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Wino newbie

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    Wino newbie

    Hi everyone!

    Not sure what kind of drunk I am classified as, but something is amiss if I'm here.

    I never really drank at all until a couple years ago when I starting drinking more. Generally, I drink 2-4 glasses of wine 5 nights a week. I'm trying to get back into running (did a marathon a few years ago) and have been doing Bikram Yoga (the hot yoga) so that helps me not drink as much. I drank a bottle of wine one night and went to the Bikram yoga class, NOT GOOD. It's a miracle I didn't pass out and throw up.

    Sometimes I don't drink for a couple weeks. Then I'll start up again. Not sure why.

    Anyhow, I've decided to try and nip this in the bud before it becomes worse. I've been blacking out and doing the usual drunk dial - because I'm positive EVERYONE wants to talk to me. I also hate it when my boyfriend asks if I remember what I did/said last night, which happens about twice a month.

    Well, I'm going to do the 30 day challenge and today is my first day. I've been reading a lot posts and want to thank everyone for sharing. It makes me feel good to know I'm not alone.


    Wino newbie



    It is a very good idea to nip this in the bud sooner rather than later. I sure wish I had..

    It sounds like your level of drinking will not cause you withdrawals if you have often gone 2 weeks without.

    Have you read the MWO book yet? It has a lot of information about supplements that help with the cravings, etc.

    The 30 days is a minimum recommended by RJ in the book if moderation is your goal.

    I wish you all the luck and do not hesitate to jump on here whenever you need support.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Wino newbie

      Welcome Renee :welcome:,

      It sound like you are on the right path!


      Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
      - George Jackson


        Wino newbie

        Hi Cindi,

        Thanks for your quick reply!

        I haven't read the book yet, just the website info and some of the threads on this board. When I get home (on the road for work) I'm going to buy the book and print it out.

        My goal is moderation, but if that doesn't work for me I'll have to commit to be AF.



          Wino newbie


          You sound alot like me. I even posted on the thread "What I hate, loath and just can't stand about drinking" that one of the things I hated was the words "do you remember what you said last night?"... (You should read this thread - it's under Monthly Abstinence" on the left side of the main community page). I also drank (drink) about 5 nights a week from abour 2glasses - a bottle of wine. Occasionally more on a night out. Its a progressive problem. I'm afraid of letting it get any more our of control - because it has begun to control my life. I spend ALOT of time thinking about my wine. I did not ever get to the point that I was drinking in the morning or afternoons, however I am afraid that enevitably it will progress to that. I have gained weight from my AL consumption and many times I make up my mind to start running again I wake up feeling too sluggish. I have been AF (alcohol free) for 3 days. I feel better than ever (I have not had any withdrawals) and I feel good about mydecision. My goal right now is to abstain for 30 consecutive days. Baby steps. Then I'll go from there.

          I hope you stick around. I'm a newbie too. Without visiting these threads and getting support I think I'd be out drinking tonight. Instead I'm headed to a movie. Please feel free to PM (private message) me any time.

          By the way - I have never done the hot yoga but I just joined a new studio and I start next week...:wd:

          God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


            Wino newbie

            You are so wise to seek help before AL can beat your butt and distroy your life.....It can be the best decision that you ever make!!!! Welcome aboard.....I look forward to getting to know you....Evie
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              Wino newbie

              :welcome: :new: too.

              Wise decision. Only you can know if you will be able to moderate. I don't have an off switch
              so it is not an option for me. I'm fine w/o AL as long as I don't uncap the bottle.


                Wino newbie

                Welcome Renee, I'm also a newbie

                You can do this ! There is a lot of support here to help you

                If anyone had told me that I could go without alcohol for 9 days (today) after drinking the

                amount that I did for years, I would have laughed at them !

                Hang in there.

                Mary x


                  Wino newbie

                  Hi runner! Welcome. Knock it out now. It only gets harder. Great for you to see it now. But you must act on it now. Don't mess around and let AL fool you. Put your big girl pants on.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Wino newbie

                    Yup, nip it in the bud Runner. No sense letting things getting further out of control, just more work re-wiring the mind to a normal state. Welcome and join the crowd in the repair shop! Don't run away too soon! :H


                      Wino newbie

                      Ripple;341309 wrote: Yup, nip it in the bud Runner. No sense letting things getting further out of control, just more work re-wiring the mind to a normal state. Welcome and join the crowd in the repair shop! Don't run away too soon! :H

                      I don't think I can be fully restored but I will stick around. I have too much fun here. :H :H :H :H


                        Wino newbie

                        Thanks so much for all your encouragement! Everyone here is an inspiration to me.


