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Dr. Jack needs to die

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    Dr. Jack needs to die

    Hello I am 31 years old male I have been drinking eavily the last 7 years. I have gone from grappa to wine the past three years it has been beer.
    I drink 3 liter of beer a day. I work functionally cause I never get hangover. I don?t drink during the day.
    My guess is that I drink to reward mysefl. I have a girlfriend and we live together (almost five years now). She doesn?t bothering me about drinking,. She did bother me for the wine and this is why I don?t drink wine in or outside the house. But reading the forum i came across a sentence that a couple of times someone else mentioned to me ?dr Jack and mrs Hide? ,..I do not want to lose her. In my life she is more important than the alchool. We are not having any problem as today. We just got a new bigger house we have two dogs but I don?t want the alchool to influence my life more than it already did. She barely drink but I think her father was an alchoolic maybe that is why she doesn?t bug me that much about it. I do not want to hear from her ?here is mr hide again? it hurts me more than everything

    The past week I cut down to 2 liters a day. If I stay a day without drinking i don?t get withdraw or should i say I never felt abnormal if i don?t drink. In the past 3 years I have never been more than two days without drinking though

    I am a very sporty guy I do cycling every week end. Or should i say i do it in order to stay out of the house 3-4 hours and reward myself at night . I do 70 kilometer on saturay and 70 on Sunday I feel good and push myself and back home in front on home theatre I reward myself with beer and than food. Nevertheless I like to be fit. In summer time I practice Down Hill.

    To make it short I abuse alcohol and this need to stop not just for me but also for the people around me. As today the only person that denunce the problem to me is my mother. When I was drinking wine even my girlfriend.

    Will i get withdraw?
    I planning to cycle everynight instead of watching movie and drinking beer

    Dr. Jack needs to die

    Welcome to MWO,
    Sounds like you are on the right track, cycling will definatly do you more good than beer. When you can't get out of the house hanging round here is good thing to do.
    You may or may not withdrawal symptoms, you will surely get some cravings. L-Glut and Kudzu from the health shop are good for that. MWO health shop
    I wish you all the best.
    My Way Out has worked for me :l

    Addiction Freedom My Web Site


      Dr. Jack needs to die

      Welcome Crusty
      I wish you the best in beating alcohol. It's not easy but it's so worth it!!

      Hang around here. There is lots of support for you.

      Love and Peace
      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


        Dr. Jack needs to die

        Be careful not to over train - being tired can be a trigger to drink. I speak as an 'athlete' myself who also used to reward herself after a hard week working then training.

        When I got sober I had to learn to slow down, take it easy and give myself a break. Also isolating yourself in your workouts can be the road to drinking again. I like to lift weights at a gym which gets me out amongst people as well as the AA meetings I attend. That way you can help prevent the silly drinking thought patterns from developing.

        Hope you do well - remember AL is mistakenly thought of my most of the population as a 'treat', it isn't and is actually a poison - what well educated athlete puts poison into their body?


          Dr. Jack needs to die

          Hi Crusty. Just wanted to add to the "Welcome to MWO!" Go for you acknowledging your problem before it gets totally out of hand, and costs you something important in your life. Your wife or your health know, the list goes on.

          UKblonde is right that alcohol is POISON to our bodies and minds - not a treat in any way. Since you love being fit, just imagine how much fitter you will be when you are not off-setting your workouts with poison!

          LOL - I know what you mean about the wine. Wine was my HUGE poison of choice for awhile. Though I didn't think so (tongue in cheek), Mr. Doggy begged me to drink Vodka instead because wine made me bitchier than Vodka. Been there, done that.

          Anyway, this is a great group for support! If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend going to the Health Store and downloading the My Way Out book. Best $12.95 I ever spent.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Dr. Jack needs to die

            Doggygirl;334854 wrote: Hi Crusty. Just wanted to add to the "Welcome to MWO!" Go for you acknowledging your problem before it gets totally out of hand, and costs you something important in your life. Your wife or your health know, the list goes on.

            UKblonde is right that alcohol is POISON to our bodies and minds - not a treat in any way. Since you love being fit, just imagine how much fitter you will be when you are not off-setting your workouts with poison!

            LOL - I know what you mean about the wine. Wine was my HUGE poison of choice for awhile. Though I didn't think so (tongue in cheek), Mr. Doggy begged me to drink Vodka instead because wine made me bitchier than Vodka. Been there, done that.

