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ODAT - Thursday

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    ODAT - Thursday

    Hi everyone,

    Well, it's Thursday night and i just felt this thread had to be started

    And, welcome newbies!

    To cut a long story short, woke-up feeling shite today, a bit sick in the stomache, a bit shaky and just generally tired. Anyhow, slept in which is probably what i needed.

    It is day 3 AF for me and if any days, it is today i am actually craving that hideous drink... But, strangely enough, about 1/2 later, they went and i am now prepared to hunker down tonight, herbal tea in hand and artillery of DVDs at the ready.

    Am going to reward myself with a nice restaurant cooked meal tonight (takeaway of course)!

    Hey Seacailin,

    Well done on your few days without drinking. You must be starting to feel some sort of benefits now? Soon, you will notice a clearer head and that really makes a difference to the kinds of decisions you make and how you handle life. It's amazing how much easier life seems when you can actually break things down and think about them.

    In relation to the 'alone' thing, i spend a lot of time on my own too, and the way i am handling it is to join a dating site (no, not for dates, but for 'friendships'), trying to find things to do such as walking every day, planning my food (esp. dinner), thinking of what i can eat instead of drinking, and emersing myself in television.

    At this stage of your life, you really need to fill in some time some way, and as you become soberer, you'll become clearer and will be able to start thinking of things to do again. I know it sounds strange, but its as if al blocks off any incoming thoughts...

    Sam Handwich,

    Why don't you give AF for one day a go? You can always come here and express your feelings...

    What i have discovered today:

    The most ironic thing is that alcohol actually made me feel lonley. All along i thought i was the lonely one and i was drinking because of that. But, it was the alcohol that mainly made me feel lonely.


    How's everyone going?
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    ODAT - Thursday

    Oh yeah, you'll all be really proud of me. Did a really good 'brush-off' on a night out for dinner tomorrow night. Simply said, "see you Saturday" and completely bypassed having to refuse the invitation for Friday :applaud:.
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


      ODAT - Thursday

      Hi Change and all to come

      You sound really upbeat Change, well done. Big welcome to the newbies, hang in there, keep posting and be gentle on yourselves. Since joining MWO I have gone from drinking every day for over 10 years to stringing 30 days plus AF at a time. Yes, there have been slips and bumps along the way but the important thing is to keep trying and it does get easier.

      Am going for my walk in a little while and then its shopping with daughter, well she will shop I just accompany with the wallet!! Might get a chance to have a look at a few things for myself. I'm not a great shopper, I have to be in the mood but we are going to a brand new centre that has just opened which will be nice.

      Have a great day everyone.



        ODAT - Thursday

        Hi Change, Rustop and all to come. Thanks for starting Change. I feel guilty if I don't get the thread started! But I really like to come here and see it underway! It's such a good daily dose of MWO.

        Got what looks like a good day ahead. Hubby gone away for a few days and I have myself to myself again (if you know what I mean!) Have lots to do but I feeling energetic and positive and looking forward to getting things done and catching up on here when I have a break. The last few evenings have been easy - mostly because I have something planned. I really do need to do that otherwise I just carry on working, get tired, don't eat properly and al starts to tempt me. There is no wine in the house, other than AF - that's the way it is staying. I will only shop during the day when I can just waltz past the wine aisle. Shopping in the evening is much more of a test so I don't do it.

        I might reward myself with a takeaway tonight too - Chinese noodles every time!!

        Anyway, I had better get on with these jobs or the day will be gone before I know it. Must keep checking on the mother hen and chicks, I let them all out of their pen into the main chicken area and need to know they are not being bullied. There is always a risk the chicks could be taken by a raptor but mum does seem to be very attentive and watchful and they do have to get out into the big wide world sometime.....We all do!!

        Have a wonderful day all.

        bessie xxx


          ODAT - Thursday

          Hi my ODAT friends!!

          In a bit of a rush today but did want to pop in and say howdy to everyone.

          Change's post about getting past a day 3 craving got me to thinking about something I did when I got home from detox that really helped me.

          I found an old book of Calvin and Hobbes cartoons. I loved those cartoons. Whenever I had a craving, I would pick that book up and leaf through it. It always made me laugh, a good belly laugh.

          It seems when you are laughing, you are definitely not worrying about drinking.

          AF April 9, 2016


            ODAT - Thursday

            Hi ODATers

            Just checking in to say Hi and hope everyone is doing OK. Change - I know what you mean I felt worse when I got to day 5 AF than I did at the start, just felt ill! Think it must by your body reacting to lack of AL or something.

            Bessie speaking of raptors, have had to shut son's ginger cat in as she is methodically removing and eating baby birds from somewhere in the garden................ disgusting creature.

            Love to all


              ODAT - Thursday

              Hi Everyone...

              It has been a really busy week as I opened an office for my consulting business with two other partners and have been moving furniture and getting all the electronic gagetry set up which takes the most time. I thought technology was supposed to make us more effecient but in the end I wonder what ever happened to a quick note or phone call!

