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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Well, i'm startin' the thread cos it's Tuesday night here and i couldn't bare to wake up tomorrow and find we are still on Monday's thread! My perception of 'time' is already skewed...

    I hope everyone is achieving their goals wether they be alcohol free or moderation. For me, it's gotta be af.

    So, today is the first day of af for me... I hope it lasts. I too, like so many others, relapse after a day or two of af as i lapse into a false sense of security.

    Today, i decided i need to find things to do during witching hour..., so tonight i am doing some research, checking my emails (how boring), cleaning and i may go for a little walk.

    Anyway, that's it from me.

    How are you going? And what are your plans for the day / night, and coping with your challenges?

    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Good Morning ODATers,

    Thank you for starting the thread, Change and hang in there on your AF today. You can do this!!

    I am up early to pack and fly out.

    I don't want to. My head still hurts and my eye is still red from the sinus stuff but I have to get to work.

    Hope all meet their goals today!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      ODAT - Tuesday

      Morning Change, yes it's AF for me also, I long ago 'discovered' that I cannot mod, it's all or nothing and we all know where 'all' leads........ The Witching hour is awful for the first whiley BUT like everything else you get used to it and after a few weeks you sort of 'forget' it is the witching hour because it no longer is RIGHT..... I know, I know. Have a great Tuesday everyone.

      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Same here..

        none of this MOD stuff for me! Abstain completely and I am fine! Life is just too wonderful alcohol free. There ain't nothing to miss BOOZING but the SH*TS and a FRACTURED SKULL, now that is not fun! :H


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Hi Change--Good luck with everything--not AF here yet--but working on it. It is better AF--made it 20 days. Still in counseling. Have had difficulties with personal relationships which have made AF difficult. Need to resolve all issues. But good for you.


            ODAT - Tuesday

            BTW--you have friends that are here for you if you need support.


              ODAT - Tuesday

              Hello Everyone...

              Today begins day 25 AF for me and I am feeling pretty darn good! It seems that everyday it gets just a little bit better. My mind says to itself "wow, you really feel positive and have a pretty good outlook on life, you aren't going to screw this up are you?" And my body says "I haven't felt this good in years! I feel great, you aren't going to screw this up are you?"

              My girlfriend told me last night that my hands and arms look a lot thinner than they did a few weeks ago. I had to challenge her on that thought. I said..."how could my arms possibly have been bloated or fat?" But if it was said it must have been true. I will just take it as a compliment and hope that others come my way!

              I hope all that come to this thread today can think of at least one good thing that comes out of meeting their goals...even if it is just for one day! Take care...Case


                ODAT - Tuesday

                Morning ODATers

                Last day of half term hell today - Yeah!!!

                We are about to start building an ark in the UK as it is raining really hard and has been since early hours of the morning. Roads flooded etc, ugh.

                Day 2 AF for me this week and feeling OK. Just spoke to some old friends who are in Spain for one of their's birthday - didn't go because it will just be non-stop boozing. And yes they're all suffering terribly with hangovers and saying "it wasn't the same without you..." and I'm thinking actually it was the same and I'm glad I'm not feeling like you are. Ha SOOO SMUG - best watch out though pride comes before a fall and all that...

                Anyway catch you all later.

                Luv B


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  change hello i think we all could all use your name because it applies to what we have to do. day 17 af and yes it is a great feeling. keep 30 days as your short term goal but beware that the 1-5 seem to be the worst I found fighting the cravings at the witching hour to be the hardest Plan on things to do ahead of time.
                  Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                  AF 5-16-08


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    caysea;338333 wrote: Plan on things to do ahead of time.

                    Yes, already have a loose plan for tomorrow night. I am worried though, i don't have the resolve i had in the past. It's like my body wants to get off it, but my mind has just given up and i give in just about every time. It's like i am too tired to fight.

                    Tonight i was in a take-away food shop, waiting for my order, when i noticed a lady drinking a glass of wine. It looked so good at first, but then i trained myself not to look at it and i kind of lost interest. One of the keys i think is to divert your attention away from tempting situations, by literally looking away

                    One good thing that has come out of being af today is that i will get a better nights sleep tonight.
                    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      Funny mad mummy! I called friends after a retirement party I skipped out on and they went to bed at noon! I would have been on thier couch in misery had I gone! I hope to have something to drive today. Clear head and slept well. Did not make it to the elevator in spite of trying twice. I swear my heavy limbs get on the stairs and that's it for me. That CD is like a tranq dart. I have no idea what happens at the end. But sleep is good.

                      Hoping all meets their goals and that I have something driveable.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        Hi all ODAT'rs

                        Thanks for starting change, it's so nice to log on and see the thread. Weather still beautiful so spending lots of time in the garden. Had bbq last night and the AF becks tasted as good as the real stuff. Hope to make today another AF one. Good luck everyone.



                          ODAT - Tuesday


                          I am sooooooooooooo busy here, but just wanted to get in and say HI!!! Have a great Tuesday, and may you all meet your goals and have success w/ your programs whatever that may be!!:thumbs::yougo:

                          lots of love,:h:l

                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            ODAT - Tuesday

                            Rushing in. Busy day, done lots already, now got to go out and strim a load of weeds. Such fun! Doing well though. Good AF plan for my witching hour. Hope everyone has a great day and thanks for starting this Change!

                            Bessie xxx


                              ODAT - Tuesday

                              Hey guys, wondering where Bessie is this morning!

                              Great to see a positive thread! I too had an AF night last night and although I didn't sleep well and am tired today, I'm still happy that it's just sleepiness and not being hungover.....cause being hungover sucks. I love the feeling of control I have over my life when I'm AF - it's like Chief says, easier just not to step into the ring with the beast.

                              I will not drink again today. I need June to be AF.

                              Love and Hugs,
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

