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    Have just joined and feel little bit self-conscious. Came across the site a few days ago by accident - it all sounds so good and positive. Have given up for significant chunks of time before but would really like to have another go. Looking forward to the next 30 days (or even perhaps more hopefully).

    Thank you.
    Short term goal 7 days AF


    Hi Patricia--you will find non-judgmental friends here, so don't be afraid to talk. We're all in the same situation. Welcome. I'm a girl by the way, just a bad driver.



      Welcome Patricia. Glad you found us. I think you will like the site. Lots of support, encouragement, and information.




        Hi Patricia and :welcome:!

        This is a great place for support and giving yourself great odds of success. If you haven't already downloaded the My Way Out book from the Health Store section, I highly recommend it.

        I'm taking a 30 days at a time approach too. I want to be AF (alcohol free) for life - 30 days at a time for now. The friendship and support here is awesome!

        Day 13 AF
        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.



          Hello Patricia

          Welcome to the group! I just got back into the groove of AF last week and it has been great. Jump in - the water is fine!




            Hi Patricia

            Glad you found us, I only found this place in March this year and it has really made a big difference to me. In the UK (don't know where you are in the world) drink problems seem to be just for ASBO kids and tramps - it was so good to find that others like me had been through or were going through this kind of c**p.

            Keep posting and stick with it everyone is really helpful and kind.

            Luv Bx



              it's taken me four years to discover that I am an alcholic !


              Hello all,

              After having an abdominal scan two weeks ago (for IBS and diverticulitus, which was diagonosed 4 years ago) it was discovered that I had an enlarged liver, so blood tests were done, which confirmed that I have an alcholic liver.

              I promptly came home and spent hours on different web-sites to find out exactly what the symptons are, and the treatment ...... my husband and I always enjoyed a bottle of wine with our evening meal, and after he died twelve years ago .... I continued, and gradually, worked my way through the bottle alone - then I started buying 3litre box wine, which would last for two nights ... I never drank before 6pm in the day, and have never been drunk !! Although, I did realize that I was probably drinking too much. So, you can imagine my horror at the diagnosis.

              Anyway, after spending all those hours researching, I would like to share the following with you, I have been to the Doctor over the past four years with ALL these complaints, and they are ALL symptoms.

              1. Strange reddish discolouration on both lower legs - treated as exema

              2. Swelling ankles (treated as bad circulation)

              3. being bloated (IBS)

              4. shortness of breath ( enlarged heart - pump given)

              5. Panic attacks / depression ( anti-depressant given)

              6. red eyes (eye drops given)

              7. Chronic fatigue/sleeping too much/absolute loss of interest in everything

              8. Loss of appetite ( Meal replacement shakes recommended)

              9. Feeling of shivering inside/ slight balance problem/ (anxiety - calmitive given)

              10. Turning night into day (thought I was just weird !)

              11. Strangest dreams - (thought I was even weirder !)

              Now, all those are symptoms of alcoholism, and they were ALL in my medical file !!!

              Today is my 6th AF day - I've got the shakes, mild headache, no appetite but drinking loads of tomato juice etc.

              So glad I was directed to this site while doing my search.



                Red-wine - welcome to MWO. Thank you for sharing the findings of your research. I'm taking a Big Gulp as I too have experienced a number of the symptoms on your list. Many of those symptoms are also symptoms of other stuff too......this stuff gets so complicated.

                Congratulations on your 6 days AF. Aside from quitting the booze, can you share what additional course of treatment your doc put you on to try to heal your liver?

                I'm sorry you are having a scare. AL really does suck the life right out of us - both literally and figuratively.

                There are so many great reasons to NOT DRINK ALCOHOL.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.



                  Patricia - Welcome! You will find MWO to be the most amazing support system. I also found this website by chance, and so far have not been able to string together too many AF days, but I will keep trying!!

                  Red-Wine - You drank 1 1/2 litres of wine a day and have never been drunk?? I don't get that. I'm sorry to hear about your liver problem, hopefully you were diagnosed before the damage got too bad. Congratulations on the 6 days AF!!!



                    it's true !

                    Thank you Doggie Girl !

                    Good Luck Patricia !

                    Cherbear - it's really true, I have never been drunk, I think maybe alcohol affects us differently, and because is was a gradual increase over a 12 year period, and because, I'd have my first glass round six pm and go to bed round 2am, and eat something between ?

                    I can remember, a long time ago, stopping after one glass because it made me lightheaded, then I graduated to 2 glasses and so on.

                    I know this is going to be tough ! it's 6pm here now, and I've just poured a glass of iced tea, when all I really want is a glass of red wine :thanks:



                      Wow, that's amazing Red-Wine! I found the opposite to be true for me, I would be feeling a buzz half way through my first beer even after years of daily drinking. I guess maybe because my body never got completely rid of yesterdays alcohol, and there was a build-up in my body? For me, the only reason for drinking at all was to get drunk...otherwise, why bother? Because of that, I KNOW FOR SURE, I can never drink in moderation, I have to get sober, and STAY sober. You are almost through your 1st week, I hear that's the hardest, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!



                        we can both do it !

                        the longest journey - starts with one little step ! :yes2:



                          Yes it does - one step at a time! Red-Wine, I never thought I'd *hear* myself typing this, but have you tried something exercise related (even a walk) when your "witching hour" comes? Now this is coming from me, a person who generally gets a rash at the mere mention of exercise. But on this AF attempt, I've been true to my exercise plan and I really think those endorphins as well as something else to do are helping. DUH maybe it's easier to sense a "natural high" following exercise since I'm not running directly to the box of wine or a voddy drink the second I'm done. Or horrors - maybe exercise feels better and is more enjoyable sans hangover. Double Duh!

                          Keep on truckin!

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.



                            Welcome Red-Wine. Thanks for all the info. I also found this site by accident, but last year. It took me until spring of this year to actually do anything about it. I downloaded the book, and read it in an hour and a half. Then, I went back and ordered the starter set of supplements. I did really well the first go, had several AF days. Started losing weight, then the first couple warm days hit and the patio and that glass of wine after work were calling me. I caved in and was soon back to a bottle or more a night. I started June first for 30 days AF. I may end up totally AF or I may try to moderate. I will make a decision after 30 days. In the time I have spent here the folks here are incredibly supportive and encouraging. We all have bad days and good days and find what we need in the others. I can already sense that you will be a great source of support to all of us.

                            To everyone else, hope you are all doing well, Day 3 almost under the belt. Have a great evening!
                            "PAIN IS JUST WEAKNESS LEAVING THE BODY!" USMC




                              Good to hear from all. Day two for me. Not familiar with these types of posting sites so hope I am doing okay by replying in this way for all to see. Can't begin to thank you enough for your messages of support. Lots of what you all say sounds familiar - I just can't believe I found this website.
                              Short term goal 7 days AF

