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30 days! What now?

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    30 days! What now?

    30 Days today:shocked: If I can do this anyone can. Could not have done it without this site and all you wonderful people. I have been at this for over a year now and can't believe its finally happened. I'n so excited I am up early today. Not sure what I'll do to celebrate, it definetly will not involve alcohol. At this point I wonder, what now? I had planned to moderate after 30 days but not sure if that will ever be an option. I still have thoughts in the back of my head of failing. I think I'll stay on the wagon for awhile and continue to heal. I never realized how long it really take for are mind and body to clear of this poison. I'm pretty sure I still have some healing to do. ODAT is such an important phrase and one to live by. Best to all of you and thank you.:hiya:

    30 days! What now?

    Well done Kat
    I feel the same - if I can do it anyone can. I have just finished sixty days AF and NF - and am wondering what to do now - ho hum. I was going to moderate after 30 and did have a couple of drinks the weekend I reached 30 but nothing major - then I decided to keep going for May and another month slipped by AF . Not sure what I will do for june - maybe moderate and see how I go but I would rather not even have to think about it. The 30 days just gave me some perspective but the 60 days has changed my mindset completely and I look back to the old binge drinking smoking me and it seems like a lifetime away and a different person. Never again will I ever go there. Well done again and for me it is also thanks to all the people on here.


      30 days! What now?

      Hi Kat,

      Congratulations on reaching your 30 days:wd::yay::happy:

      It does take a lot of healing and you are well on your way! You have asensible approach about your intentions, Good Luck.

      In life we can live out our dreams its true
      the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


        30 days! What now?



        :l Sweetpea xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


          30 days! What now?


          Are you going to do something nice for yourself? 30 days seems like a really long time and you should be proud!:goodjob:


            30 days! What now?

            Thank you friends for your kind support. I've had my eye on this really cool bicycle, I think I go order it at lunch. Love ya


              30 days! What now?

              Pump it up KAT! 30 days is something many cannot doo. I'm on my way again also. Stay on track, get the bike (helmet) make sure you get a skull cap, and enjoy the ride! :l


                30 days! What now?


                I had planned to moderate after 30 days but not sure if that will ever be an option. I still have thoughts in the back of my head of failing. I think I'll stay on the wagon for awhile and continue to heal. I never realized how long it really take for are mind and body to clear of this poison. I'm pretty sure I still have some healing to do.

                I thought about trying to moderate but found out it was not an option. I feel better each new day I am AF so I am just going to keep it that way and stop counting. I have become a
                non-judgemental non-drinker.


                  30 days! What now?

                  KAT YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!


                    30 days! What now?

                    Well done KAT!!! You give me hope for myself!!!!
                    Enjoy the bike - got for it!


                      30 days! What now?

                      Congratultions Kat20 30days AF well done!
                      Enjoy the bike ride... it help me a lot in the way i think to clear my head sometimes.


                      family is everything to me


                        30 days! What now?

                        Kat!! Well Done on your 30 Days!! Keep it going!
                        Many of us come here with the goal of moderating. So, we plan to do the 30 days (RJ recomends at least 30 days before ever attempting to MOD)....At the end of 30 days we are feeling pretty darn good!
                        Our thinking is clearing, hangovers are still in our recent past. All of the issues that drinking brings into our lives, is also going into the past. We begin to think.........Do I Even Want to Drink again??? If so, Why? What does drinking bring to our lives?? When has drinking ever fulfilled its promises of relaxation and a happy time????

                        It is at this time, that many of us just decide that non-drinking is the way we choose to live. At a little over 5 months of non-drinking...(I still can hardly believe it!!), I cannot imagine picking up a glass again!! Simply put, I do not want or need it. I do not like the way it makes me think and feel! I know that accepting one drink would, in short order, send me back to the Abyss of problem drinking and all that it brings with it!!

                        Best Wishes to You!!
                        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                        AF 12/6/2007


                          30 days! What now?

                          well done
                          there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


                            30 days! What now?

                            Kat ~ wtg go! That's awesome! I know eactly how you feel at this stage of the game. I wasted a lot of time worrying about when and when and when would I try to mod. But I was too scared.

                            Maybe you and Boozehag should read the following thread (if you haven't already). "Reversing Brain Damage" - in Holistic Healing. I posted some articles in there that Wonderworld posted in another thread. These articles really gave me hope as to how much our minds and bodies can still heal longer after we give up the booze. For example, we start producing new and healthy brain and liver cells after 90 days of abstinance!

                            Stay strong! You are both doing fantastic!

                            Love, Me
                            Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                              30 days! What now?

                              KateH1;339201 wrote: Kat!! Well Done on your 30 Days!! Keep it going!
                              Many of us come here with the goal of moderating. So, we plan to do the 30 days (RJ recomends at least 30 days before ever attempting to MOD)....At the end of 30 days we are feeling pretty darn good!
                              Our thinking is clearing, hangovers are still in our recent past. All of the issues that drinking brings into our lives, is also going into the past. We begin to think.........Do I Even Want to Drink again??? If so, Why? What does drinking bring to our lives?? When has drinking ever fulfilled its promises of relaxation and a happy time????

                              It is at this time, that many of us just decide that non-drinking is the way we choose to live. At a little over 5 months of non-drinking...(I still can hardly believe it!!), I cannot imagine picking up a glass again!! Simply put, I do not want or need it. I do not like the way it makes me think and feel! I know that accepting one drink would, in short order, send me back to the Abyss of problem drinking and all that it brings with it!!

                              Best Wishes to You!!
                              So true how I feel. I will keep your words and all of you in my thoughts as I go forward with this. I feel feel all sappy today. Better than hungover.

