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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    LOL - Bessie, we posted at the same time!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      ODAT - Tuesday

      Hi Everyone - I am new here and today is my first AF day. I look forward to the daily support - I need it! The witching hour is fast approaching here in PA and am a little aprehensive....Good luck to everyone!
      "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Hello ODATers, Well its close to the end of day 29. Could not have done it without this site and you wonderful people. Not sure where I want to go with this after 30 days. I think I'll stay on the wagon awhile because it took me so long to get here. Over a year of serious trying. Funny as the mind clears I still go back and forth on the cravings and excuses but am stronger to say no each day. I fear if I give in now I may crash hard. I'll keep coming back here to get and give strength and support. Best to all.


          ODAT - Tuesday

          I know what you mean about the sleepless nights Universal, but as you say, better to be tired than hung over.

          KBCE, welcome! Yes, it is good to have a plan, a few things to do during your most 'tempting' hours.

          Being AF today has allowed me to think a bit more clearly about some of my issues, namely financial problems, so i am glad i didn't drink last night.

          Not really craving alcohol, but not feeling particularly strong. I think it's in these times that i must create a very concrete witching hour plan. Like, to the T.

          Anyhow, hope everyone is having a good day. It's actually Wednesday morning here now, lol. (no wonder i feel so disoriented)!
          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