              I have also been dealing with the tree that fell on my house and the hail that damaged nearly every inch of the property. What a mess. I went up in the attic and there are 5 rafters that are snapped and one major supporting rafter that braces about one quarter of the roof. The insurance adjuster came out yesterday and should be getting back to me with an estimate shortly. I hope it is really high as I am going to do the repairs myself and pocket the rest! I am short on money due to not working as I recovered from the beast AL!

              Take care all...Case


                ODAT - Thursday

                Hi everyone,

                Case, wow, sounds busy over there - at least it keeps you so busy that it keeps AL at bay.

                I had another AF night last night so I am on day 4 now. The reason for it was I had my tools ready - went to the BF's house to watch the hockey game and took a couple of AF beers with me. I could have moderated and had a couple of beers which wouldn't have been a big deal but I really wanted to make this week and AF week just as a personal goal, so off with the tools I went. He asked why, I just told him I wanted to have a couple of beers but I had a really bad headache so I felt this was a solution to the problem - he was okay with that!

                Hope everyone has a good day no matter what your goals,
                Love and Hugs,
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  ODAT - Thursday

                  Morning all.

                  Change you sound good!

                  Everybody sounds very busy!

                  Mad mummy, I'm wondering where my kittty is. - must have been left out last night as he didn't wallow on my head.

                  rustop, I stink at shopping. I get overwhelmed by the choices and drive myself crazy.

                  Cindi, I love Calvin & Hobbes - so funny. Far Side too! Laughter is the best medicine.

                  Bessie, watch those chickies so they don't become takeaway!

                  Case, a new office and home construction! Phew!

                  Uni, good for day 4 and the explaination!

                  I hope today is better for me than yesterday. What an emotional stinker it was. I didn't manage to not drink, but not to excess.

                  Best to all.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT - Thursday

                    its mee..

                    Its Thursday! WOW...i have a busy day...kut, kolor, Shrink, Job Interview..Phew..I AM SPECIAL! Have A SPLENDID DAY ALL.....:l


                      ODAT - Thursday


                      One day closer to Friday, and AF yesterday for my first in a week or so..................feling ok, slept well, but only racked up 6 12/ hours, so not enough Zs.

                      Everyone sounds so positive, Bessie, I want some chicks, we are down to 3 hens from 6!! those darn foxes and raccoons...............the joys of living in the country! Will look into ordering some, they are sooooooo cute!! (Thanks for opening that thought!):thanks:

                      Greeneyes, sorry you drank yesterday, today will be better!

                      Rip,glad to see you here.

                      Case, sorry about the house damager, glad you didn't drink over it!

                      Uni, great for going AF w/ BF drinking, good for you gaining all the days.........

                      Madmummy, Cindi, Rustop................have a great day, glad to see you

                      Change, thanks for starting us out, great for you adding up the days!!!

                      AND A BIG FAT WELCOME!!!! to the newbies!!!!!:welcome:

                      lots of love,:l:h:l

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        ODAT - Thursday

                        Good Morning All -

                        Today is day 3 AF and I feel ok! Last night I did not sleep well (even though the baby finally did...sigh) - seems I had a nasty case of sciatica in my left hip - out of nowhere! I got up early and went to have my coffee, looked up the symptoms of DTs on the internet - it seems that the toxins are being released from my system and manifesting themselves in this muscle pain. Should only last a few days. It really hit me - I didn't think I was a alcoholic - I drank only at night, blah blah blah...but here it is right in my face! I actually thanked God out loud - even though I am feeling pain, it totally made me realize that I was going down a bad road and have, with your help and God's help, started on a better (maybe more difficult) but better road. I have also decided to start eating healthier to really clean out my system. It sounds crazy, but even on this third day, I am so hopeful and excited for my sobriety! I can actually be the designated driver and take my kids wherever they want instead of having my husband do it if I had had a glass of wine. I really hope I can stick with this. This Friday is a function in our neighborhood in which lots of wine and beer is served. I already told my husband that I am AF for 30 days (but I plan on staying AF) and he actuallly laughed at me and said "why?". I guess I hid it better than I thought....sigh. Anyway, I told him that he can have as many beers as he wants, as I will be drinking sparkling water! He is lucky - he can go months without drinking any beer and not have one problem....wish that was me! Sorry to babble. Hope you are all well and thank you for letting me be part of this wonderful supportive group. I believe in my heart that we can all do this and lead fuller and happier lives.

                        "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                          ODAT - Thursday

                          Hello From Barcelona Spain

                          HI mwoERS.


                            ODAT - Thursday

                            WALNUT!!!!!! You make my brainwork too hard. I must don baseball cap to protect it. Will mail when I get used to Walnut. Gahhhh!!! How can you do that to me? No cap for you, snort!

                            Good on you Matthen!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              ODAT - Thursday

                              Hello folks!

                              Change;339917 wrote:
                              Sam Handwich,

                              Why don't you give AF for one day a go? You can always come here and express your feelings...
                              I'm shooting for Sunday, as I have a show to see at a club on Saturday ... but, I am trying to set a limit for myself until then. It seemed to work last night, as I remember taking out the contacts, brushing the teeth, and falling asleep ... still a long way to go, but I'm optimistic because of all of your support and friendly conversation! I'm sure I'll be pretty active here on Sunday night around 6PM!

                              So, Happy Thursday to you all!


