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moderation question. Tired of being an idiot.

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    moderation question. Tired of being an idiot.

    Well, first off, I really enjoy drinking. Unfortunatly, I'm geneticly predisposed to alcoholism. I suppose I am looking for a magic bullet, as my work and lifestyle seem to revolve around social drinking. What I really want is no more blackouts and loss of controll. I love a few cocktails, but I'm always tempted to take it too far. No telling if it'll be the 3rd or 8th drink that pushes me over the edge. Is it possible that I can drink normally with this program and not get to the point where I become an idiot? Feedback please.

    moderation question. Tired of being an idiot.

    Anything is possible. Everyone is different. The general advice is to abstain completely for 30 days and then take it from there... If you read the book, it is all explained.

    Most people on these boards, or maybe just the most active (with a few exceptions), seem to find after trying moderation that abstinence works better for them, but there are also quite a few who have had success moderating.

    Again, you really need to get the book, and read a lot of the past posts here, and work it out the way that works out for you.

    And BTW, Welcome to you!
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      moderation question. Tired of being an idiot.

      Hello and welcome:welcome:

      Many of us do not have a cut-off button. It just isn't there. So... You can either not drink at all or you can say to a desiginated other ( and this is a great plan by another member) do not let me have more than 2 drinks no matter what. And that's it. If you want to work on the cravings, get the book, the CDs, the supps, the Kudzu and maybe you won't have to have the hall monitor. Read stories and what worked for people and good luck!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        moderation question. Tired of being an idiot.

        Others have been able to Mod. but for me it would be playing russian rollete...If i pull the trigger than sooner or later I will surely end up dead....I love the feeling of being sober,give that a try and think about mod.after you have a month or 2 AF....Just a thought ....Evie
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          moderation question. Tired of being an idiot.

          Tired of being an idiot ... me, too. I feel the same way. A couple weeks ago, during a teary-eyed conversation with my wife in the morning, she just simply said, "I don't think you'd like yourself if you could see yourself in that state ... you keep repeating things, and a lot of what you say isn't that intelligent. It's embarrassing." Even though I, of course, remember contributing all these great eye-opening intelligent thoughts to the conversation. That is embarrassing, and probably at least 40% accountable for my change in opinion about AL. If you're tired of being an idiot, like I am, that's almost reason enough to quit - I want to be me, not some Mr. Hyde. How 'bout you? Keep talking about it. It helps to bounce around on this forum ... it has for me, and I've only been here since Monday!!!



            moderation question. Tired of being an idiot.

            Dolphin ~

            That. Is. Hilarious.

            That is all ...



              moderation question. Tired of being an idiot.

              dolphin;341281 wrote: i'm an idiot even without drink and i quite like being one.
              I resemble that remark but *I* am a higher caliber idiot w/o AL. :H :H :H


                moderation question. Tired of being an idiot.

                Being a complete idiot is truly this point being a complete anything is bliss!!!!! Evie
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  moderation question. Tired of being an idiot.

                  Try this test: Go out with friends where you know there will be an abundant flow of wine or whatever. Tell yourself that you will have only one. If you can do it, maybe you are a candidate for moderation. If you're like many of us---and after that first one you want another and another and another---then you might realize that abstinence is going to be a whole lot easier than moderation.

                  The only thing worse than being an idiot is being an idiot and not remembering it. And even worse than being an idiot and not remembering it, is being an idiot, not remembering it, and having a spouse or partner who was with you the night before and remembers everything you did that qualified you for the idiot title.


                    moderation question. Tired of being an idiot.

                    Welcome knuckle and Sam.....
                    I have been here since Feb. and still wrestle with the idea if mod is the way for me. Many here are Aber's while a small sum are truly able to mod. It is very advisable to do the 30 days, and ntcentral.....I like your test idea. I was able to do that....hang out with the wine a-flowing and I only had 2. (That was my personal goal.) It really depends on the person and your will. If you came here to mod, then give it a try, but please do the 30 days first to clean out your system. If you find that modding is too hard, then AF may be the way out for you.....good luck on your journey!!!
                    Keep reading and I look forward to seeing you around the boards!!!


                      moderation question. Tired of being an idiot.

                      Exactly, ntcentral ... sigh


                        moderation question. Tired of being an idiot.

                        I had a wake up call not long ago. I was out on a business dinner where I was supposed to be on good behavior. The wine was free flowing like I've never seen it. Every time your glass got half full, a waiter was there to fill it. To make a long story short, I got plowed. Fortunately, we were at the hotel restaurant so I didn't have to drive or find my way home. The next day, at the meeting, I got a lot of wink-wink-how are you feeling-nudge-nudge greetings. I also blundered a couple of times, saying something that gave me away as not remember something that was said during the evening before. Not a pretty picture.

                        In short, I learned that not only could I not say to no to having another one when I was amongst friends, but I couldn't even do it when amongst those around whom I'm supposed to behave. And that, I suppose, is the definition of addiction. No matter what your rational brain tells you, this little voice inside eggs you on to drink more than you should. In my case, that voice is not so little, in fact, it's a mighty roar.


                          moderation question. Tired of being an idiot.

                          Yep, hate that ... I had an incidence of late night drinking with clients last winter where I got the "You don't remember the group hug? You were hilarious!!!" and the "Good thing I caught you falling down the stairs, dude ..." And I was like, "Ummmm, yeah, I remember that ..." (NOT). And then I drove home (!!!!!) country roads, one mile, but still ....

                          These are the folly of youth, not of a 38 year-old man. Embarrassing.

                          But, these are just "war stories" ... onto better living ...



                            moderation question. Tired of being an idiot.

                            Yes, I agree with the book. When you do that you will know whether or not you can Mod. For one thing, it is strongly recomended being alcohol free for a minimum of 30 days. Modding is not about wanting to drink and white knuckling it through trying to have only 1 or 2. Modding means being casual about alcohol, no worries not cravings! It means that you can treat alcohol as care free as one would treat any other food our beverage. It is up to you, to be honest with yourself and make the right decision.

                            Good Luck!
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007


                              moderation question. Tired of being an idiot.

                              KateH1;341419 wrote: Yes, I agree with the book. When you do that you will know whether or not you can Mod. For one thing, it is strongly recomended being alcohol free for a minimum of 30 days. Modding is not about wanting to drink and white knuckling it through trying to have only 1 or 2. Modding means being casual about alcohol, no worries not cravings! It means that you can treat alcohol as care free as one would treat any other food our beverage. It is up to you, to be honest with yourself and make the right decision.

                              Good Luck!
                              Excellent definition. I just can't mod and never could. Never. I accept it now and it makes leaving AL alone the only rational choice for a :nutso: like me.

