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I'm new and wondering if I should give this new cure a try

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    I'm new and wondering if I should give this new cure a try

    I've struggled with alcohol for years. I've been through a treatment program and afterwards, joined AA. I was sober for 5 1/2 years with the help of AA and my sponsor. We then moved out of the country and the obsession to drink returned. I tried an online program but without success. I have a desire to stop drinking but I'm afraid that my desire to continue drinking is stronger. Has anyone else had a period of sobriety followed by a return to drinking and found success with this new miracle plan "My Way Out"?

    I'm new and wondering if I should give this new cure a try

    :welcome: Naomi,

    I've only started to think about stop drinking is when someone told me about this site. i dont see it as a miracle plan i found what you put into it is what you get out of it ... But i do know this site has given me lots of support along the way, You can do this again this is a great site with wonderful people that will give you lots of support. keep reading and posting.

    Good Luck

    family is everything to me


      I'm new and wondering if I should give this new cure a try

      You are in a wonderful place as you are amongst amazing people.
      Return often because the return is always a lift in your spirit.
      You are embraced and thought of with care.

      " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


        I'm new and wondering if I should give this new cure a try

        Thank you so much for responding to my message, it means so much to me! That was my first post and I've been checking regularly(every 15-20 min.) to see if anyone would read it and respond. It's very encoraging and uplifting to know that someone out there cares. I'm going home to the States for the summer so maybe I can order the medicines and supplements, etc. and have a fresh start at sobriety. With this kind of support, the immediate feedback, maybe I can really stop drinking again! Thanks again.


          I'm new and wondering if I should give this new cure a try

          Hi Naomi, Welcome!!

          Well, I am with Teardrop, there is no "Magic" here, but this way out, workes for many of us! Over the years, I had tried everything but rehab. Nothing seemed to change anything for me, including AA. But, when I came here, I decided to give it my best! You can begin by downloading the book right from this site!! There are a lot of people here that will reach out their hand, and experiences to support you!

          Best Wishes on Your Speedy Recovery!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            I'm new and wondering if I should give this new cure a try

            I had 17yrs. sober then fell on my face for several years trying to get it back.I am now 22 days sober with MWO being my only new tool.With it I believe that I can STAY AF.If I can do it then I believe anyone can......EVIE
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              I'm new and wondering if I should give this new cure a try

              :colorwelcome: Naomi!

              Congratulations on the 5 1/2 years of sobriety that you achieved previously. That certainly says you CAN get and stay sober for the long haul!

              I agree with the others that while there are no magic pills here, the tools are wonderful for giving the determined mind an advantage. And the support here in the on-line community is fabulous.

              I second Kate's suggestion of downloading the book from the Health Store if you haven't already.

              Where are you now? (your mention of "coming back to the states) I always thought it would be fun to work for awhile in a different country (not sure if that's what you are doing!).

              Best wishes - hope you join us for the journey.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                I'm new and wondering if I should give this new cure a try

                :welcome: this is certainly not a magic cure .......... but the people here sure are magic!!!!

                If you are feeling low anytime 24/7 ......... post here and by magic someone will respond to you ..........

                Nice to 'meet'you .......

                BB xx


                  I'm new and wondering if I should give this new cure a try

                  The supps and folks here are a tremendous help in getting and staying sobber. Since AA worked before can you go back? Arm yourself with as much support and help as you can. AND welcome!
                  Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                    I'm new and wondering if I should give this new cure a try


                    Naomi;339029 wrote: Has anyone else had a period of sobriety followed by a return to drinking and found success with this new miracle plan "My Way Out"?
                    Welcome Naomi!:welcome:

                    I am not too experienced to comment on the 'miracle plan', but just would like to share my experience with the site. Three months back I came here after a terrible bout of disgusting drunken behaviour with a resolve to get out of the alcoholic hole that I was slowly digging for myself. This site has helped me in first stopping the digging and has given enough motivation, support and wisdom to stay al-free for these three months.
                    You will meet really amazingly understanding souls here.
                    Welcome to the MWO community.

