

                  RUST: My man drinkies TOO. BOO.

                  CASE: YOU ARE ON YOUr WAY...i can tell! :wd:
                  LVT25~YOGA it UP...that is sooooo GOOD! :tape:

                  HAPPY WEDNESDAY 2 ALL


                  REMEMBER THAT


                    ODAT - Wednesday


                    Caseaday, good luck w/ you r meeting!!! I think the parent thing is difficult, I only have one and she is so wrapped up in her (my sister's kids) grandchildren (In Pittsburgh) that I don't deal with it at ALL!

                    Hi Rustop, are both positive today, great for you!!:goodjob:

                    Mary, I am (and have been)thinking of going to Alanon, but my sponsor thinks I need AA more...........think I will dabble in it though..............

                    Cindi, YEP, I need to put my sobriety FIRST for once!!! AA really does help me w/ that!:h


                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      ODAT - Wednesday


                      Oh, BTW, HI Ripple!!!!! you are doing great!!! Going to AA helps, doesn't it??

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        ODAT - Wednesday

                        Cowgirl, i have so many buddies at AA i cannot live without them..if i don't go its like missing family! I'm in for the long road..and you now wot? lately everyone has had some sort of i am not alone..have to say, best fellowship i ever joined in my life! REALLY...


                          ODAT - Wednesday


                          I have soooooooooo many friends in that club, that TRULY care about me and how I am REALLY doing, they don't take "fine" as an answer when they ask me how I am..........they want to hear how I REALLY am..................Day 2, picked up a white chip last night, took ALOT, a HE*L of ALOT of courage, cried alot too...............but tears of joy, at finally GIVING UP!! SURRENDERING, I guess is the better term.................

                          love you RiP!!:l:h

                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            ODAT - Wednesday

                            Ripple: I hope you read this:

                            When we got Buddy, he was pretty uncontrollable. He had no training or grooming. He was a pretty big mess. One year later, it's not nirvana but much better.

                            Buddy's minuses:
                            -an evil twin that comes out every now & then.
                            -he hates most men.
                            -very fussy eater.

                            Buddy's pluses:
                            -he's smart & trainable.
                            -he's an absolute love bug.

                            I went on line, got books & videos out of the library system, & took him to obedience classes (3 sets). BTW, he's a 15 lb. mini-poodle. Your Olive sounds like a tiny toy. Keep at it: you'll be glad you did.

                            Good luck. Mary
                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              ODAT - Wednesday

                              kool cowgirl!, thats wot it is about..sharing and other words..we take all that comes along..all people, shapes and sizes. They all have something to offer. Hugs are the best, they are FREE. Its a loving group...that we need. AA is there for the taking. :h

