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    I am up due to OLIVE having the SH*TS..., too making crackers and cheese, pebbles, sticks, leaves and other assorted ground materials..Hubby has been a royal BITCH also so NO sleep tonite for Ripple! Thats OKAY..when you don't drink you can get away with it! Bess & Bean get a break, butt Friday I will be sleepy-time! Everyone have a splendid peckish BOOZE FREE Thursday...:rays:


    Hi Ripple and all to come

    Sorry you are having such a hard time, how come it always falls to us women to clean up the doggie messes? I just love, love it when dogs have been locked up and may have had an accident and hubby gets home before me!!! Know he hates it so much. Certain other jobs always fall to me, the toilet paper police always inform when the loo's need more paper! It seems to be a task beyond anyone in this house to go to the utility room take down more and replace.

    Well that's the rant for today. Another busy one but feeling good after an AF night. This has been a difficult month and I am looking forward to starting afresh in June.




      Thanks Ripple for starting today. Sorry you're having pooch problems......!!

      A real quickie for me. Hope to check in again later.

      Bessie xxx



        Good Thursday Morning everyone!!
        Sorry about Olive having the sh*ts Ripple! I have 2 cats and i'm always the one cleaning out their sh*tters! Hubby never ever does it!! UGH!!!!
        I didn't get much sleep either, and not due to booze. Just one of those nights I guess. So, up early to tackle chores outside and enjoy the morning sunshine here in Vermont! Everyone have a great Thursday.

        Love and Peace
        When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
        -- Franklin D Roosevelt --



          Helloooo People of ODAT!

 was a pleasant surprise to see that you started the thread today. It most likely ensures that we will have a very dynamic day on the thread!

          I had my client meeting yesterday and it went really well. It is the first time in many months that I showed up at a meeting with NO AL in my system to "calm my nerves". I did get a little nervous at first without my old buddy by my side but it went away pretty quickly. I am pretty sure I will get some much needed business.

          The weather is finally turning into summer here in Minnesota! Grass is green, sun is shining and birds are chirping. I am getting together for a long lunch with a group of former work associates to chat about the old times. It will be a ton of fun and AL won't be attending.

          Today will be day 20 AF. I realized last night that I have been AF 37 out of 44 days since joining MWO. Darn 7 day slip right in the middle ruined my run!

          I owe much of my success to all of you on this thread. Thank You.





            Have a great day. I'll be sober today. I can't stay, but I'll be thinking about you all. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012




              A crazy one for me too...............coworker (GRRRRR) needs me to see all her patients, having a hard time keepin up, hope they come to my rescue if I ever get that way(WON'T HAPPEN!!!)..............

              anyway, rough night for me, dreamed about going to Mexico, w/ inlaws, drinking, fighting, buying things at auctions..............??? Crazy dreams, only 2nd night AF, maybe that is why???

              TTYL everyone, will try to check in all around......................

              lots of love.:l:h:l:h

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



                Case--that has to be a great feeling and inspiration to keep going af!! :goodjob:

                I can't believe this weather!! Cold and dreary all day yesterday--had to plant some tomatoes with my hooded sweatshirt on and my nose running, I could see my breath! That's just not right! It rained at least last night, we can always use that. Now this morning it is foggy and cloudy. The forecast is for 80 degrees today--i sure hope so! I need to replant most all of my garden because of the wind and weather. Still lots to do before Texas trip.

                I just realized I had a dream about piglets this morning. All cute, pink and soft! Don't remember much else. Just memories of my childhood I guess. Or Bessie's life!

                Have a great day all!:h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:



                  Its ME!

                  Glad to hear everyone is MOTIVATED today...:banana: make sure you have ONE!

                  ROLL CALL:

                  RUST: you sound GREAT..June is almost here! I'm with you AF..:bananacomputer:
                  Bessie: Quickies keep us SOBER...GOOD FOR YOU! Peckish me says NO!
                  : AW..Vermont..the green sound great GREEN!
                  Remain CALM
         gets better! :bigwink:
                  We are staying SOBER
                  : Hang in there, tomorrow is FRIDAY!
                  LVT25: Little piggies sound like FUN!



                    Hi ODATS

                    Ripple I'm with you - why do men not "do" poo??? As I have always said to him indoors and the kids "why is it your cat when it's cuddly and mine when it messes on the carpet??" Yuk

                    Really don't know how I;m feeling this week has been really weird - no AF days for a week (not good) although no binges either.

                    Big hello to anyone I've missed and all to come.




                      Oh MUMMY...hubby did doo poo runs last night a (FEW) puppy feels stressed energy...they know their good mummy's love! You have a splendid day dear...your on the roll call for the day! STAY SOBER and SAFE...nice horsey there. :wave:



                        Just back from a lesson on the horse. Boy that beastie can be lazy when he wants!! But we got a good tune going in the end! Good exercise for both of us. He is such a love really.

                        Matthen - thanks for asking about the chick yesterday but it died :upset: No idea what from.

                        Having a bit of a tricky time. Hubby got reallllly seriously drunk last night and somehow managed to feed the dogs the remains of a free range roast chicken carcass (I wanted it for MY lunch and we NEVER feed them cooked chicken bones!!) and ate a whole load of pickled anchovies and toast and managed to get muesli everywhere!! He doesn't remember any of that bit. He came to bed after me obviously very pissed. We have talked it over this morning as it is very odd behaviour for him. We have come up with the reason we think (too long winded to go into here) so will be looking out for the triggers and making sure we both support each other in AF or mod for the next few days. I may even introduce him to here!!

                        Anyway, just another quick pop in to my favourite daily soap. Love Ripple starting it - again please??

                        Bessie xxx




                          Ladies, Please. Men do do poo. We just prefer to let it harden and dry first before dealing with it. The secret is not to be the first one up in the morn, or to pretend your asleep. Ladies you know the latter trick well. Grandkids and movies for the weekend, AL not invited.

                          Peace and Love to All, Metolius



                            Wow, OK Good morning as bizzare as it is. Do not feel alone. :H

                            I am in my bathrobe at 11:30 AM. Hubby gave me tranq last night to reel me in and we left the office in the rain without my shoes which I could not find as he held my hand to his car. Remember when I said I turned down a pill? This is why. Just got off phone with accountant, have to be in attorney's ofice in one hour. And it looks like fast food on the way if possible. And if you could only imagine my hair. I have to put oil in the little car since I could not drive last night and it is at the office. So I start out on ODAT with a big arse HOLY SHIT and PANTS!!!

                            Here is hoping everyone makes good choices today. If you look up, I'm the one on the tight rope in need of a net. BGP pulled up.

                            Seriously, do you get that feeling of OMG how am I going to do this? I am on it.

                            Bessie .. sorry about the chickie. boo-hoo

                            Refreshing today, am I not?
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



                              Hey guys,

                              I have had a crap of a morning. My daughter (7) had a rough morning, was tired and had a meltdown because she couldn't find her hand cream. Needless to say when I dropped her off at school she was crying and I have been feeling awful all day thinking of how upset and how miserable our morning was (I yelled at her when she was having her meltdown because I was so frustrated that she was freaking over something so stupid and we were late......). So I feel awful cause I lost my temper and I can't stop thinking of how sad she was.............AAAUUUGGGHHH - I hate that.

                              But I have to keep plugging away - trying to remember she's 7 and resilient and probably playing with her friends and has forgotten all about it. Damn it's hard to be a single mom.

                              But I will not drink today - I was mods last night but I need another AF day!!!

                              Love and Hugs,
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

