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Hold me up!

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    Hold me up!

    I just lost my last post so will try and say it again, but it doesn't seem as easy the second time. I have been reading this site since Monday when I had a day off work (yes, we all know why). I posted one thread and was really surprised to get replies, which immediately helped me. I have been coming home and using the site as a substitute for wine and today is Day 4 with no side effects except can't sleep properly, but that's OK. My problem is tomorrow night I will take my husband to the airport and he will be away for a week, including this weekend and Monday is a public holiday (in Australia). I am TERRIFIED I am going to stop on the way home and buy a bottle (or two) of wine. I buy two because I rationalise that if I only buy one and then want more I might be tempted to drive, so if I have another bottle handy (which I absolutely positively do NOT intend to drink - oh yeh?) then I am safe. So, I am so pleased with how I feel, eating well, taking my vits/minerals/L-Glut etc. and want to be able to come home and log on and say hi to everyone and say "I DIDN'T STOP AND BUY ANY WINE ON THE WAY HOME AND TODAY IS DAY 5 - HOORAY!!
    Please can someone be here tomorrow night so I can tell you I haven't broken my resolve - I know what Day 4/5 can be like, especially at the weekend.
    So, until then, fingers crossed.............

    Hold me up!

    Hi Nicky. I am SO HAPPY for you on Day 4 AF!!! YOU CAN DO IT!! Take it one thought at a time. To the airport, past the liquor store without stopping, through each little crave or thought of drinking. Just keep saying no. No. No. No. No.

    Weekends tend to get a bit quieter around here than weekdays, but there are ALWAYS at least some people around. The many times zones and countries represented is a beautiful thing about MWO.

    I would suggest posting something in the Need Help Now section once the weekend and your hubby drop off gets closer. I think lots of people keep an eye on that section first.

    I'll be in and out of here a lot this weekend too - I'm on Day 8 AF (hopefully for the last time!). Saturdays are especially difficult for I will be touching the life line LOTS. I'm in the US though so we are on different time zones.


    There are lots of support threads going on here at MWO. Just want to make sure you have seen the Booze Busters thread in the Monthly Abstinence section. If you are targeting 30 days AF (or more), you are welcome to join us for support there too!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Hold me up!

      Keep on going! You are almost through the roughest part! Why go back to do it over again?

      Loneliness can trigger cravings. If you are determined to stay AF, post in the 'Need Help ASAP' if you start to wig out. You are guaranteed to have someone help you! I know I watch that section when I am on. I also know that many, many, many others do to.

      Hang in there. Keep busy!


        Hold me up!

        Thanks so much for the replies - OK - I will definitely be strong - just getting that response helped so much 'cos I feel like I would be letting down people like you that take the trouble to support people like me! My cousin visited Australia recently and had never seen a 'Drive through' bottle shop. Not sure if it is common elsewhere but here you can drive up, hand your money out the window and the bottle shop attendant brings what you want to the car. Sooooo convenient - especially when you sneak out late at night in your trackpants and slippers! But, NO MORE, I will also make sure I don't take any money with me! Then I would have to come home first, and then I would hop onto this site and I will be saved!
        Tune in tomorrow night and I shall be here saying 'DAY 5' and yes, I would like to join the 30 day voyage.
        Thanks Nicky


          Hold me up!

          LOL! We don't have 'Drive Through' bottle shops here, in BC. If we did, I would probably still be drinking. :H Just kidding. I wouldn't be.

          It is funny tho.... how alcohol is such a problem world wide and they make it more and more convenient to get it.

          Gotta run & shower! Hang in there - OK! Trust me, there is no better feeling in the world than to be free of AL. It is tough in the beginning, and periodically afterwards, BUT it does offer you freedom and better health. :l


            Hold me up!

            Hi Nicky - welcome!!

            As has been said before we're all over the world and the time zones seriously do my head in! It's Thurs afternoon here now so Friday evening for you will be in approx 24 hours???

            Just try and do it - I find it easier to stay AF without husband (but that's just my husband for you). We're all thinking of you.



              Hold me up!

              WHEE!!! I'm going to attend Nicky's "Day 5" party tomorrow night!!!!

              Nicky, I'm planning my Double Digit (Day 10) party on Saturday (my rough day of the week!). You comin'????? I hope everyone who is trying stay AF through the weekend will come!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Hold me up!

