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    Bess, Mets, Greens and Uni, welcome to ODAT! We have to stay SOBER, no matter wot it takes ...OKAY! i have to go to shrinkage :sofa: right now...i'll smoke it up later...:ranger



      Goodmorning - ish - it's almost noon here,

      Ripple - is that your pup??? So darn cute!!! Little destructo-dog??? My little jack russell was very destructive up until a couple years ago, when he finally started leaving the living room curtains alone - I had shredded curtains for quite awhile, as it was a waste to keep putting new ones up for him to destroy! Quite embarrassing, company wise! He is 10yo now, so is not as bad. Very pricey little beast!!!

      Another AF day yesterday - was quite determined after several days of mods - still waiting for my doctor to call me to talk about topa! I am still so undecided!! But as usual, af = no sleep. I swear, I was just on the verge of sleep all night!!!

      LVT - it's been rather on the cool side up here too. A cloudy day today and a cool wind. My garden just might be starting to sprout - I keep checking it out but can only see one bean sprout! We even had frost a couple nights ago!!! Where on earth is the global warming??? Not here!!

      Back to work!!!
      A thrilling thursday to you all!



        OK then.... I manage to forget that the tire in the little car needed a blow job. Other car is the one I could not drive last night after the magic pill. Drive "downtown". Wierd stuff with that (poison ivey is part of the story) but I naviagate it. Stop to get gas on the way back. This guy knocks on window and points out flat tire. I am a lucky person. I really am. N cell phone, no nothing. He changes my tire to the donut thing in the trunk which is also flat while I squat in the parking lot and chat with him. Then he leads me around until we find an air pump at a gas station that actually works. Marvin, my angel. Thank you. The universe somehow takes care of me but I realize I must step up to the plate. And I am. In BGP. Watch me. I am going to hit a home run.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT




          Home Run with BASES LOADED GIRL!! GRAND SLAM!!

          You are there.

          AF April 9, 2016



            My cutie baby

            My cutie puppy Max had knicker fetish
            I kid you not, and not any old knickers, had to be USED URRRGGG!!!
            He used to sit for ages with them and run off outside with them into the garden

            Well I live opposite the school and one day there was a big rumpus going on, police and all sorts as someone had been spotted watching the kids and tried to get a child into his car, so I goes out to see if I can help

            BINGO, heres Max with my smelly knickers running round the ruddy garden!
            Oh the shame!
            I hope they didnt think I'd trained him to that , like clean them you know?

            Thank God he grew out of it, so theres hope for all us yet!

            Have a good day everyone (or should I say night now!)



              Fairy..they LOVE underwear or socks...anything that smells STINKY!!!!!!:H



                Hi ODAT

                Sorry to be so late -- it is after midnight and if I am allowed to count Friday alredy, I am on day 30. Real happy about it and taking antabse.

                Sat I am going to Spain this coming Saturday but will also be taking antabuse along. It seems to be keeping me sober along with ONAT and the lots of great blogs on here. Probably won't hear from me mucvh when I am in 'spain, but I will get through all in good shape, 'Thanks for all you folks have done to help me out of my own version of hell. l

