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    Bessie, get your arse over here or no baseball cap for you!

    OK so, for those who missed it or had a hearing impairment I sort of whined so loud all weekend it would have hurt you so best you missed it if you were so lucky. Lets see if I can perk this up. Pants! I can't think of anything. I will blame it on Noelle for not posting thoughts for TWO days in a row. Oh, here's my happy thought! My hydrangea has a beautiful blue blossom on it and destructo doggie has not maimed it yet. She did manage to yank a slice of pizza out of hubbys hand while he was not paying atention. Silent laughter is an odd thing but it can be done. And this is notes from the doughnut hole so you can go ahead and feel sorry for me. I shall not drink or whine today. Oops, too late for the whine.

    Good luck to all as you rise and shine!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


    I'm here and I claim my baseball cap!

    Silent laughter is not to be recommended when eating pizza!! I know that. The topping can end up coming out your nose!

    Bessie xx



      OK who can top this? I am in the doughnut hole at 4 AM waiting on police to give me a ride home. Car here from last week when I took the tranq is deader than dead and little car has a doughnut flat so hubby dropped me off and isn't hearing the phone. Thank god I am sober. I'm a friggin' piece of work. Holy cow! The seargent has to get involved.

      May we all meet our goals and get a ride home.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



        Just a thought..... taxi??? :H Or do you have an 'arrangement' with the local police?

        B xx



          I guess last week must have been worse for me than I thought - didn't I already post on the ODAT thread?????

          Gosh Greeneyes you seem to lead a very exciting life - can't buy doughnuts anywhere near here at 4am.... or am I not understanding?



            LOL! The doughnut is what I call the little spare tire that is on my car. It happens to be flat. As is the real tire. Puts me in a bit of a predicament. Great way to start the week. So amusing I named my office the doughnut hole rather than the black hole.

            Taxi? How mundane! So the officer calls the sargent. And the sargent and I chat in the parking lot (4 AM mind you) about the problem with the little car and the problem with the present car and where is hubby, etc. So I get to hop into the back of the squad car and sargent follows us to my house. The headlights show the knee-high weeds in all their magnificent glory. I feel an ugly yard warning coming on. Hubby didn't leave porch light on so they shine flashlights on me as I make my way through the weeds to the door. :H Unlock the door, give a big smile and wave and that is the end of the story.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