            Anyway, this is a great group for support! If you haven't already done so, I highly recommend going to the Health Store and downloading the My Way Out book. Best $12.95 I ever spent.

            actually vodka makes me even worste
            thank you all for the support:goodjob:

            ps: I make many grammar mistake forgive me english is not my mother tongue
            I'm Italian


              Dr. Jack needs to die

              CrustyDemon;334890 wrote: ps: I make many grammar mistake forgive me english is not my mother tongue
              I'm Italian
              You are doing very well! I couldn't get past Ciao in Italian. (and I'm not certain I spelled THAT right. )

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Dr. Jack needs to die

                I no longer believe different drinks give differing effects apart from the speed at which you get into certain states. I went through phases of violence, sadness, passivity, anger etc and it was just a thing I went through. I was advised to change my drink by other drinkers but I am afraid it's all AL - just some drinks are stronger and more effective than others.

                Vodka is often moved onto because it's strong and the drinker thinks it doesn't smell, it does but in a more subtle way. All AL has the same result generally.


                  Dr. Jack needs to die

                  Glad you posted, one thing I want to point out your only 31 and if you keep this up the only thing I can guarantee is that you still will be drinking as you get older and the bike riding will stop. I hate to be a downer but we are all here for you and I really would like in twenty years from now to hear you say yah I used to drink alot but now I just enjoy riding alot.

                  Take care and glad you are doing something about changing things,



                    Dr. Jack needs to die

                    When I could get down to 3or4 beers a day , withdrawal was not a big issue.If I stopped cold turkey at higher levels i thought i was gonna die from the pain (I was so,so sick).If you can slow down then it is not so hard on your body.Stopping was the best gift that I ever gave myself and now staying sober is the most important thing in my life.You can do this if you make it your Priority...LOL....EVIE
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      Dr. Jack needs to die

                      MR Hide has to die

                      Day one has gone without drinking (is saturday morning now).I had no withdraw syntoms at all. Except having hard time falling asleep.

                      I did as many people suggested I watched a movie I went for a walk with may dogs and I thought of alchool as a body poison. I drunk a lot of water and that's it. I crave for beer from 6 30 to 7 30 I hate supper and the craving went away.

                      How long will it take to my body to get disintoxicated?
                      Do you think I will stil get any withdrawn?
                      I am a little concerne about tonight is saturnay night My girlfrined tomorrow she's working early (she's a nurse she starts with the first shift) so luckily tonight we want do anything and I will not drink. Most of our friend are alchoolic abuser.

                      PS; is it posssible to change the title to Mr Hide has to die


                        Dr. Jack needs to die

                        Crustydemon: congratulations on finding this place. The people on this site are extremely supportive and can help you get you through this. When I stopped - my side (liver area) felt sore for the first 2 weeks, then the pain was gone. I am not doing the medication - am taking a lot of vitamins -have found the L-Glutamine to be the thing that helps me get rid of my cravings .

                        I have a lot of friends that are still big drinkers (I am only on day 31 AF) - and if they question why I'm not drinking when we go out - I tell them that I am training (I try to do 5Ks or mini-triathlons on the weekends).

                        I'm sending positive thoughts your way. - Have a great Saturday!


                          Dr. Jack needs to die

                          I had the worst withdrawl in the first 48hrs. or so.If it has not started by now then i do not think it will be that bad.Of course the more you drink and the longer you drlnk the harder the withdrawl will be.i was sober for 17yrs. and it only took 1 drink and I was right back at the same place i was before I stopped the last time.I thought that after all that time sober it would be different but it was not.Once an Alkie , always an Alkie (at least foe me)....EVIE
                          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                            Dr. Jack needs to die

                            I found that when I drank wine as opposed to any other drink, I also became a different person (Mrs Hide). I finally had to give it up completely, because it seemed I would become violent for no reason at all. I always suspected that I was allergic to the grapes or something.

                            Crusty Demon, I have been following your posts, and want you to know that I am here for you and we are all in this together. WE CAN DO THIS!


                              Dr. Jack needs to die

                              Hello this is my second night without the beast (7 liter of beer less in my body). The trick for me is to eat at 7 30 I get the crave to have a beer arond 6 I ll wait an hour or so,.. I eat and then is all gone. Still not withdraw.
                              I am gonna try to get a good night of sleep. I din't wake up tired this morning but last night I fellt like I was awake while i was dreaming. I am gonna allow myself to drink twice the next week or may be not at all

                              I manage to beat the beast twice without anything except the forum. I never talked about my drinking problem so openly in my entire life.

                              The funny thing is that now my girlfrined say that I am all-or-none.
                              If i drink tooo much I am mr Hide,.. If I don't drink I am a radical

                              I'll never understand woman, never sadisfy:upset:

