I had 3 beers with my dinner tonight, and as I was getting up to get my 4th one, of probably 9 or 10, I took a left turn to the glass of Ice Water as oposed to a right turn to the beer fridge.
Small step, but 3 beers beats 10 beers any day.
I think that a large part of my drinking is habit. I get a beer even if I don't really feel like I need one. Because it's " what I do " you know ? Yes, sometimes I really really want / need a beer, like on Saturday nights especially, but for the most part it's just a habit. The problem is that after about 5 or 6, I go on autopilot drinking where I don't even realize I'm drinking more beers and they go down faster than the first 4 or 5. That's why 5 turns in to 10 or more really quickly. If I make the choice to stop after 2 or 3, when I actualy still have a choice, then I'm fine. But If I keep going, then that choice is removed, the train is barreling down the tracks and no one can stop it, until I get to my internal max line and say, ok, time for bed. nighty night
It's funny how a window of about 3 hours in a 24 hour day has so much power over me. Well, at least I don't have to fight for 24 hours, just 3.
Going to turn in early tonight,
Peace everyone,