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    Come on ? What kind of name is that and don't hide your face with a mutt.
    You are probably beautiful.
    Take the monkey/Dog off your face book/Back/



      I am new and have not posted b/4, but your post speaks of someone who is using. Again, what is the explanation of 'the drips' in the arm? Are we all destined to go there? I am really looking for guidance. In my head & heart, no one could feel more pathetic, worthless, useless and disposable than I do every day and at every moment. FYI - I have a good life and don't want for anything except I'm un-Godly lonely, and that's probably not my problem either. My childhood was a horror story, but at 48, I'm not sure how much I'm willing to attribute to that anymore. I know my husband 'hates the drunk - loves the sober' me, and although we have been to Hell & back in our marriage, I wouldn't blame him for leaving me and my sorry addiction. He deserves much better. FYI - he drinks every day also - for the FLAVOR - but I'm the drunk. He is not willing to quit or get the AL out of the house because he LOVES the taste - not the effect - every day - after work - without question. He KNOWS I have a HUGE PROBLEM but will not join with me to rid the house of AL for a month. I'm sorry for everyone.



        My story is quite like yours but I do not know how I could stay Sober with AL in the house.If I had to live with it around me i guess that the best I could do would be to try to find other things that i liked.Stock up on juices,teas,sodas etc.Find foods that you love (Jelly Belly Beans in dzs. of flavors).Anything that will keep you busy could help.Spent alot of time here and the desire to get sober may rub of on you AND YOU WILL GET COPPING TOOLS ALONG THE WAY!! If I can do it ANYBODY can.I truly believe that.LOL.....Evie
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



          rocky, drips in the arm can be i.v. to rehydrate the body. darling you have some challanges. my man took all that booze out of the house and he won't even drink. well he does now cuz i'm sober and don't care. but then no way. cuz he knew if i kept going it would kill me and us. so there are some large issues on the table. and that means booze has to go out the door. but if you can't get booze out the door then you have to muster it up. get the book do everything rj says to do and get on her program darling. the first step is talking about it the next step is action.



            Yes rocky
            Bootcamp never minzes words and nor do i.
            Want drips? Stay the way you are-the siezures will surely follow.
            Love Bash


              NO EXCUSES NEWBIES

              Please don't feel useless..
              We are here for you.
              Nobody should ever feel the way you do. You are a human being and are worthfull.
              Neverforget that. If you do, you will be lost to us.
              Be your human self and do'nt give up- please.
              Bash XXX


                NO EXCUSES NEWBIES


                What kind and wonderful words. :l:l

                Rocky, listen to Bashley. He knows what he is talking about.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  NO EXCUSES NEWBIES

                  When you worry and hurry through your day, it is like an
                  unopened gift....Thrown away. ... Life is not a race.
                  Take it slower. Hear the music before the song is over.


                    NO EXCUSES NEWBIES

                    Bashley, did anyone ever tell you you look like Indiana Jones?


                      NO EXCUSES NEWBIES

                      Bashley, that rang my bell. That deep inner one that sometimes goes silent for whatever reason. Thank you for that.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        NO EXCUSES NEWBIES


                        Bashley IS Indiana Jones.

                        m. xx
                        ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                        I am in the next seat.
                        My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                          NO EXCUSES NEWBIES

                          Bashley .....

                          How are you doing ????

                          BB xx


                            NO EXCUSES NEWBIES

                            Today will be day one AF for me. I came here a month ago and started the program. I started following the posts from Aceofbase. His success truly inspired me as well as the support and coaching of all the wonderful people here. I had some short-lived success but chose to go back to my old habits. Ace doesn't seem to be around any more. I am ready to take on the 30 day AF and see where I am after that. I have been lurking and reading for several days now. I have seen several of Bashley's posts. They have at times confused and shocked me. But today, Bashley, you have touched my heart with your words and given me a lift to start my day one. And as the Karaoke queen, who couldn't love a guy who won a karaoke contest???
                            "PAIN IS JUST WEAKNESS LEAVING THE BODY!" USMC


                              NO EXCUSES NEWBIES

                              I will check back in on Tuesday. I will be visiting my mother without access to my computer. Thank you for starting this post and giving me a great start to my 30 days!!! You all are great!!!
                              "PAIN IS JUST WEAKNESS LEAVING THE BODY!" USMC


                                NO EXCUSES NEWBIES

                                Bashley;335997 wrote: DOGGY GIRL
                                Come on ? What kind of name is that and don't hide your face with a mutt.
                                You are probably beautiful.
                                Take the monkey/Dog off your face book/Back/
                                LOL Bashley - that's not *me* behind the puppy - it's our dog training. I'm way prettier than him. (which isn't sayin' much!) How are you this weekend?????

                                Rocky, ditto Bashley's words - you are a worthwhile human being deserving of love and kindness and support. I hope you will download the My Way Out book for the Heath Store (on the top menu of each page here) and read RJ's story and the full program she recommends. I will be hoping in my heart that your husband sees that it would be in his own best interest - since he loves the sober you, and is not addicted himself (just likes the taste, right??) - to get the booze out of the house at least for the time being.

                                57 Shelby, all the best to you to on your early AF days!! Hope you check back in on Tuesday when you get home.

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