                    Love and best regards
                    *Let noble thoughts come to us in all directions...*


                      I'm new and wondering if I should give this new cure a try

                      Naomi ~ Welcome. Many people here think that stubbling across this place has been a mircle in their lives. I certainly feel that way. But there is no mircle cure. You have to do the work along with the program. The encouragement of these wonderful people helped me find sobriety after drinking heavily for years.

                      And, yes, there are many, many success stories here. I hope that you will become one of them.

                      Best of luck. We are here for you.

                      Love, Me
                      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                        I'm new and wondering if I should give this new cure a try

                        I would like to give a few more detail about myself in response to some of the posts. We have been living in China for the last 3 years because of my husband's job and we just extended for another two years. We have been renting our house in the States but will be moving back into it for the summer, returning to China in September.

                        I have been married to my husband for many years and we have 4 children. I'm currently homeschooling the youngest 2.

                        There is no AA group here, I asked the doctor, and although the city we live in has several million people, average size by Chinese standards, the expat community is quite small and I would be reluctant to join AA even if there was a group here because if word got out that I had a drinking problem, it would be common knowledge very quickly and I would be worried about the reprecussions on my children and yes, on my pride, also.

                        I've tried to download the book but due to computer problems, of which there are many in China, I've not been successful. I've contacted the MYO help desk and my husband returns from travel soon so between the two, maybe I'll be able to read the book soon.

                        Something DG said struck a chord with me. She said,"the tools are wonderful for giving the determined mind an advantage". I think a determined mind is the key to sobriety. This is what got me sober with AA and with the tools available on MYO, I believe I can get sober again, although it seems to be much harder the second time around.

                        I'll be ready to give sobriety a second try once we get back to the States and I can gather my weapons (tools from MYO). I look forward to sharing my success story, God willing, with everyone very shortly! Until then, I will continue to read other peoples posts.


                          I'm new and wondering if I should give this new cure a try


                          I wanted to add my :welcome:.

                          I am sorry it is difficult to download the book from there.

                          However, there is a link on the home page to the updated supplement list.

                          It is a very good idea to start the supplements if at all possible right away. Even if you are still drinking. Our poor livers are not processing vitamins and minerals well due to the alcohol and if you start them now, you will start feeling better, anyway, and hopefully reducing some of the damage to your body.

                          I hope you are one of the success stories, too!!

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            I'm new and wondering if I should give this new cure a try

                            Hi Naomi. It must be such an interesting experience living in China - one you will never forget (nor your kids!) I'm sure. Glad you liked that quote - that's how I feel about it. No magic (boy, don't we all wish!!) but great tools just the same.

                            I second Cindi's motion about trying to get on the recommended supplements as soon as possible. I didn't have severe withdrawl symptoms when I stopped drinking the first time (no severe shakes or need for medical supervision, etc.) But I DID go through a few rough weeks of about zero sleep, mixing up words when trying to talk or type, irritating stuff like that. This time around (my fall from the wagon is a whole 'nother story) I feel much, much better physcially, even though I did some really hard drinking in between. I'm sure this is due at least in part to giving my body some nutrition even though I was giving poison too.

                            I can also relate to not wanting a small community to become aware of you drinking problem via AA. We crazies at MWO are available 24X7 the world over!!! And you can retain confidentiality!! What could be better!!!!! :nutso:

                            I think you will love it here, and I know you will be a success story if you want to. You already proved it.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              I'm new and wondering if I should give this new cure a try

                              Thanks for the input and encouraging words although I wouldn't know where to begin finding supplements here. Everything is in Chinese! I don't read Chinese and I speak just enough to get by. It's not a challenge that I'm up to right now. The doctor has a small pharmacy but I don't think he stocks vitamins and supplements. I can wait until we get back to the States where everything is so easy to do! Everyone speaks English. I must go to bed now as it is almost 11:30 pm here. Maybe I'll feel differently about looking for supplements after a good night's sleep. Thanks again.

