I'm a 21 woman from Honolulu, Hawaii and I have had enough with drinking. There were so many times where I have humiliated myself, hurt others emotionally, and literally destroyed many friendships and relationships because of my lack of self-control while drinking. A year ago when I was 20, I got into an accident where I backed up into a car, causing a $6,000 damage to my back bumper [ we had to order a new bumper]. 6 months later, I got a DUI while I was still 20, and my parents had to bail me out and pay for my attorney fees which were pretty damned expensive. I have wrecked many potential relationships and have caused some irreversible damage to many by my words and actions. There are numerous incidents that I've been through and now is definitely time for a change. I am sick of sabotaging myself.
There was a point where I drank everyday, about 2 years ago, but now I mainly drink on weekends. I drink about 8-10 drinks [beer/hard liquor] when I go out and I'm 5'1 and 105 Lbs. I feel that my tolerance is only getting stronger and that scares the SHT out of me! I want to quit cause I want to take better care of myself, to make sure my family doesn't worry about me [they've seen it first hand how out of control and crazy I can be], and because I am just a totally different, and ugly person when I'm drinking. As my Mom calls it I'm "a dr. jekyll mr. hyde" type of person.
I want to know:
1) What are other nighttime activities to do besides drinking? [Many people in Hawaii love to party on weekends, and I don't know what else to during the nighttime. You can only watch so many movies or go to the mall so many times]
2) Do people look at you differently because you're not drinking? [When I'm drinking, I'm usually the life of the party. But surprisingly, that is usually how I am sober. But I don't want to use drinking as a crutch anymore. I want to be seen as in control and not feel like I have to live up to certain expectations. Maybe these expectations are self-induced? I dont' know..
3) I'm also concerned about what my friends will think about me not drinking. Sure, I can just pretend that I'm drinking, but maybe I shouldn't be so superficial and self-conscious. I just feel like I don't want to be missing out on things cause I just turned 21 [going on 22]. And I'm not goin to use the excuse that "I'm young and that I'm resilient" because I know that I'm completely capable of causing irreversible damage now. I know that many bad things could result in my self-destructive drinking if I don't stop now. I'm just worried about going on trips or going to new restaurants without having a drink, which is when I might want one, or 10. lol.
I have a get together with my girlfriends this weekend, and I'm not planning on telling them I'm not gona drink. They assume that I would, but I'm just going to order diet cokes or somethin. I'm going to tell them when I get there that I'm not gona drink and see what their reaction will be. They will most likely be supportive and not pressure me [they love to party but they're pretty rational and know it's not a game], but for some reason, I feel this pressure on myself and maybe it's because of my fluctuating self esteem issues. I know that I'm capable of goin out w/out drinking, but I only believe in myself up to a certain extent. Once I get warped into my thinking, I psyche myself out and then end up giving in even when I'm not feeling pressured by others. Does anyone else feel this way? I just want to know I'm not alone in this.
Sorry this is so long~winded and thanks for any responses.