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Time To Quit

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    Time To Quit

    Sorry it has been over a week since I have posted. I have popped in for a quick fix on reading for a boost but no post. I am now on day 21 AF and I have been enjoying doing things that when drunk I was absolutely unable to do. I was one that isolated and stayed at home all the time. I never dressed but stayed in sweats or underclothes all the time and sat at the computer day after day. Since I do transcription at home I never had to leave the house. I just sat here in my night clothes and did my work while drinking.

    Since I started this program and the supps, along with the topa I have gained not only a lot of energy but a certain peace of mind. I am getting up, getting dressed and going out. My hubby and son have started talking and opening up more to me. So much so that my hubby took a few days off from work this past week and since my son is out of school now and my Dr. is on two week vacation, we were able to go for a few days and do some saltwater fishing. It was wonderful! We caught a couple of sharks that scared the hell out of me, but it was wonderful none-the-less!

    The topa is really helping with the cravings and there have been none, although I have to say situations still do it for me. When we were fishing, I saw other people drinking and I wanted to drink for a moment in time, but it passed when they left. So I have to be careful of those situations. I cannot moderate... been there done that and it just don't work for me.

    Now for the point of this thread! It is time to quit! I am trying to bite the big now and quit smoking! Wish me luck on that one! I have tried and failed as many times on that one as I have with the alcohol to no avail. Have smoked for 35 years. I am trying again. I have armed myself with commit losenges and I think the topa will help with this too as it makes every thing taste like crap! Please wish me luck as I am going to need it!

    Sorry this thread is sooooo long!

    Love and light

    Time To Quit


    :goodjob: on staying sober. Yay!!

    Best of luck on the cigarettes. I bought Commit lozenges yesterday, too. Going to give it a whirl.

    My sinus headache this week gave me the impetus to try to quit, too.

    I am not sure when I am going to do it, though, putting it off.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Time To Quit

      awesome job keep up . and it is so much fun to catch a shark one good work out .
      have an awesome day
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        Time To Quit

        Sounds great frogster! It must feel like you've gotten out of "jail"! I'm really happy for you!
        My whole reason for being here is because I quit smoking. In order to quit that, I had to quit the beer. Tomorrow will be 90 days since I quit smoking, and I've managed to cut way, way, down on the beer. I still have trouble when I go out and am around my smoking friends, so I don't do that much.

        I started a thread in the fitness section for us non-smokers or wanna be non-smokers, you should check it out for advice and support!!

        You can do this!:h
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          Time To Quit

          I am usiing Chantrix and I bought it online. No urge to smoke at all and no side effects other than one crazy dream the first day I took it. I do not think I need to use more than .5mg per day. I don't know about using it with Topa and am not familiar with Commit.

          There is/was a Vietnamse acupuncturist on Barrancas Ave. in Warrington. Her name is Theresa Ngyuen. You may want to check her out. She is third or fourth generation Oriental medicine and a very nice person. Her one time treatment worked for me but I stupidly had 'just one' a few years later. :upset: Guess what happened?

          P.S. I used to live in P-cola.


            Time To Quit

            Have you tried the natural licorice root sticks from the health food store?????I know several long time smokers how chewed on them and it helped them quit.It keeps your mouth busy and it also levels out your blood sugar (a problem for many drinkers).You might give it a try , it can not hurt and might help.I wish you LUCK......EVIE
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              Time To Quit

              evielou;335576 wrote: Have you tried the natural licorice root sticks from the health food store?????I know several long time smokers how chewed on them and it helped them quit.It keeps your mouth busy and it also levels out your blood sugar (a problem for many drinkers).You might give it a try , it can not hurt and might help.I wish you LUCK......EVIE
              Funny you should bring the licorice up...the Vietnamese lady would give you a small bag of it after the acupuncture.


                Time To Quit

                Hi Froggie

                21 Days -- that is wonderful. I am on 20 (even though sometimes I can't count right glad your are doing the math right). Good for you. Shark? That might scare me too even though I have known a few in my life up close and personal. I am sure we all have .

                On smoking, I did for 20 years. Hard to give up but worth it. I went to an AA type group for smokers sponsored by the Cancer Society and that worked for a while. I think I quit for good after listening to a "hypnotic quit smoking tape" every day for 30 days or so. Not sure which came first group or tape -- but I did stop and don't want a cigarette ever again.

                So good luck on the smoking. My only thought is that maybe it is too much pressure on you to quit smoking at this moment while still battling the A beast. But stopping smoking is a huge accomplishment and for me (and most others) it was a necessary one. Good luck and God bless.


                  Time To Quit

                  Frogzter - great job on those AF days adding up! Good luck tackling the smoking issue. I have no advise there, as I don't smoke, but I just wanted you to know that I am rooting for you!! Thanks for checking in.

                  WTG!! To all you are trying to battle more than one addiction at a time. You are very strong people!

                  Best of luck to all of you.

                  Love, Me
                  Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                    Time To Quit

                    Hi there frog!

                    Why not come and join us in our 'quitting smoking' thread. We would love to have you! LVT set it up and we kind of plunked on in there. I has been quiet down there lately, so maybe we need some fresh blood? :H


                    There are a bunch of us that have quit smoking here. Some of us did at the same time as quitting Al - others are moderating AL, but moderating so very well because of quitting smoking!!!

                    All the best to you! :l


                      Time To Quit

                      You are doing so wonderfully! Congrats to you on the 21 days! Go buy yourself some shiney! My best wishes to you on the quitting smoking. I've heard so many times how much harder it was to quit that then any other addiction. Kudos to you for making the decision.


                        Time To Quit


                        Well done on the 21 days.

                        As to stopping smoking, if I can do it, anyone can. I smoked at least a pack and a half (30 cigs) every day for about 33 years. I have stopped for over 2 years now. I read Allen Carr's books (Easyway and the Onlyway to Stop Smoking) and what he said finally got through to me. What is more, I found it fairly easy to stop, just like he says in the books! You might like to consider the books if you have not already tried that.



                          Time To Quit

                          GREAT JOB !!!! EVIE
                          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

