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    Hey everyone..if you check into my gallery and view Ripple's friends...that is me holding 2 stuffed poodles..Looks like i am starting ODAT today..Awake to the wee hours of the morning again..:egg: Must stay on day at a time. Its a bitch re-setting the brain after a slip ... better off staying on board. :exclamation: Had a tough FRIDAY nite. To all who visit today have a cheerful weekend of relaxation and sobriety! :hug: i'll be checking back in after i get some sleep, one kitten needs to have an :eye: checked this morning as soon they will be going to homes...see you later.


    Good morning, afternoon, midle of the night... whatever it is for you.

    I still like my sun tea but I believe I feel a gingerale fest coming on. The fizziness and zip is tantilizing my taste buds. I think about it all the time. I really need more water.

    Got my Lenair booklet yesterday and jumped into bed to read it with doggie but I guess I didn't make it past the forward. I can just imagine hubby laughing as he turned out the light and put doggie to bed. What an exciting Friday night.

    OK, back to bed.

    Good luck to all today.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



      "still like my sun tea but I believe I feel a gingerale fest coming on. The fizziness and zip is tantilizing my taste buds. I think about it all the time. I really need more water".
      CAP "I know you are going through difficult times BUT God damm girl drink that ginger ale" and get over it lol



        Forget Hubby Greenie he is not prepared to understand.Your life is beautiful. Im a man and have to admit we do drag you girls down its our sport sorry on behalf of all males.



          Good Morning all ODATs!!
          I did not have an AF night last night. 3 glasses of wine but didn't get trashed so that is good if there is any good to it I guess. Today will be AF; this I know. What a damn hard struggle this is.

          Best to all that follow and lets just take things ODAT.

          Love and Peace
          When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
          -- Franklin D Roosevelt --



            hey green I see that as a positive. AF is a goal but not getting drunk is great. It took me many times mod to get me in the mind set to go af. During my mod mind set i failed so many times it lead me to realize i had to go af no more just 2 beers. keep up the fight towards the goal you are after

            Stay Healthy
            Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
            AF 5-16-08



              Thanks Caysea. I'm never gonna give up the fight to be AF for good. I don't think I can mod. It's too hard and actually I think it's easier to be AF. It certainly is alot of work but well worth it when you wake up hangover free and feel good about yourself.

              Love and Peace
              When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
              -- Franklin D Roosevelt --



                Good Saturday Friends,

                We can all do this! Day 3 AF here, so far so good, but I really need all the support and insight I can find around here.

                Just wanted to stop in and give encouragement.

                Peace and Blessings
                This is the Day that the Lord Has Made, Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad! Psalm 118



                  Well, today will be another super big challenge for me. Parade and festivities all day in town. After the parade we usually gather at the bar (11 am). For the past 20 odd years I suppose. I just don't want to waste my whole day and night like that. I have too much to do. I don't want to feel like crap! So, if I stop in, I will start with a water or soda. Then I will eat something at one of the many food booths set up. Then I will invite friends to walk around town to the other events going on. Maybe I'll watch some softball, maybe I'll come home and get something productive done.
                  Pretty sure hubby thinks I'm alienating my friends (and him). Sometimes I just don't think he gets it. Yesterday I had a HORRIBLE craving for beer and ciggies and bar time with a friend. I managed to keep busy running errands, and filling my face with other stuff!
                  Well, I better get ready to go. Wish me strength!!
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:



                    I KNOW THE ONLY CHOICE FOR ME IS AL FREE.ONE DRINK IS TO MANY AND 1,000 would not be enough.Once I realize that then halp of my battle was OVER !!!!EVIE
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



                      I'm back. I just realized that there is a good friend's retirement party tonight. I managed to not show up at his (ends in a 0) birthday party. Guess why. This is a big drinking crowd. Make that huge. I am going to have to come up with something to say about missing his birthday party. This will be my first social event. I'm starting to that anxiety now just thinking about it. I know if I tell myself I will just have one, in that crowd I will end up in trouble. Gaaaaahhhhhh!!!! Hubby is not fond of that crowd and may not want to go. Why do I feel so scared?
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



                        Hi everyone --my antabuse arrived today -- I am day 5 AF and I have the antabuse as a back-up ... this is my first weekend. I usually enjoy my wine so I think I'm going to begin the antabuse... I need to get to 30 days! Hope all have a great weekend!



                          Duh. I'm scared because I don't have a plan. I will dump kuzu and L-Glutamine into me before I leave the house. And eat as soon as I get there. They will have mixers there and nobody will know there is nothing in mine. I'm going to use prest4time thing about a UTI if it is an issue.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



                            Hi Everyone...

                            I hope that everyone has a great day and can manage to Mod or be AF. It sure is challenging as summer begins and the fesitivies that we have participated in the past come back around again this year. I have to keep reminding myself that it is okay to change the way in which I choose to participate in these events. If many of us really look back, sitting around drinking at a picnic table when there are so many other things that we can do is really a waste of time. As we know, one drink for most of us leads to hours and hours of drinking and we miss out on most of the fun. And, what fun we do have we most likely will forget by the next morning when we wake up hung over.

                            So...for anyone who is bummed or afraid about not drinking with the old buddies at the old summer time parties...I am sure that if you really look back it wasn't as much fun as you thought it was at the time!

                            Get out and have some fun in the sun!



                              Good one case, I needed that.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

