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newbie drunk

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    newbie drunk

    Hello Ben,

    I know this must be hard to face at your age. To think that drinking alcohol is an enemy and not your friend is something that is unthinkable especially in your environment.

    You my friend are staring down the barrel of serious trouble with AL already affecting your work and such. My friend I mentioned before was also 28 when he was faced with serious AL problems that *forced* him to quit or else. Don't put yourself in that position, do the right thing here before things do get worse for you, because it will, *that* I would put money on sorry to say.

    Go Bulls!
    Is Addiction Really a Disease?
    Watch this and find out....


      newbie drunk

      Dear Ben,I feel like I want to tell you now wonderful Soberiety can feel !!!! To me it is the greatest gift that I ever gave myself....Now I can get healthy again,the lbs. are just falling off.I already look 10 yrs. younger and I have not even hit the 30 day target yet...My eyes are clear and even my voice has changed...I have a different out look on the world...You can have all of this and more with a AF free life....What is good about letting the beast run your life ????? He is a thief and will rob you blind,if you let him....Evie
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        newbie drunk

        Day 6


        So I'm still not drinking, 6 days now. No major withdraw symptoms as expected, I've been having real vivid dreams, that's it.

        Allot more energy and clear mind now.



          newbie drunk

          Congrats on 6 AF days BenZee! I'm happy for you that you are addressing this now rather than waiting until booze takes a further toll on your body.

          I'm no doctor, but I don't think having a seemingly high tolerance for AL when you are young does you any favors. I think it leads to drinking even more massive quantities over time - and I do believe all the booze takes it's toll - whether you have intense withdrawl symtoms or not.

          I amazed all my friends with the amounts of booze I could handle during my college years. And here I'm at age 50 - have been a problem drinker for many, many years and who only knows what physical toll to myself.

          Best wishes to you getting this under control while you are young with a bright future with your Masters!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.

