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Not sure where to start

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    Not sure where to start

    Hi Everyone..

    I have finally started making steps to my own recovery. I havent really spoken about it. I can go for long periods with being the definied "social drinker" but then I go through periods of not being able to stop once I start. I get my self into a whole slue of trouble... from just saying and doign stupid things to more potentially dangerous situations.. I am consumed by anxied, feelings of quilt. I am goign to start therapy this week to try to sort out where all of this is comming from.
    I am 26 and for a while I have used my age as an excuse-- I am just having fun, this is what young people do... ect.. but I know that this is just an excuse and that I need to find help before I hit lower. The flip side of this is that I work in drug treatment, and am going back to school to persue a career in rehabilitation. In part it has forced me to look deeper into my own use as how can I expect to help others if I dont truely understand my own problems? On the other side, working in the field has kindof put my own problems into deeper hiding. I can not seek out the traditionanal treatment as it is too awkward for me. I need to find my own way...

    The main question I would like to persue is medication treatments in conjunction with therapy. Topiramate seems promising but how do you get prescribed it? Well, thanks for listening!

    Not sure where to start

    Minimouse, Hello and welcome. You have found the place to start. Download or purchase the MWO book. A therapist is a great place to start as well. For me alot of my drinking had many triggers. Read and post here anywhere you want. These are the best group of folks.


      Not sure where to start

      hey minimouse.. didnt i speak to you? if not, i am 26 also, so message me whenever, i know exactly how you feel..


        Not sure where to start

        I bought my meds on line .Google the name then the words OFF shore or no prior.It worked for me.EVIE
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

