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Really Scared..
Really Scared..
Hi Tracey,
Reading these posts others write really give comfort. We all very in ages, stages...some have been here awhile others are just starting out. Please stay awhile and read through the threads (posts) and see if you see yourself in any of these posts. That might help you. You are very welcome here.
Really Scared..
Admitting you might have a problem at 21 yrs old is a huge step! Good for you. Recognizing it now and starting to do something about it can only be to your benefit.
The worst thing you can do is be like me and deny it for 9 more years!!!!
Welcome aboard. Tell us a little more about yourself when you are ready. Keep reading, keep posting, like Brandy said, and please know that being scared is normal. I still am, but it's MUCH better, now that I know I have the support of these amazing people here.
Stay close. I'm not working today. I'll be lingering all day too...
Really Scared..
It truly does take courage to look at your "problem" and work to get to the other side of it.
When I was your age(I know I sound like I'm 86...but I'm 39 young). I was in college and it was all about P-A-R-T-Y-I-N-G.... After college, as some people do, the partying stops or winds down. Well, I had found a friend, a friend in alcohol. seems to take the edge after a boyfriend break-up or a hard day at work and even was a great enhancer to my impeccable dancing...( I would love to see some of that footage of those days...ooh what a great drunk dancer I was...i think they will make that an olympic event next year)
I lost myself in my "friend." I couldn't socialize without my friend. A picnic wasn't a picnic without beer. A volleyball game wasn't a game without a beer. Even painting your new house wasn't right without a beer.
Please go out and get RJ's book...and keep posting. And above all, know you are just fine and a drink doesn't make you more interesting, attractive or funny. Believe in yourself for who you are. It all starts by loving yourself enough not to tolerate "your friend" taking over your life.
Really Scared..
Tracey....Just relax, everything is okay! You don't have to admit anything to anyone unless you want to. Alot of us are very private here. Some have to friends and family others have not. The first thing is to relax and take care of yourself.
Grab a cup of tea, piece of toast....come back and read some of the posts...the best of the boards are really good. Read some of the stories that others write....It will be okay, you will be okay. You are so young, you have the rest of your life. It is good to get a handle on this now when you are young. I wish I had. I am 38 now, and wasted quite a few years drinking. Don't get me wrong I have a good life, just could be better! That is why I am here. Don't know you story, so not sure if it will be a pain or not...but for me, after drinking for 15+years every day, yeah it's a pain in the ass to get through, but it's a pain I am willing to get through!
Really Scared..
I have never given advice but please you don't want to be 50 and on this site.I am and am on the site.If you realize? you have a problom now go for it girl your in the right place.There are so many other people here that can help you.try writing a letter to alcohol .Like you were my best friend but I have to say good bye.
thinking of u hon take care of yourself
Really Scared..
Congratualtions on your honesty and bravery to look at something hard to look at - at your age.
You are in the right place and will get so much love and support WITHOUT being judged here. Suggestions fromothers about what has worked for others and see them (us) progress.
It is also very good to write - writing brings us closer in touch with ourselves.
I hold nothing but hope and faith for you. It may sound terrible - but it is good that you are scared and the alarms are working in your. Fear is a powerful motivator.