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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    Hi there MWOers,

    I hope everyone's going well today!

    It's actually Friday night here and i thought i would log in, start the thread if it hadn't been started and remind everyone to be extra vigilant tonight. Think of a plan during witching hour and post it here if you like

    Well, i'd better go, tragic old Big Brother is on and i want to spend the night in front of the television!

    Check you all later,

    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    ODAT - Friday

    Sometime during the day yesterday I thought it was Friday and stayed in that mode. I was quite certain today was Saturday. I will blame it on Walnut. That name change threw me off and she sometimes doesn't know what day it is. :H Friday night is just not an issue for me. It does not hold much special meaning. Used to, but not much any more. My life has been pretty wierd the last year and a half so I guess that's why. So, since it's Friday, off to work I go! I have popcorn and a movie for tonight. Need gingerale though. Really a caffeine free coke. Coke goes better with popcorn.

    Have a great day and you Friday nighters, stick to your guns!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Friday


      Good for you Change and Greeneyes, you have plans!! I have a plan for tonight also and it doesn't include AL at ALL!!! I am on day 3, feeling a little better physically, now the mental fog will start to lift.

      My tough part is the weekend, mostly due to Mike drinking all day each day................tough to try not to join in. But I am determined to do it, it has bee quite a while since I have enjoyed an AF weekend, looking forward to it. I plan to stay busy, go tothe gym, the pool, ride horses and work on my painting (which I have neglected due to AL)

      Everyone, hope you meet your goals whatever they are for the day and the weekend.

      lots of love,:l:h:l

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        ODAT - Friday

        Hi Change, Greeny, Cowgal and the rest to come........

        Ah yes, Friday.....I am on day 5 and today will be harder for me as I play ball tonight and we all generally go out for a beer after - as well it is a scorcher today - already 32 degrees celcius and it is only 8am! I just may not go out after - I have lots of AF beer for the weekend since we are going to be outside with BBQ's and the like - that way I can feel like I have my drinks if I want to. My goal was to get to day 7 for this week and I am awfully close so I'd be ticked at myself to lose sight of that goal now.

        ODAT right guys?

        Have a good one,

        Love and Hugs,
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          ODAT - Friday

          Hi ODATs

          Almost at another weekend - phew don't know where it goes to. Am doing better this week and plan to continue over the weekend - very moderate not like last Sunday......

          Have a good one wherever you are.



            ODAT - Friday

            Love to you all !!!!!!! Have a happy , healthy AF Weekend....Evie
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              ODAT - Friday

              This is going to be a wonderful SUCESSFUL fun-filled AF weekend for us all - I can feel it! This is a big test for me since the neighborhood gathering (aka wine and beer-a-thon) is tonight, but I feel very strong and determined. I posted on another thread that I declared to my husband and kids that I am AF tonight and for 30 days, so I will be the designated driver!

              Everyone stay strong and be happy!

              "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


                ODAT - Friday

                I have early plans for tomorrow that wouldn't be any fun hung over. I'll keep thinking of the early wake-up ahead!! Hope all of you have a great AF/mod weekend.

