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spontaneous bruising?

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    spontaneous bruising?

    Hi, A short while ago, during one of my heavier AL consumption periods, I woke up one morning with a huge bruise on my arm, extending from my shoulder all the way down to my elbow. I hadn't had a blackout the night before, so I'm quite sure that I didn't bang myself during the previous evening. It took about two or three weeks for the bruise to disappear. All the while I had to wear a long sleeved shirt. Spontaneous bruising happend to me once before, about a couple of months before this incident. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this, and whether it is a symjptom that you're drinking too much. It seems that I read somewhere that this may be a sign of a traumatized liver. Any truth to this? I must say, one reason that I'm on the wagon right now, is that this spontaneous bruising scared me, and has served as a bit of a wake-up call.

    spontaneous bruising?

    It could be many things.... Are you sure you didn't bump it and not remember?

    BUT it can be a sign of your liver failing, and I would definitely get it checked out.


      spontaneous bruising?

      Well, I hate to admit this.... but.... bruises don't happen overight. It takes a couple days and then you look and think ewww where did that come from? Because it was days earlier and you have since forgotten. I have never heard of spontaneous brusing, but I am certainly no authority. I vote for passage of time and sort of not remembering. It did not happen the night before. Scary though, isn't it?
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        spontaneous bruising?

        I would say that is not necessarily liver failure, but certainly from drinking. Alcohol thins the blood. I notice when I drink too much I bruise very easily, even just from scratching an itch I will leave a bruise. I also get little red dots on my chest that tend to turn into moles; thought I had skin cancer. Nope, the doc told me it was a sign that I have been drinking too much for a period of time.
        Goal 1: Today
        Goal 2: Tomorrow


          spontaneous bruising?

          Oh, and it also occurs because AL robs us of important nutrients. It is a sign that you are lacking in essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Make sure you are taking your multi's.
          Goal 1: Today
          Goal 2: Tomorrow


            spontaneous bruising?

            Yikes!! Red dots that turn into moles? You know I went and looked in the mirror. I don't have any, but did you have to have the moles removed or anything? Sorry if I am baing nosey.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              spontaneous bruising?

              get all sorts of bruises when drinking, to my surprise the next day. I bruise really easily when in periods of excess drinking.
              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                spontaneous bruising?

                I bruised very easily when I was drinking and many times I did not have any trama that would have caused it.Now that I am sober my skin looks normal again.I do not know the signs of liver failure but I do know that the liver is able to heal were most other organs can not.I have been taking liver aid and milk thisle and the pain is gone plus no more light poo!!!!!!!
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  spontaneous bruising?

                  I also have these red dots, mostly on my back, and they are appearing more and more. They are called "Cherry Angiomas" and can be a result of liver damage. Or maybe not. Some people get them for no reason at all. They are not cancerous, they just look like small, raised, red dots on your skin. They never go away unless you get them removed with laser treatment, but they do not hurt you at all. Strange.


                    spontaneous bruising?

                    Greenie, they are just plain ol' moles. They are not raised. Just look like age spots, but kinda sexy. LOL
                    They start off red though (really pink), so it scared me cause the first thing I thought of was melanoma. She didn't really explain it, but I am guessing it happens because the blood thins and it ruptures vessels. They happen right below the neck line where the skin is thin. They are small, and there are only 5 or 6 of them that have occured over the years. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have noticed them if I didn't live in the skin cancer capital of the world.
                    Goal 1: Today
                    Goal 2: Tomorrow


                      spontaneous bruising?

                      Wow Cher, didn't know there was a name!!! Mine aren't raised though. Now I need to go check it out.
                      Goal 1: Today
                      Goal 2: Tomorrow


                        spontaneous bruising?

                        WTF? Over the rainbow is the skin cancer capital of the world? OK, I checked my back. All would have been fine but my bathrobe got hooked on the faucet and I fell off the sink. I will know where the bruise came from though. This was fun. :H
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          spontaneous bruising?

                          Oh God Greenie. That is horrible!!!
                          Goal 1: Today
                          Goal 2: Tomorrow


                            spontaneous bruising?

                            Oh sure, it's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye! LOL

                            Lukalee, maybe yours aren't the same thing as mine, mine have never turned into a mole, just stay a red dot forever. I have often wondered if they are related to my drinking though...


                              spontaneous bruising?

                              I don't know if they could be called moles or not. They just turn brown; I have dark skin though, so maybe that has something to do with it???? I have been reading a little, and there are different types, but pretty much the same. It appears they mainly have to do with age. What I have read states there is no worry unless you get a lot of them at one time.
                              Goal 1: Today
                              Goal 2: Tomorrow

