My name is Ben and I think I drink too much,
Well I drink every night, I started out a couple of years ago drinking a 1.5L bottle of wine everyday, Then I progressed to drinking a bottle of 80 proof Vodka a day, then to 100 Proof.
besides that I also go to local bars on weekend and drink until they toss me out. My freinds call me the town drunk.
Right I'm back to drinking wine, and liquor from time to time.
The problem here it that my life isn't bad, I have a good job, about to get my masters, and everything is fine so that makes me think that drinking isn't so bad because my life is normal (somewhat).
The other issue that makes me not quit drinking is that I have stopped drinking before cold turkey for as long as a month with no significant withdraw symptoms, I do not get the shakes, I sleep normal, etc.. so I keep telling myself why stop.
I know my drinking is a problem, hopefully quiting will not be,