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New Here and Hopeful!

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    New Here and Hopeful!

    Good Afternoon everyone -

    Since the birth of my third daughter 15 months ago, my wine consumption has really gone up. To the point of really wanting a few glasses each night - in quick sucession -more on the weekends. My best friend drinks more than I and it seems when I don't want to drink, she shows up with a nice bottle and there we go! I am finding that I don't enjoy it very much any more and yesterday after having two glasses, it just hit me. I am wasting time drinking when I need to be "there" for my girls and husband! I function just fine at work and have everything mostly in order at home (could be better) but....WHAT AM I DOING???? I AM MISSING OUT! I have tried to stop before, but I am not very strong when it comes to temptation. I come from a long line of alcoholics and I want to stop that chain. I wish I could just have one or two glasses (I can when I go out, but when I am hope, I have more...We obviously don't go out much because of the kids) I have been hiding how much I am drinking - but I think that my kids can see it - hubby is oblivious. I want to stop and I am so happy and grateful that I have found this forum. Today is my first day with no alcohol - but I am still at work..the litmus test is the opened bottle of wine in the fridge. I want to remain AF for 30 days and see how I feel. I hope I can do this. Thanks in advance for being here!
    "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:

    New Here and Hopeful!

    KBCE ~ Welcome. I can relate to being able to have only a couple when I was out (of course cause I had to drive) but when I was home and knew I didn't have to go anywhere the funnel throat started!

    A lot of people like to recommend that new members start with the book. Of course it is not a requirement. But it does explain the whole program. It can be downloaded for about $13.00 dollars or you can have it shipped to you (not sure how much). It's an easy and quick read. It will explain the supplements and answer so many questions.

    Congrats on seeking help. It's a brave step. These message boards are amazing and you will find a lot of support and inspiration here.

    We are here for you.

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      New Here and Hopeful!

      Welcome. I am also new here. I have found the people to be very supportive
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

