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Found this site, felt great then fell on my face!!

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    Found this site, felt great then fell on my face!!

    I am quite disgusted my my double-crossing. I double-crossed myself by globally announcing I was 'inspired' - I gave up for two whole days! I bought the only form of Kudzu in Nz (which is watered down) and some Magnesium. Cost me a bomb. I can't source the book here or the meds. But, hey I was so inspired I thought I would be fine. But I'm not. I am drinking my chardonnays again. On the up-side I have flicked the two-year releationship which supported my drinking. I have watched the sun set. I have thought that tomorrow I want to engage with life and go for a run.

    I am just me, just a Mum, just a woman, just a girl who grew up a bit lost and then went on to have a great career and three awesome kids. 40 approaches and my confidence is suddenly gone. I want to stop wanting my best friend the chardonnay!!


    Found this site, felt great then fell on my face!!

    Weclome Own...

    You will find this site so supportive... we know where you are at and it really just comes down to taking it one step at a time... We all have similar stories and this is the site where you can share your story when you are ready..

    The others will come along shortly to welcome you.... especially the Aussies ( due to the time difference).... in the meantime... my suggestion is be nice to yourself... you will find the inner strength to beat this devil....

    Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


      Found this site, felt great then fell on my face!!

      hey thanks. That's about alll I can say. I juist get so sick of the knowing I'm better and doing the opposite.



        Found this site, felt great then fell on my face!!

        morning own
        well done for comming this far,, when i first come here l kept having slips,, but know am on 84 days af
        and that is with all the people on here,, l can honestly say ldo not think l would of made it this far with out them,,,, there is always someone here to help you when you need it,,, just keep coming good luck
        there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


          Found this site, felt great then fell on my face!!

          Hey bestfriend,

          Don't beat yourself up for slipping we all have done it. I started out great here a while back and then fell fell flat on my face and quit logging on for several months... I started logging on here again and immediately started doing better, and am making some progress. There are a lot of good people here who will support you. Just take it at your own pace... no pressure just encouragement here.



            Found this site, felt great then fell on my face!!

            Hey best,
            Welcome dont lose confidence in your self you are GREAT!!!!! Just have a problem like the rest of us with the drink which can be overcome. You said "I am just me, just a Mum, just a woman, just a girl who grew up a bit lost and then went on to have a great career and three awesome kids". You can do all that !!!!!!!!!.... you can beat this beast. Take care remember you are a good person and will beat this. Stay positive. I know.... easier said than done but alot easier when drink is NOT part of the sums.

            Take care Cap


              Found this site, felt great then fell on my face!!

              it is a part of the process and you need to shake it off. beating yourself up will lead you to drink again. sooooo onward and upward we go. hi ho hi ho _ smiling. i feel like your personal little elf or something from sleeping beauty.. well, okay girlie. let's go one foot in front of the other. hi ho hi ho da boots


                Found this site, felt great then fell on my face!!

                I recently had a slip where I was finding I couldn't stop questioning what sobriety meant to me. It's hard to break through the mental obsession I think and personally I had an obsession with the lifestyle choices I had in the past. I was almost tribalistic with my lifestyle choices and I desperately felt the need to be a part of something again and gain some sense of belonging even if that came with a price attached to it.

                When I first gave up the drink back in June last year I had to end a 5 1/2 year relationship as my lifestyle would never of changed while I was still in that relationship. I found myself though wanting to be a part of that 'scene' again when I began to question everything I had gained over the past 4 1/2 months of sobriety. The mental obsession had returned with a vengeance and I was clearly not ready to deal with it. I'm glad to say I did not revert back to my old ways totally and had the good sense to question my questioning (if you like!!). Got a lot of my chest here and I'll always be grateful for the input of other's who shared with me some of their own story's and thoughts. It always inspires me when I feel I've made a connection with someone but I get inspiration in just hearing of how others have achieved their own goals in sobriety. There are times I get inspired and it can last only minutes but I carry that thought with me through the day and if I feel I'm feeling less than motivated I only have to think back to what I may of read or heard. Don't think because you openly admitted you where inspired (but drank 2 days later) that you motivations were not honest or less than truthful at that time. You WERE inspired and you need to keep getting that inspiration to be able to continue your journey. In hindsight I guess you could say I got some kind of motivation and new found inspiration when I learned something from my slips. It all helps in getting me back in the saddle to fight on another day; although It's becoming less of a battle for me these days!!lol.

