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Semi-Functioning AL Boy, But Waffling ...

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    Semi-Functioning AL Boy, But Waffling ...


    So, I'm 38 years old. I've been drinking every day (save for a few 5 day stints away from it over the past year and a half) for about 8 years. I drink beers and every time I open a beer I have a GULP of vodka or whiskey or tequila. I may have 4-10 beers per night. I've been hiding my hard-liquor stash for about 9 months from my wife. Some nights I put myself to sleep early - which I will probably do tonight as well - with a couple Benadryls - to keep myself from drinking too much. This seems to work for me sometimes.

    But, here's where I think this has become a problem. I went to the post-office today and had to fill out an over-night shipping form. I was shaking bad enough that it took me way too long to fill out the form so that it was legible. I think the postman behind the counter noticed and I felt terrible and ashamed ... so, I backed-out on the other errands I had to run (one being the liquor store) because I didn't want anyone else to see me shaking while I attempted to write out checks or deposit slips (I live in a small town - everyone knows everyone).

    My liver (I think - pancreas? kidney?) has been aching; not a lot, but enough that I notice it when I get up and about in the late morning. This is not good. I have been regularly taking fish oil capsules, vitamin D, B vitamins, multi-vitamins, and trying to make sure I have some sort of healthy breakfast. Of course, this helps. But, right now, I am into my 3rd beer and my 5th gulp of tequila; it's 7:15PM. My wife will be home by 10PM and I will likely be sleeping, even though she probably would like to tell me about her day - probably won't happen. Had some Cranberry juice for the kidneys.

    I should post this in "My Story", but it should translate well enough here.

    I never was an abuser of anything until I got into this marriage - my wife is 13 years older than me and she is the most amazing woman I have ever met. We are deeply in love. We talk about my drinking quite often (she drinks moderately and smokes), which is good to have on the table. But, she seems to think that I don't have an addictive personality (she was previously married to an addict for 19 years), and that I can control this drinking by allowing myself only so much alcohol per night. I want to believe her and give it a try (keeping a "drinking journal"), but cutting back has proven difficult for me (as highlighted by the hiding of bottles). I'm a very introverted person and absolutely love the "social lubricant" that alcohol gives me. I'm funnier, wittier, and more social - and I write better and more freely and don't get down on myself (I think of Hunter S. Thompson) ... people love me when I've had a few. And to be honest as honest can be, our sex life is even better if I've had a few - and what's better than that in the grand scheme of things?!?!

    So there you have it. I come from a very sober Catholic family and I love them very much. I'm kinda the black sheep of the family, but I've never hurt anyone with this binging; always kept it at home. I don't drive drunk, I'm not violent, I don't get into stupid arguments when I'm drunk ... but, I do black-out on occasion (and by occasion, I mean probably 4 nights per week where I don't remember the last hour of consciousness - I gauge an "okay" night on whether or not I got my contacts out properly and brushed my teeth). I know I'm well into the early stages of alcoholism and I want to ween myself off. Taking the Benadryl when I know that I've had enough has worked a little, but like everyone else on this board who has been at this stage, I'm afraid that I'll TOTALLY lose control and wreck something beautiful.

    Sometimes life is extremely hard and that can turn us to the AL ... but, in my case, sometimes life can be exactly what you always wished for and it drives to the carefree use of AL. I'm slightly stumped.

    My point is that no one could have a more blessed life than I have had, but damn I love the drinks now for some reason. But, it's beginning to be something that I think about all day (when I'm not working) and I don't like that. Is it possible for me to go back to my mildly social lubricating phase, or do I sound like someone who should do the total AF deal?

    I've been lurking on this site since January when I first went for a week without AL (inspired by MWO), and just now (as I get into the carefree days of summer) have gotten the courage up to post. You're all wonderful people and this forum is an amazing resource. Opinions taken with the utmost respect.

    Best to all ... sorry so long (months worth of thinking).


    Semi-Functioning AL Boy, But Waffling ...

    Thank u

    Thank u for sharing your story. I am a daily drinker too, and I know it must stop. I get the shakes very bad also. I don't know about u, but moderation is not an option for me. I am thinking about trying antabuse, but still uncertain. Think I would prefer the herbals. Well u already know that people here are very supportive, so hang around.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Semi-Functioning AL Boy, But Waffling ...

