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I only made it 4 days...

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    I only made it 4 days...

    I made it 4 days, and then last night went out and and got wasted. I am so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I thought I was doing so good and now this morning my very unsupportive husband told me he knows I will never stop drinking. Maybe he's right??? I HATE the hold the alcohol has over me.

    I only made it 4 days...

    Cherbear ........ dust yourself off and get straight back on track ........

    You DID 4 DAYS!!!! be proud of that and start fighing the beast again!!!!

    Take care, BB xx


      I only made it 4 days...

      Don't give up Cherbear, it's hard when the ones closest seem to give up but you have to "stay strong and prove 'em wrong" I have three beers in my fridge right now (which I had no problem resisting last night) and even though it's only 10:41am here I want one badly. In fact I want ALL of them badly. I thought about pouring them out last night and couldn't do it. So don't beat yourself up too much about the four days. Be kind in your mind to yourself. Today is a new day, a new sunrise, a new start.
      Wolf Dreamer


        I only made it 4 days...

        You DID 4 DAYS!!!! so far I did one u better then me


          I only made it 4 days...

          You DID 4 DAYS!!!!


            I only made it 4 days...

            Hi Cherbear, never does not exist. Some people can just stop drinking and others, like me, do it in a process. You did 4 days, that is great! So start again. I wanted to be AF during May but slipped badly. Actually did 10 daYS in a row. But counting all the AF days in May made me feel much better! 15 of them. !
            You can stop! But it might be a process.
            Good luck
            make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


              I only made it 4 days...

              it sucks bad.

              to have a fractured skull. (hangover terms) will know when you have had enough. :handbag:


                I only made it 4 days...

                cherbear44;336250 wrote: I made it 4 days, and then last night went out and and got wasted. I am so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I thought I was doing so good and now this morning my very unsupportive husband told me he knows I will never stop drinking. Maybe he's right??? I HATE the hold the alcohol has over me.
                :welcome: :goodjob: :new: too.

                Prove him wrong. :b&d: AL. Get the Kudzu from this site and start going AF again. If you think you need a drink come here and read posts. *I* finally got it through my thick skull that the buzz was not worth the price of a hangover. It's my new mantra. You can do it and you will be surprised at how good life is w/o AL.


                  I only made it 4 days...

                  4 days should show you how powerful you really are.Scream out loud (I AM WOMEN,HEAR ME ROAR)....maybe your husband needs his unsupportive butt kicked.....believe in your self and anything is possible !!!!! EVIE
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    I only made it 4 days...

                    Ripple;336270 wrote: to have a fractured skull. (hangover terms) will know when you have had enough. :handbag:
                    Ripple is right! You WILL know when you have had enough.

                    Keep trying.


                      I only made it 4 days...

                      Thanks so much everyone! If it wasn't for this forum, I would feel totally alone in this big ole universe. You are right - I MADE IT 4 DAYS!!! That is the longest I have been sober in 12 years. I am impatiently awaiting the arrival of the Topa from the River Pharmacy, I think I am hoping it is a miracle drug and will take away all my problems... If only there wasn't a Friday night in the week, if only everyone I know in the entire world wasn't a drinker, this might be easier. I am afraid that when I quit drinking no one will ever want to be around me because I will be so boring, and I will live the life of a hermit. What do non-drinkers do for fun anyway? You can only see so many movies. I have led the life of a drinker for so long, I do not know how to live sober.


                        I only made it 4 days...

                        Cher, you did 4 whole days, that is huge! Hey, you didn't get wasted and fall off that threadmill did you? LOL I told you this wouldn't be a perfect road to go down, this happens to us all, but HOW HUGE IS FOUR DAYS AFTER 12 YEARS!!!!!! OMG.... Ya know, I'm one of those gals that you tell me I can't do something, and it'll be the first thing I die trying to do, so you just prove him wrong!!! Your friends will not abandon you at all, in fact, studies show, lots of times, they think, whew, thought it was just me, I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired too, and they'll start cutting back if you tell them the truth, or just tell them you think you have an ulcer or something, and the alcohol is making it worse....go with whatever, and start developing some new friendships, join a class, or some kind of group thats into healthy stuff.... Get the L-glut, the powdered kind MetRx till the topa comes, take it noon, and 2pm, and at 3pm...walk on that threadmill...keep giving yourself that pep talk....You will make it, its not easy, but sooooo worth it! You are never a failure unless you give up! We aren't going to let you do that! Next time, it'll be a week, and you'll gain confidence, don't let anyone talk you out of your goal! Not even hubby! Sober is always better, you'll be surprised what all you can do not hungover, its amazing! Its harder to keep drinking, than to quit, trust me, not easy, but easier than feeling the way you do now! Love you tons, hang in there.....
                        "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                          I only made it 4 days...

                          [QUOTE=cherbear44;336293]Thanks so much everyone! If it wasn't for this forum, I would feel totally alone in this big ole universe. You are right - I MADE IT 4 DAYS!!! That is the longest I have been sober in 12 years. I am impatiently awaiting the arrival of the Topa from the River Pharmacy, I think I am hoping it is a miracle drug and will take away all my problems... If only there wasn't a Friday night in the week, if only everyone I know in the entire world wasn't a drinker, this might be easier. I am afraid that when I quit drinking no one will ever want to be around me because I will be so boring, and I will live the life of a hermit. What do non-drinkers do for fun anyway? You can only see so many movies. I have led the life of a drinker for so long, I do not know how to live sober.QUOTE]

                          For starters you will not be hungover on Saturday. Your thought process will improve and as it does you may decide that your drinking 'friends' are not really friends. Stay AF a while and tell us about all the interesting and stimulating conversations you had with people that were hammered. What I realized by doing that was that I was just stupid and boring when I was drunk.


                            I only made it 4 days...

                            I think you feel that you have already had enough. Just work on today. Keep track of those AF days, and you will be encouraged by your success. Success does not mean going immediately AF forever, though that may be your goal. All you have to do is make progress toward your goal. Maybe your husband could understand that.
                            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                              I only made it 4 days...


                              Now is a great time to assess the program that you have been on as the entire process is about learning about how to control or eliminate AL from your life. Are you following the program as outlined? Did you follow the plan that you outlined for yourself? What triggers led up to the first drink last night? How can you avoid the triggers next time?

                              I would really sit down and evaluate where you were, what your plan was, how you got off plan, and then develop a plan to move forward.

                              View this as a learning experience, get stubborn about AL and not down on yourself, and move on!