                Love and Happiness
                "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                  Found this site, felt great then fell on my face!!

                  The journey begins with one step

                  :welcome:I think that just realizing that you want to make a change and having the courage to buy some of the supplements is a good beginning. For some individuals, the path to being AF is not going from point A to point B. It is a winding road.

                  On my journey, I have noticed that despite the slips, over the last couple of months I am drinking less days and lower amounts. To me, that is progress. I used to drink 4-6 days a week, and am now down to 1-3 days a week. Soon, I hope to be down to one day a week and then totally AF for many months.

                  I have found that the hypno CDs help me to relax and release negative energy. They might be helpful for you. Also, the supplements and the MWO book are tremendously helpful. Keep on making positive changes and be gentle with yourself. Every effort is a step forward to a new life and freedom.


                    Found this site, felt great then fell on my face!!

                    JUST KEEP TRYING!!!!!!PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.........EVIE
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      Found this site, felt great then fell on my face!!

                      I understand your words for I am experiencing the same.
                      Reached into my savings and bought the whole kit and kabootle and am still batteling.
                      You are cared about and supported and lean into the encouragement no matter what.
                      Great souls here one and all to embrace you no matter what.

                      You are important.

                      " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                        Found this site, felt great then fell on my face!!

                        Ownbestfriend ~ So sorry you are having a had time right now, but I have to agree with the others, that kicking yourself while your down is not going to help you. Everyday we get to start anew. And I believe there can be a lot said for having the right attitude. Get focused on a plan and realize that you are human and we as humans make mistakes. You can do this!!

                        Also, I wanted to make sure that you were aware that the book can be downloaded right to your computer (no need to worry about shipping). It downloads instantly and is only about 85 pages. I hope this helps you.

                        And please remember that AL is in no way a friend!!!! AL is the enemy!!! Stick with us. We are here for you.

                        Love, Me
                        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                          Found this site, felt great then fell on my face!!

                          Winning tonight


                          Thanks everyone:h:h for your kind words and the reality check. Of course it was never going to be easy. Not drinking when you don't feel like it is not the challenge. It's not drinking when you DO that brings the test .... so .....

                          I am consciously choosing not to drink tonight, despite having the freedom to do so as my children are away - Queen's Birthday weekend here so I have a three-day weekend and kids gone to their Dads. I am taking it ODAT (I love these acronyms - they make me feel like we're all part of a little club with codes, sort of Secret Squirrel stuff) and aiming to spend the whole weekend AF.

                          Funny thing was two good friends arrived this morning and wanted me to play and I was instead wallowing in bed hung-over while the sun shone and the birds sung. One made me a cuppa and the other one told me to get in the shower!! I got sorted and we went to the local FARMERS MARKET and had a lovely time. I am really lucky with my:h friends :hand feel relieved I have told them all the problem - well it's 8.25pm and for me that means craving time is over!! I am luckier than some because I only think about alcohol between 3 - 7pm. If I make it through that period, I'm fine. Usually, though, I swing by the supermarket for some 'necessity' and slip a bottle of wine in while telling myself all kinds of stupid things.

                          Have a great day to the Northern Hemisphere folks and a great evening and peaceful sleep to the rest of us!!



                            Found this site, felt great then fell on my face!!

                            Congratulations OBF on a successful AF day! You DO have some really great friends - it's wonderful that you can be honest with them, and they can be part of your support system.

                            You mentioned in your initial post to this thread that you couldn't source the book. Have you considered the downloadable version? It's only $12.95 US and you can access it right away. I found the book to be very helpful in understanding RJ's base line program. Tweak from there.

                            Anyway, keep that great resolve going through the rest of the weekend!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              Found this site, felt great then fell on my face!!


                              Wanting to wish you a blessed, peaceful AF weekend!

                              This is the Day that the Lord Has Made, Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad! Psalm 118