      Yep, I'm not sure about moderation now ... have even thought about antabuse ... but, thanks for the reply; I guess I just need to talk about this stuff with folks who are in the same boat (even though my wife would open her heart and ears to this, I prefer to keep it away until I figure something out). If you have to stop, you have to stop, right? That's just it. I called my best friend - who's a drinker - about 4 months ago and cried at him, "I can't stop and I don't know what to do!" He answered, "Just stop." End of conversation. Just stop was the best advice I had gotten up until that point, and I've been trying to do that with those words echoing in my brain ever since. It helped; got me at least on track for eventually "stopping"

      Thanks for your reply and the best of support to you ....



        Semi-Functioning AL Boy, But Waffling ...

        Your are very welcome

        I wish u the best also. Going to try being AF tomorrow. Day one. I usually can go a day or two, but then I start to feel good, physically and mentally, and i start up again. i have been getting alot of support in live chat. Do u go there?
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          Semi-Functioning AL Boy, But Waffling ...

          Hey Sam, it may take one to know one, but it sounds like your AL consumption has crossed the line and it's time to go AF for a while. Blacking out even once not to mention four times a week, consuming 10 drinks a night (I'm counting in the hits of hard liquor with the beer), hiding it from your spouse, getting the shakes, passing out early in the night, neglecting your personal hygeine and health (if a good night is taking out your contacts and brushing your teeth then a bad night must be risking your eyes with contact over use and whatever else you're neglecting...also sore kidneys is a tell-tale sign)..... This almost sounds like one of those checklists you see in your doctor's office, "If you check more than three on this list you may have a problem." It sounds like your spouse may be having a hard time labeling your behavior as a "problem", which may not be working in your best interest. Does your wife always work late? Is there something you can be doing to fill the evening time besides drinking? Have you tried stopping for say a week or so to see if you can do it?

          Hang in there. There are lots of good ideas on this site. I've been using the kudzo, naltrexone, and the l-glut. I'm not sure whether the combo is actually working or if it is a placebo effect, but I have managed to cobble together over a month with only a couple slips. It's been a lot harder to do than I ever thought it would be, which has only served to awaken me to the magnitude of my problem. Not a pretty realization but life is getting better without the daily dose of AL.


            Semi-Functioning AL Boy, But Waffling ...

            moved from dual post

            Hello Sam.

            You have asked some interesting questions that I think only you can answer for yourself. I liked the social aspect of AL, but I know deep inside I don't need it. I am social by nature. But it became sort of a habit and then what I believe is an addiction. I am going to Lenair in 2 weeks and I will never drink again. I actually cried over that realization. I too am the black sheep but am known as the wild child. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds. Who will my friends be? What will my life be like? Better I'm sure. The few that know are excited and proud of me. I may tell everyone. I may not. I'm just doing this for me to save my life and who falls into place with that will remain to be seen. This is all about me. And your decision should be all about you. That's just my 2 cents. I want a happy, peaceful life and I am going to get it because I deserve it. I just need a little help.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Semi-Functioning AL Boy, But Waffling ...


              I am so glad you are here and looking to make a change-- are you working right now?


                Semi-Functioning AL Boy, But Waffling ...

                ntcentral ~

                Thankyou. My problem is bigger than it appears to my spouse, only because I'm a very mellow drunk (i.e. she only knows that I'm drunk when I start slurring my speech, which doesn't happen often). I need to look deeper into this site and maybe even download the book.

                Anyway, I know it's going to be hard, because I love drinking!!!! BUT, when the organs start to hurt, I'm scared. My wife - 13 years older than me - would like to outlive me .... she probably would if I kept drinking this much ... and I don't want to do that to her.

                I guess I came here because I want to talk to folks who are going through the same thing so I don't have to worry my wife about it so much. Every day I think of different methods of abstinence and I think this forum keeps guiding me ... I'm grateful to all who write in here and I really believe it is a twenty-first century gem of a site -- those poor folks who had no one to talk with even ten years ago. Bless you all ...



                  Semi-Functioning AL Boy, But Waffling ...

                  Tiny ~

                  Not working right now ... just sitting at my dining room table writing about being a drunk. I work very randomly; I'm self-employed and the time off that I get between jobs definitely allows for more irresponsible drinking. It's not good, but I do love having time off. I have to admit that keeping oneself busy with physical activity can stave off the booze ... hopefully, this will be in my future.

                  Thanks for the encouragement!

                  best to all,



                    Semi-Functioning AL Boy, But Waffling ...

                    Hi Sam,

                    Just wondering if you have seen a doctor to get those organs checked for liver, kidney damage, etc. Sounds like a good idea if you are feeling pain and discomfort, I would not let it go. Finding out how bad the damage is may convince you that quitting is what you have to do to maintain a healthy life. I totally understand about the waffling thing, I love drinking too, but eventually it affects every area of your life, and not in a positive way. Keep talking here, it truly helps to know you are not alone.


                      Semi-Functioning AL Boy, But Waffling ...

                      Sam Handwich;338811 wrote: ntcentral ~

                      Thankyou. My problem is bigger than it appears to my spouse, only because I'm a very mellow drunk (i.e. she only knows that I'm drunk when I start slurring my speech, which doesn't happen often). I need to look deeper into this site and maybe even download the book.

                      Anyway, I know it's going to be hard, because I love drinking!!!! BUT, when the organs start to hurt, I'm scared. My wife - 13 years older than me - would like to outlive me .... she probably would if I kept drinking this much ... and I don't want to do that to her.

                      I guess I came here because I want to talk to folks who are going through the same thing so I don't have to worry my wife about it so much. Every day I think of different methods of abstinence and I think this forum keeps guiding me ... I'm grateful to all who write in here and I really believe it is a twenty-first century gem of a site -- those poor folks who had no one to talk with even ten years ago. Bless you all ...

                      :welcome: Sam Ham :new: too.

                      With AL there is a line...and when you cross it you know. That is why we are here. I used to think I needed to drink to be social, funny etc. too. But it went to far. I had organ pains also and would stop drinking till they went away and then back to the :h brewski. Then I found this site and realized, after reading a lot of posts that I really needed to stop drinking completely and that I was not alone. The Kudzu from this site is, IMHO, great. Try in and the L-Glute and it may work for you too. I am heading for 60 days AF but not really counting because I cannot moderate. Staying AF is the only option for me. I feel better with each passing day and now realize I do not need AL to be *me*.

                      It is easy for someone that does not understand and/or have this problem to say 'just stop'. Come here and read some posts if you feel like drinking.


                        Semi-Functioning AL Boy, But Waffling ...

                        Hi Sam, I too am a newbie here, you sound very thoughtful about your predicament. I'm kind of in the same boat, no pain inside but when I started experiencing black outs (Like getting home but not sure how I did or anything else I did that evening) I got really scared. I'm two days AF and determined to continue. I think at this point it's my only option. I've ordered Kudzu and a sleeping supplement called SCHIFF MELATONIN PLUS SLEEP 3MG W/ THEANINE, as I am weaning myself off Lorazapam. I tried to go AF cold turkey for six months a couple of years ago not knowing I would have bad withdrawal and I barely survived it. I know I have to have some help getting completely AF. I too lurked awhile before being brave enough to post but there's so many good people here who will help keep you on track. Don't give up. :welcome:


                          Semi-Functioning AL Boy, But Waffling ...

                          Thanks Florida Boy ~

                          I think I need to check out some of the supps ... that's all right now. I'm just not completely sure that I can stop, so it would be good to have this stuff/info on hand. At this point, I cannot "just stop", but it may happen within a week or so ... I think (as I'm hammered right now), that this will come in handy soon. But, I have to say that I'm freaked out about how easy it can be to maintain at this time of night .... I hate the clarity I feel ... I'm not inebriated, but I'm probably about a half-hour towards bed-times (pass-out times) ... probably better if I get there sooner.

                          I'm going to fight this in my own way, as all of you do ... but, for now I'm still relying on my own instincts ... and my wife is a good support reference (she just got home).

                          Thank you all for your responses ... I'll let you know if I have any great revelations throughout this journey; if I don't, I'll also let you know otherwise and hope for your wisdom ... what an amazing forum, full of amazing folks. I am indebted to all of you for your wisdom and your attribution to this site.

                          Best to all,



                            Semi-Functioning AL Boy, But Waffling ...

                            Hi Sam - I just want to say :welcome:

                            Love the name and look forward to seeing you around.


                              Semi-Functioning AL Boy, But Waffling ...

                              Thanks, Tawnyfrog ~ (and wonderful avatar!)

                              I think I'm going to be okay tonight. My wife is right next to me engaging in conversation (and I can actually speak). I'm not slurring (BUT, I WANT ANOTHER DRINK!). We might just head to bed and I'll be okay. It's still tough though, but ... maybe I can wrangle through it (I probably will). She might know more than I do ... I wouldn't be surprised. But, you're all wonderful ... and thank you for the help. I need it .... I hope I can return the favor.



