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another newbie

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    another newbie


    Okay, I have just found the courage to properly introduce myself. Let me begin by saying I have never 'posted' or been part of a blog, chat room....I stink at technology. I hope I am doing this correctly.

    I need to stop drinking. I have no place to go with my fears and concerns. I have a loving family, but I can't have this conversation with them. Oddly, I don't trust this with them.

    Some brief highlights:

    -I can drink at least a bottle of wine a night, I also enjoy gin and tonics

    -I cannot remember my conversations that I had the night before

    -My beloved sister was an alcoholic, she died two years ago

    My greatest fear:

    -I can't stop, I can only get worse.

    My desire:

    -To be one of those people that just doesn't need or want to drink.


    another newbie

    Welcome Shaking. There is a lot of support on this site. You get out of it what you put into it, so keep posting away. You have already made a great leap forward by posting your fears and desires!!!
    Goal 1: Today
    Goal 2: Tomorrow


      another newbie



      Your biggest fear is a true one. Many here, including myself, drank to black out every day. Consuming large quantities of alcohol.

      Have you downloaded the MWO book yet? I can't recommend it enough. It is only $13 U.S. and has loads of information that RJ compiled.

      After you read it, you can decide on a plan and course of action.

      We will all be here to help support you in anyway we can.

      AF April 9, 2016


        another newbie

        Thank you Cindi and Lukalee,

        I have the supplements. I will get the book today.

        Again, thank you for responding.



          another newbie

          :welcome: Shaking

          You are in the right place for loads of support and love from many people that have been down the same road as yourself. You need to keep close to the boards and if you are not good at technology send away for Roberta Jewell?s book although it can be downloaded. The book does suggest various supplements that you can order on line or you could go to your local health food store to buy them. The minimum that you should consider getting is L-Glutamine in either powder or tablet form (I have the powder because you can put a teaspoon of the powder under you tongue which works quicker than the tablet form - L-Glutamine helps to curb your desire for Al) - Milk Thistle (this helps your Kidneys) - Magnesium - Kudzu (this also helps with the craving for AL) - B50 Vitamin B Complex - Evening Primrose Oil. All the afore mentioned are suggested in the book. You could also send away for the Hypno tapes which you could find useful. The main thing is to keep posting and reading

          Hope this helps - It certainly did for me

          Sweetpea :l xx
          :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h


            another newbie

            shaking it off;340109 wrote: My greatest fear:

            -I can't stop, I can only get worse.

            First off, :colorwelcome:! Glad you have come forward to post and join in the journey! I second the recommendations made up thread about the book and supplements.

            I would like to comment on your greatest fear, which I understand. I think most of us here have felt this way at one time or another, and I'm sure many have that feeling today.

            In my opinion, you are falling for Booze Beast Lie #3: "I can't stop."

            YES YOU CAN. That is the honest truth. Nobody says it's going to be easy. Reaching a point where you rarely think of alcohol will probably be a long journey that requires a ton of your commitment, and lots of rough days to go with the good ones.

            BUT....YOU CAN DO IT.

            I can't fly a rocket ship to the moon - not trained for it. But I CAN choose not to drink, even if and when it's not easy. I've slipped, I've fallen. I've had long absenses from here which were a mistake. But none of that means I CAN'T.

            Say goodbye to THAT Booze Beast Lie!

            I look forward to getting to know you better and sharing the journey to a MUCH MUCH happier and more fulfilling alcohol free life.

            Day 15 AF - hopefully for the 4th and final time.
            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              another newbie

              Welcome - I am new here. AF free for 3 days now. I too would drink a bottle of wine a night no problem. We can do this. We are strong and we deserve to live a better life without alcohol. This is a great place to be. I have only been here a few days, but they have made me feel welcomed and supported. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
              "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                another newbie

                Doggygirl and KBCE,

                Thanks for your encouraging words. I just took my MYO supplements, this time of day I have great confidence that I can do this, but it is around 6:30 at night, when I am cooking for my family....I have little resistance.

                I am headed out-of-town for a family funeral, my sisters son died unexpectedly. Our family has been through so much loss in the pass 5 years, I feel like a professional mourner. There are many triggers waiting for me starting Saturday.



                  another newbie

                  Shaking, I am very sorry to read about your nephew passing unexpectedly. I'm also sorry that you have had a run of sad events in your family. We will be thinking of you through the weekend.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    another newbie

                    I only logged on a couple of days ago


                    I just logged on a couple of days ago - I thought I was being brave but you've been braver than me. I too have a sister who is chronic - its looking bad and I can relate a lot to what you say - my family is fab and I don't really think they think I have a problem but it makes me feel crap in the morning and I often can't remember things. I'm only on my third day and I know I'm around the danger zone. Ideally I'd like to drink in moderation but to be honest I've never seen the point of opening a bottle of wine and not finishing the bottle. That's about the extent of my drinking but I feel so awful in the morning and I know I'm way beyond safe units. I've only been posting a couple of days but instead of stopping through fear and panic this time I'm taking a break out of sense because I'm listening to you guys.
                    Short term goal 7 days AF


                      another newbie

                      Hi everyone, this is my first time posting. I am desperate...I too, drink to the point of blacking out, calling people and I do it every second day. I have been to one AA meeting and it is not for me. I have a long history of alcoholism on both sides of my family. This horrifying addiction is starting to affect every part of my life, I feel like I am sufficating. I can't do it anymore yet I can not stop. I am so scared.

                      From what I have read on this site, I have seen hope. I am looking forward to being a part of this community.


                        another newbie



                        You sound pretty desperate. In a way that is good...

                        However, you use the word "can't" stop and you need to rethink that. You can. You must get past the fear of stopping (I had it and so many talk of it) and the worry that you will fail.

                        You can do this and we will help you in anyway we can.

                        And, many of us have slipped, some for many times - um me - and never quit trying to quit. Failure is when you give up.

                        Read the MWO book, look into the supplements and gird your loins for at least a 30 day AF stretch.

                        You can do this and we will be here to help you every step of the way!!

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          another newbie

                          :colorwelcome: patricia and brite2behere. You have found such a great place in MWO. Have you downloaded the book from the Health Store? That is such a great place to start.

                          brite2be, I know you are scared and I'm sure you believe that you "can't" stop - at least on some level.

                          THAT IS A BOOZE BEAT LIE. You CAN stop. ALL of us can stop. Noboday says it's gonna be easy, but many others have stopped and so can we.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            another newbie

                            Cindi and Al, wow...thank you for the quick response. I will be sure to read the book. How have you worked through your cravings? When I don't drink I get hot flashes and I can not sleep. How long does it last? Sleeping pills do not work for me. I also get really bad mood swings.



                              another newbie


                              The no sleeping and the hot flashes last about a week. Then sleep starts getting more regular but can be bumpy for a long time due to other issues.

                              Lots of us take different things for the sleep. Melatonin, L-Tryptophan, GABA.

                              You have to play with it and see what works best for you.

                              I have found that the not sleeping is definitely much better than the coma induced sleeping.

                              Just figure the first week is going to be rough. And please, read the links on alcohol withdrawal. Sometimes we forget to tell people that. If you are a seriously heavy drinker withdrawal can be serious. You would need meds to get through those.

                              I just took my first week off from work, stayed on MWO, religiously took my supplements and was grateful for every single day I was sober.

                              AF April 9, 2016

