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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Morning lovely ODATers

    Been a bit AWOL from here over the weekend due to hubby being about lots. Hubby being about lots means less time on here and more temptations to drink. Less time on here and more temptations to drink means more....well, you get the picture. So the last couple of days of May were dog days but I am back on track again today. I really must try to work more time on here, it really helps. I have told hubby that I am going to have 3 weeks off and that I want his help. He has agreed - I will still be taking it ODAT but want a decent run. Then his parents will arrive for a stay - I can be duty driver then so that will help. Then there is a big family wedding at the end of the month but I should have so many days AF under my belt that I'll be in the groove!!

    I've got a dozen lambs now too to keep me busy. They have already jumped in with the piglets and started harassing them. Then wouldn't jump out again. While we were chasing them about I asked hubby whey we bother with sheep - they can be such a hassle. Then I thought about a nice piece of roast lamb..... and remembered why!!

    Anyway, let's get this thread underway! Can't believe there were only 3 posts on yesterdays - where were you all at???

    Love to all to follow.

    Bessie xxx

    ODAT - Monday

    :H:H Too funny. I razzzed you on the Monday one I started!!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Monday

      This will be ODAT Monday thread wars now!! LOL! Who will get the most posts??! I am going to try to hack into your account and delete yours - :H:H Mwahahahaha!

      Bessie xxx

      Phew! Hubby has finally left the building so now I can catch up on the MWO news and views. Trouble is, it's too late now and I need to be getting on with other stuff. Grrr.


        ODAT - Monday

        Hi Greeneyes, Bessie and all to come!
        I wondered what was happening over the weekend- very quiet! Glad all OK though! I find it harder to post with family around, keep getting comments etc.
        Well I've had a naff last week, drank nearly every night bar saturday. Boys both back at school today so I'm set for getting back on track.
        I find it takes loads of mental energy to keep resisting temptation, can anyone relate? Some days I feel like I'm getting no where but hey I know I can't give up
        Anyway back to my little girl now who is happily drawing in the other room!
        lots of love
        Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
        Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
        For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


          ODAT - Monday

          Hi all ODAT'rs

          Week-ends are a disaster regarding MWO. Two teenagers who hogg the computer, hubby under my feet. Animals out of routine, you get the picture!!! The weather was fabulous though so got lots done in garden. It does help staying close to MWO, it reinforces the need to stay AF. Hoping to have a better June than May. Driving my daughter to and from a concert tonight so I know for today I WILL BE AF.

          Have a great week everyone.



            ODAT - Monday

            Mental energy

            Evie - so totally relate to the mental energy thing. It does take an awful lot. I feel a real tension about it sometimes but that's where the al free wine helps and the L-Glut. Sometimes it feels like being on a rocking horse, back and forth with the thoughts. I can see why antabuse is such a good idea. As someone put it, you only have to make that decision about whether to drink or not once in a day. Free up your mind to deal with other things. I'm not going down that route yet though but I know it's there.

            Rustop - welcome back close to MWO. Just the same for me. I need it to stay focussed.

            Bessie xx (who really should be working but just can't resist peeking in on MWO from time to time!)


              ODAT - Monday

              Hi ODATrs

              Like many of you I had a AL fuelled end to May and then an even worse day yesterday where I managed to drink a bottle of wine to myself, without any help and woke at 3am feeling really depressed.... Not good - going to put sticker on wine in fridge so hubby can see that I AM NOT DRINKING TODAY!!!

              Got my two kids off to school today, only the two foster kids to go back on Weds so there is a little light at the end of the tunnel.

              Feeling really grotty so need to drink loads of water - sounds familiar

              Love to all


                ODAT - Monday

                Bessie, at least we both knew what day it was! :H
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT - Monday

                  Hi guys,

                  I am frustrated - I really struggled in May and I'm ticked at myself.......I have had really good months since being on here yet for some reason May just really sucked......

                  So I am determined to make June a great month for me - and it starts today. AL can p*ss off.......I am determined to make today an AF day and this week an AF week.

                  AUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHhh - Just needed to get that frustrated scream out! Okay, I feel better now, off to work.

                  Have a good one all,
                  Love and Hugs,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    ODAT - Monday


                    June better be more bearable than May.................wasn't a great month for me a new month!!

                    Lots of love,:l:l:h:h

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      ODAT - Monday

                      Its ME!

                      Ripple~Heading out for later :wave::wave:


                        ODAT - Monday

                        Hi all, I'm new today on this, I put some post on this morning under different threads but had no reply's as yet. Am trying to go for an AF june (yeh right, so I'm not going to drink at me sisters hen weekend!) we will see! I live in the UK, south of, sunny Devon, where every bugger drinks! but this doesn't make it right or ok, so I'm giving it a go, time to get real in my life, and start really living it, for me and my children. Just got over the worse time of the day for me, going to watch the soaps now, probably not a good idea as there is rarely a scene where they're not drinking!!!! Luck and Hi to all, Please reply! is there anybody there!!!


                          ODAT - Monday

                          To all who struggled in May...I think it is because it is a the transition into summer month...parties, fun, weddings, graduations, etc. It will all calm down as people get into the summer mode.

                 AF weekend went well but the weather wasn't so good to me. I was at the lake home and got an emergency call from a neighbor. A tornado went through my neiborhood and dropped a big oak tree on my roof, pelted my home with golf ball sized hail, and fell three other large trees. Probably around $20K in damage and weeks of work to repair. There goes my summer of Fun!

                          Now I know how the Cornhuskers have been feeling!

                          Hope everyone is doing well...


                            ODAT - Monday

                            :welcome:Hi there Mickeyshell!
                            Sorry you didn't get any replies - sometimes the posts just arrive at a naff time when no one is around!
                            Can relate to the bad time of day thing..... also to when one watches TV and every person seems to be drinking:Not very encouraging hey!
                            Keep posting and reading - and keep heading for your goal of reducing/ stopping the oldAL. Do it for you as well as your kids and family eh?
                            All the best to you
                            Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
                            Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
                            For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


                              ODAT - Monday

                              Hello ODATers!!
                              Welcome to Mickyshell - it is so hard when drinking is everywhere - everybody does it - seemingly, all the time!

                              Yes - May was a bit hard for many of us, but there were alot of successful AFers - and congrats to them!!! I too am starting on an AF June, and this time, I really want to succeed!!!! Day 1 yesterday, and a sleepless night - I feel horrid. I know it still has to be ODAT, but I am going to step back and stop counting and obsessing (if I can!!). I went to the doctor yesterday and started on the Topa - I want to give it a try, just to satisfy my curiousity. If it makes me feel terrible, I will go off it - but if it works, and it is not too bad - well, then all the better!

                              Any advise from any of you Topa users would be great. Pharmasist said that it might make me drowsy so to take it at night before bed, but I think it gave me horrific dreams/images in the night - I was scared all night and didn't sleep. Program says to take it in the afternoon, so I will try that today.

                              Have a marvelous monday!!

