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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Hi all. Sorry to check in so late. Thanks for starting Greeny. I wasn't waiting you out, promise!! :H Had an early appointment with the accountant and only just back in.

    Interesting thread today. I must say AA has never really appealed to me but it is obvious from what you are saying that it can be a very great support. And can someone tell me what the white chip is and what it's for?

    Thankfully not too much input from me on problem parents. Never been particularly close but our relationship is pretty ok. They are coming up here for the first Christmas ever this year!! Though I have told them I will be hunting on Boxing Day!! LOL! That will be fine, my granny can take over as she will be itching to anyway! Now we have the holiday let we can sleep them and my brother, his wife, their children and my aunt and granny (all the family in this country anyway). Although it is only May I am getting quite excited about it!!! I shall really make the most of it.

    Anyway, back out now as I bought a lovely load of plants on the way home and they need to be sorted out, planted etc before the next rain.

    Love to all. :l

    Bessie xxx


      ODAT - Wednesday

      Mary, you have a heart for animals..I do too. I love poodles, i will continue to work with her, she has just had a FEW bad days..more GOOD ones. Hubby has been cooperative, OLVIE is a sweet little girl. I would have preferred a MINI. I will NOT give up on her...I am a good mother and have started less freedom as it allows her to get into more trouble and tires me out. Your post reflects similar to wot is going to a degree, not as tough though, she is just a baby...that is so funny evil twin and hates men!!!! hahahahaha.

      They are smart dogs! no doubt. Yes, OLIVE is short, i am NOT too thrilled about that. Oh well. She is a PINT of PISS! I must clean the digital out and get some pics on. The messes she makes when i am on the computer are so funny..

      Later to all...Love ripples.


        ODAT - Wednesday

        Good morning friends, Sunny and chilly here today. I'm one of those people the sun has a big effect on. SAD I suppose. I have a happy light on my desk but not convinced it works. Greeneyes, glad to hear your dental visit went better that expected. I agree what you said about lifes choices. Nothing irritates me more than people who blame all their problems on everyone and everything else. Many of the situations we are in we made the choice to get there and stay there.
        Cowgal, congrats on day 2. My ex husband and I went to a counselor for a while and he did the same arms crossed thing. I learned counseling only works if both parties are willing to try. In the end I found a counselor for myself and made myself stronger and happier with my decisions about my marriage. She told me I was becoming codependent.
        Caseaday, I developed panic attacks ans sweating in the past 5 years. At first I thought hormones but I'm sure AL played a big part in that.
        Retteacher, My sister is in denial of her problem, What do you mean by the drinker will change as we do ?
        Rustop, Nurture your sobriety, I like that.
        LVT25, You reminded me how much I miss yoga, my Local YMCA offers an outdoor class when the weather gets better. Can't wait.

        Ripple, love your fun avatar and graphics.

        Day 22 here and going for 30. Have a lovely day all.


          ODAT - Wednesday

          Bessie... Listen closley. :H The chips are not to be confused with fish & chips. :H They resemble big plastic coins. The white is for one day of sobriety. There are different colors for different lengths of time. Only having a white biscuit (which is what I call a chip) I forgot what the other colors represent. but they are for 30 , 60, 90, and 1 year or more anniversary days. I watched someone get a 3 year biscuit and it was quite inspiring.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT - Wednesday

            one more coffee..

            KAT & BESSFULL, i already said HI to you GREEN! KAT is its sunny and chilly here same...I do for ME now and not him., counselor found my husband to be threatening and in serious denial, we have now left him to the curb...bye stump. :H i am moving on.

   are a sweet morsel of love and kindness...AA chips are not FOOD
            ..OKAY! FISH anf CHIPS are fried pieces of Cod and Chips are French can SUCK
            on an AA
            chip in time of need only! :H

            toodles for poodles...


              ODAT - Wednesday

              Wahhhhhh.... I wanna be a sweet morsel of love and kindness!!!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT - Wednesday

                That's the first time anyone has EVER called me a sweet morsel of anything frankly. And I am honoured and delighted. :thanks:

                Greeny, we all know you already are one!!!

                And thanks for the chip explanation. Before that I was getting quite peckish thinking about it! :H



                  ODAT - Wednesday



                  What a fun group!!


                  AF April 9, 2016


                    ODAT - Wednesday

                    Sorry I've not been around

                    Hi everyone

                    Just to say it's Half Term and things are FRANTIC!!!

                    Sorry I've not been on but have just had fun reading all that's going on.

                    Hopefully more time tomorrow.

                    Love to all


                      ODAT - Wednesday

                      Hi guys,

                      Have had a crazy busy day! Didn't manage to make last night AF so I'm kinda ticked at myself (ended up having those beers after baseball.............) but I am determined today. I am really tired and feel like kaka today anyway so it won't be difficult to make it an AF one - need to string quite a few together again. Thinking I'm going to try to go for 7 days as a start (then 14, then 21.......) you see the drill.

                      ODAT - right now need sleep.........

                      Love and Hugs,
                      Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                        ODAT - Wednesday

                        Hi everyone --- I'm kind of late today, usually like to read ODAT with morning Coffee. Been working on my new computers all day with the exception of a Dr. appointment this moning. Diagnosis is bi polar which I already knew? I've been treated fr depression ADD and anxieties so this really makes sense. I guess it it a good thing that I got a right diagnosis. Not happy about it, but trying not to get bummed with it.

                        So I am on day 11 I think. Thanks MWO. I am taking antabuse (with Dr. approval) and for me it works very well. Just have to make the decision not to drink once a day in he morning.

                        Bessie, how is the orphaned baby chick doing? OK I hope, love to all,


                          ODAT - Wednesday

                          Well, here i am again attempting AF for about the nth time. Finished 2/3 bottle at lunch yesterday, but was determined to get through last night without buying a bottle. Achieved that...

                          Now, gotta get through tonight. The nights are the worst. Am about to go to gym, hopefully that will snap me out of my thoughts.

                          I hope everyone is achieving their goals for the day...

                          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