                Nicky, I am so thankful that you posted your concerns. I am a newbie and just started - Day 2 AF and I am really nervous about the weekend!! I have been invited to a friend's house tonight, who is not a big drinker, so I think I will be Ok. However, Saturday night a different friend is having a dinner out by her big beautiful fire pit for another friend's 40th birthday. I have no doubt that wine will be abundant. I have racked my brain about what to say - as I have not shared my new journey with anyone yet accept the community at MWO. I am just not ready to be dubbed an "alcoholic" or to explain myself to others that may not relate yet. Do I tell my friends that I am on a new "diet" that does not allow for the calories that alcohol brings with it? Do I tell them I don't want to drink because I am driving home? How do I have fun without having wine with my friends? I am so new at this and really don't want to blow it!! I feel exactly how you do.... A little scared. (By the way, I am from the US and we do have drive-thru windows in my state. And I, too, buy 2 bottles so that I don't run out). It's amazing how many similar stories I am finding on this website and in this community. I am so grateful for MWO right now... I hope I get through the weekend. ... I really do
                God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                  Hold me up!

                  Hi Spirit girl. You might find that TRUE friends who like you for just you might not be all that interested in whether you drink or not. In my experience, the people who have a big reaction often have a drinking problem too - and want to be in good drinking company in order to ignore it.

                  But...that being said, all of the things you mentioned are very plausible explanations if you need one. (it's really nobody's business IMO!) Dieting, watching your blood sugar, driving, all good.

                  A couple other suggestions for whatever it's worth.... You might want to bring your own something to drink - maybe something you would consider "special" even though it's AF. For me that would be something like Pellegrino water and some lemon wedges. I would never spend the money on Pellegrino water for day in day out consumption. (LOL - but I sure spent a ton on booze - how nonsensical we get!) Whatever it is for you, if you can take something special you may not feel as deprived as you might otherwise feel.

                  Another trick from my early days of quitting smoking in case this is useful. Even though it's a celebration among friends, figure out a way to set a time limit on your participation. I found it easier to have an explanation in advance so I could limit my time to an hour (as an example - whatever is appropriate) and then leave. I could more easily wrap my brain around "I can do this for an hour" rather than "can I hold out all evening?"

                  Anyway, 2 cents and a bag of chips. Stay close to MWO! WE CAN DO THIS!!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Hold me up!

                    Doggy has great advice, say up front you can only stay for a while because of an early day planned the next , THEN LEAVE at that time! Another thought is to say you are on medication, ie antibiotics and the dr suggested you did not drink! That will buy you time before you have to say what you are doing. I used that one a few weeks ago and no body said a word.

                    GOOD LUCK!
                    "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                      Hold me up!

                      Nicky and SpiritG. :welcome:

                      I know from experience the weekend trigger is tough. The loneness is not a possibility for me.... I live in a house of 8. Spirit, I took a med recently for heart burn and boozed allowed while taking it, I've kept that excuse handy.

                      Doggy and Guy both have great advise.

                      To you both, I will be around this weekend and will check in from time to time. I understand how had this is to do. I?ve stumbled and got up and tried again. This time I'm not giving in. I hope you don't either. SO if you need to toss out a call for help, do it.

                      Also, like Doggy said, check out the monthly abstinence area, nice group for sure!!

                      On my way
                      Was an alcoholic yesterday, an alcoholic today and will still be an alcoholic tomorrow..... but I'm in charge now!


                        Hold me up!


                        I would suggest that you make a list of activities that you would really enjoy doing this weekend and develop a schedule for yourself so you aren't trapped in your home pacing the floor fighting off AL. You will have an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. It happens to everyone when your brain starts craving AL and it is amazing how the battle unfolds throughout the day.

                        By having a schedule of events to accomplish you will be focused and not thinking about drinking. I.e. go for a bike ride, go window shopping, go to a movie, etc. Anything to keep you busy.

                        The weekend will fly by and you will feel great by Sunday night!


                          Hold me up!

                          Hello again Spiritgirl, and welcome Nicky.

                          I went out for lunch today at the local restaurant. The server was ready to bring me my usual brand of beer, I told her I had started a work out program, (which is true, I am proud to say) and ordered and Ice Tea.

                          She didn't seem to be surprised... but I felt like I needed an explanation. (I think it's only the 2nd time I have been in there and not ordered a drink). Be creative and use any excuse you can think of (true or not), just don't talk yourself into having "Just one". You may find out that you will be able to moderate down the road at some point, but it's way too risky this early.

                          It's day 2 for me. I will be logging in this weekend for some support too.



                            Hold me up!

                            You hang in there! Keep coming in here and reading, posting whatever it takes. Take a walk, read a book... it all helps. We are all in your corner! Congrats on day 5 it is a huge stepping stone! You can do it! :goodjob:


                              Hold me up!

                              you can hold me up too!!!

                              Hi Nicky and welcome,

                              this is a very quick post as I'm on my way to a meeting (a work one not an AA one!!)

                              I'm in NZ and Monday is a public holiday here too, and I'm on Day 5 .... so you are not alone!!

                              I'm going to be here a lot over the weekend .... probably mostly on the Boozebusters on the "Monthly Abstinence" bit. So sing out whenever you want and I wont be far away ...... and I'll be looking out for you as well!

                              we can do it!!!!

                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe

