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Should I start without Topamax

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    Should I start without Topamax


    I just got my package w/ the CD and herbs/vitamins today (3 days - this is great) but.... I chose not to go to my doctor for Topamax - didn't want to hear again - "you don't need that - look at you you are smart, successful - just don't drink" so I ordered from the River Pharmacy - it said it would be a 2-3 weeks

    So here are my questions:

    1. Is it OK to start without the Topamax - am I giving myself a head start or ruining my chances of success by not doing it all together?

    2. The River Pharmacy - my husband would kill me if he knew I ordered grugs on line but I'm willing to take my chances (alcohol will probably kill me soon so why not take a chance. So is the real thing? Do they really deliver? etc, etc?


    Should I start without Topamax

    Hi Alex, I am new here too and am waiting for the Topa to arrive from the Pharmacy as well. I started the program without it, lots of people abstain without it at all. It's really up to you how you want to go about it. Keep posting and let us know your progress, GOOD LUCK!!


      Should I start without Topamax

      Hi Alexis,
      I chose to do the whole shabang together. I ended up getting my 1st script for Topa from my ob/gyn, because it was the only dr I really had seen and trusted in awhile. On the way home from that appt., I bought the supps, cause they were on the way home.

      IMO -- if you are an anal type (like me) you want to do the program as outlined. But there is NO reason why you should wait to try some healty things -- esp the All One powder. You can try all kinds of combos of juices (oj, cranberry, v8, banana-and-milk) and you will feel good about getting something into your system in the morning, if you don't already.

      I have no experience with River Pharm but others have said good things. I would not wait 2-3 weeks because if you are here now, 2-3 weeks can be an eternity. Be here with us (and believe me, it's a struggle for me too! ) and post and read, and take the supps, try to exercise a bit (even just a 10-15 min walk around the block) , and smile and welcome!



        Should I start without Topamax

        I wanted to try the entire program without the help of Topamax and went about 15 days and toughed it out. Had some good days and had some bad days. I then decided to add the Top and ordered it from RiverPharmacy. It took about 10 days to get it and I had no problems with the ordering process. You do have to sign for it when it arrives at your home or go to the post office if you miss them.

        I have been on it for about 6 days now and I feel that it has been the additional help that I needed. There are some minimal side affects but nothing major for me. The "stigma" associated with it that you read on the internet is over stated from my opinion.


          Should I start without Topamax

          Alexis13, welcome to a great place

          I'd recommend starting immediately with everything you have in your arsenal...blam blam!

          your body is certain to be starving for nutrients so zip up an all-one smoothie, take the herbs/vitamins/minerals and listen to the hypno as much as you can. I listen to mine laying down in bed in preparation for sleep.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Should I start without Topamax

            Hi Alexis,

            I started the program with everything except the Topa, and had some success, some un-success (don't want to say failure). I managed over half the days of May going AF. Alot of people can do without the Topa though, so everybody is different. I finally went to the doctor on sunday and got a prescription and started it. I was waffling so much, and really wanted to try it - otherwise I would never know if it would help. Well - all my fears about the side effects have not come true - yet!!! I am only on the lowest dose yet, as you dose up slowly, but I have not had any AL cravings at all, but Kudzu and L-Glut help with that too. Maybe my resolve and attitude have also changed this time around - I am trying to be more relaxed about it. I was so pumped up last month and obsessed, drinking was all I thought about.

            I have heard from many members that River Pharmacy is very reliable. I didn't want to wait though, so went to the doctor. He had never heard of this use for Topamax and was willing to let me try, but was also very glad I opted to go through him rather than get it on line - as I would suspect any doctor would. I must say I think if he had said no, then I would have purchased it on line from River Pharm.

            I see you wrote your queries yesterday - so I am late responding!!!! Did you order it already??? Have you started trying to go AF already? What's your plan??



              Should I start without Topamax

              try first without anything

