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Day 4/5

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    Day 4/5

    Well yesterday I didn't get to post. Same as everyone else - family milling about. My dh bought a BOX of wine! Not even a dadgummed bottle but a box. I used to love boxes because no one could really tell how much was missing. He bought it on Saturday and it is still......(tada!)....unopened!
    I am not sure why he bought it. I am not trying to blame any devious motives on him. I really have not discussed any of this MWO, drinking too much in any sort of detail with him. He just drinks the occasional beer - and only if he is grilling (a man thing I guess).
    I have heard that is good to not simply remove a bad habit but to replace it with a good one and on that note I have been faithfully taking my rascally bunch of canines on a walk each evening.
    I time it so that I reach my parent's in law's furthest reach of property at sunset. It happens to be part of a ridge and as I look back towards the west the neighboring ridge and adorning oak groves are silhouetted by the crimson sunset. I always pause and feel so thankful that I have made it another day.
    Thanks to all of you for the wonderful support. It is such a comfort.
    Winner, winner, winner.
    Have a super day everyone!

    Day 4/5

    Hi Sasha! Congratulations on not giving in to that box! LOL, I can relate first hand to all the reasons for the box - from the not seeing how much is gone part that you mentioned, and of course the inexpensive nature of it. You KNOW you are NOT drinking wine to compliment your food when you are resorting to "The finest wines available in boxes." Been there done that!!!

    Hope you have gotten rid of the box and found a way to mention to hubby not to buy you any more.

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Days 4/5 can be very difficult so I hope you reward yourself with something cool today!!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Day 4/5

      Hi Sasha

      Yeah, boxes of wine..... been there (still go sometimes unfortunately). Keep going sounds like you're doing really well!!

      Thinking of you


        Day 4/5

        Sasha, great job! Way to stay focused on those goals. Only you can make this happen and you are doing it!!

        Maybe you should tell hubby that you are looking to cut back (maybe even quit) and that you would like him to know so he doesn't bring it home anymore. If he rarely drinks, maybe he won't even bother until you can handle being around it. Although, my dear, you seem to be handling it pretty darn well!

        Bestr of luck for your continured success!

        Love, Me
        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


          Day 4/5

          Ooooh... congrats, (I thought you meant case of wine) ...maybe you can get rid of it...Personally, I like to drink whatever is in the fridge...
          Good for you for not having any!

