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Weekend Worries

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    Weekend Worries

    Shaking made it over the 5 -9 hump again Thanks to your good words and reading many posts that assured me that I am not alone in this struggle. At one point, I didn't think I was going to make it.

    I went on a walk, but what really helped was my 14-year-old daughter. She ran to catch up with me. We shared my i-pod head phones and talked about the funeral of her first cousin
    (which I am headed to tomorrow) the family, our losses, our blessings....this conversation would of never happened if I would of uncorked a chilled bottle of white at the usual time.

    I am afraid of what I will face tomorrow night. My nephew was a jazz musician, very popular in his community. His death was very unexpected and still remains a mystery. It is the scary story of traveling to a different country, arriving home contracting a fever four days later, going to the doctor, not getting better, going to the ER and hours later on life support, three days later, he left us.

    My sister has informed us that there is a big jam session/party in a club/pub in which musicians from all around will remember my nephew. Emotions will be running high and I am sure the spirits will be flowing.

    Send some good thoughts my way. I will be off line until Tuesday.


    Weekend Worries

    Greta job...will have you and yours in my prayers...keep it up...buckle


      Weekend Worries

      Wow, my nephew is a world traveling jazz musician ... that's incredibly sad, Shaking! But, that is a great story about you and your daughter. That's just great. Being more deep in conversation with your daughter could be therapeutic for you - what a gift to behold AF!

      I keep saying this to other folks, but I've said this for years to friends and relatives who are depressed, stressed, or just trying to cope: Stop yourself for a second and take two or three deep breaths - and don't skimp on them. that's how I pass through those times, even if it only buys me a couple minutes.

      Have an inspiring memorial for your nephew. Condolences from me. Let's hear from you on Tuesday.




        Weekend Worries

        Shaking -- good job on day 2 AF tonight! I made it thru Fri. as well. However, I also had a familyt funeral last weekend, and while the actual day and evening (Sat.) of the funeral and family get-together afterward I was OK, the next day caught up with me, and I got absolutely plastered Sunday night. I sure don't have to tell you that emotions have a way of worming themselves around you. I was dumb enough to get caught by surprise by my own feelings. Good luck with everything and we will be waiting to hear from you on Tues. My condolences for your loss.


          Weekend Worries

          Shaking, good on you for taking some time out with your daughter. Sounds like you have a very emotional and potentially stressful time ahead of you with the funeral. I hope it goes ok for you and your family and loved ones. Congratulations on your AF days so far.
          Will be thinking of you.

          Sober since 30/06/10


            Weekend Worries

            that time that was once filled with vino becomes filled with the moments and thoughts of our kids....its precious though, sometimes exhausting but always real and never regretted. sorry about the tragic loss of your nephew. :l



              Weekend Worries

              I am sending you strenght.....There is great power in numbers....we have AL way out numbered here on this site.....We can Beat the BEAST together ...LOL...EVIE
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                Weekend Worries

                I am back from the funeral. The first evening I did very well. The second and the third were not so great (other than my Tina Turner impersonation that had my family roaring - I would of done that sober though) Last night, after traveling 14 hours to arrive home, I drank. I feel discouraged.

                I will give it another shot starting today. I will aim to be AF for 30 days, until July 10th.

                Shaking it off - again


                  Weekend Worries

                  shaki, You were there for your family, you made them laugh at a time of incredible sorrow. life is precious, you are good. keep coming :l


                    Weekend Worries


                    My advice, give it as many shots as it takes.

                    Shake off the slips and just keep on going.

                    Therein lies success.

                    Also, sending my condolences on your nephew. What a horrible thing to happen.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Weekend Worries

                      Shaking .... So sorry for your loss. I would have loved to see the Tina Turner impersonation tho. My favorite motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar, said something that has always stuck with me thru the years: "We fail forward to success." If we give up trying, we'll never achieve success. I know you can do it! :waving:


                        Weekend Worries

                        OneTooMany, Rudemama, and Cindi,

                        Thanks for checking back in. I can't really express how much it means to me that you all followed up with me. I am surprised at how vulnerable and insecure I am lately. I am just a little lost, fighting this thing alone.

                        I have not done well since my return, nothing horrible, but just "one too many" (what a great handle)!
                        As of this afternoon, most of my immediate family (I have five kids) pulled out of the driveway to retrieve one from school and drop another at camp. I am practically alone, my 17-year-old is here, but I won't see her until her curfew at 11. DOES ANYONE HAVE EXPERIENCE WITH A COMPLETELY SELF-ABSORBED TEENAGE GIRL, WHO IS BECOMING A PROFESSIONAL PAIN IN THE A...??? Did I mention she comes along with a boyfriend who is needy and always two feet behind her. I have this image of my daughter dragging a big boat anchor through life - hard to watch. Wow that was pretty ugly, but it felt good.

                        Anyway, tonight will be quiet, which I need. I will get over the 5-9 hump by taking my supps, a walk, hypno tape and mindless TV.

                        I will check in later, especially if things get tough.




                          Weekend Worries

                          just remember that friday night there are alot of people in chat . so come to chat and hangout .
                          and if there is no one there post it that you need or want someone to chat with ..
                          remember you are not alone and we are here for you..
                          peace ,love,and god bless
                          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                            Weekend Worries

                            thanks tlrgs!


                              Weekend Worries

                              Had a good night!


