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facing upto alchol addiction..NO surely im not dependent

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    facing upto alchol addiction..NO surely im not dependent

    hello all, well id like to introduce myselfxx i find myself on here today having to finally admit my drinking is out of i an alcoholic..can i live without it!! i find myself upset i may never taste champagne again!! story......starts at the age of 13 havin a few b4 i went out to gain confidence..i was adopted as a child n lets just say i had a alot of isues, child abuse etc..i married at 19yrs old n thought my life would now be sunshine n roses!! it was for a good few yrs untill we managed to get into debt etc.. i had 2 lovely daughters..drinkin was not too bad BUT was always there..3 years ago i just flipped and decided my marriage was over i become like a tenager again after 20yrs of marriage!! i went out partying etc..i finaly got divorced and moved in with my mum and dad which has been 2yrs now..i feel guilty i left my girlsbut they say i did the right thing.. GUILTY is the story ofmy life.. i met my current boyfriend a BAR OWNER 3 yrs ago and only see him at weekends.. he makes me feel soo guilty that i drink a bottle of wine every nite...because i can be nasty..i know he is tryin to help n today is horrified i polished off a whole bottle of baileys early hrs sat only to go out yesterdy n drink about 30units... dahm today i feel awful yet again..exhausted dark circls under my eyes n cravin to pick up a brother in law died alone in his room last yr due to alcohol i need to stop i do get a cravin and im lonley sorry but this is therapy just gettin it out.................any help would be fab as my head wants to stop but my heart cries out for more... hugsssss :new:

    facing upto alchol addiction..NO surely im not dependent

    Hi Nancy. I'm really glad you found us here. This is a diverse community of people throughout the world with one thing in common - problems with alcohol. It's not an easy path, but it is totally possible to overcome these problems with hard work and often a sense of humor to go with it! I hope you will read lots here, and especially look for the many posters who have managed to kick the habit for long periods of time.

    Mean time, have you considered downloading the My Way Out book from the Health Store section? It's only $12.95(US) and you can download it immediately and start reading. RJ describes her own experience, and the full program she recommends. I think an understanding of the recovery program the way it's written establishes a nice base line - then you decide how you want to tweak it and try it.

    Best wishes to you...WE CAN DO THIS!!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      facing upto alchol addiction..NO surely im not dependent

      thank you ill take a look xx one thing is for sure i have a wicked sense of humour!! n WILL NEVER be a victim!! huggggggsssss look foreward to getting to know everyone xx


        facing upto alchol addiction..NO surely im not dependent

        Hi Nancy, and welcome to what will probably be the biggest support system you could ever hope for! I am new here as well, and the hardest part is owning up that you need help, and now that you have done that, reading the book and getting on a plan is step 2. We are all here for you whenever you need someone to talk to, or for encouragement, or when you slip, or for whatever else it is you need. I have also suffered with guilt issues my whole life, and have come to the conclusion that it is a USELESS emotion, solves NOTHING except keeps you miserable. We all have made mistakes that we regret, you can't change the past, move FORWARD with your life and make it the way you want it to be. I am looking forward to getting to know you!!

